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DKW 86

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In many ways the 50-50 nation continues, with the public divided on basic issues into polarized camps of roughly equal size. Americans split 51 percent-47 percent on whether the war was worth fighting — hardly a broad endorsement of the once-popular invasion, but also no worse than it's been since February, despite the bloody month just past.

Sampling, data collection and tabulation for this poll were done by TNS.

It's an identical 51 percent-47 percent split on Bush's overall job performance, also roughly steady since February, despite the war and criticisms of the administration's handling of pre-9/11 intelligence. On Iraq specifically, 54 percent disapprove of Bush's work — but again that's no worse than it's been in recent months, and he's actually improved vs. John Kerry in public trust to handle the situation there.

Significantly in terms of election politics, economic concerns — a threat to incumbents — have eased somewhat, and preference for Kerry across a range of issues — Iraq, the economy, taxes, health insurance, the deficit, education and others — has cooled since its peak during the primaries. Last month Kerry led Bush in eight of 11 issues; today he leads in just one of them, health care, and by a narrower margin.

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Rasmussen is usually very good, although I followed them quite closely the last time (2000) and he showed Bush with a 6 point lead or so going into Tuesday. As we all know, that didn't pan out. So, I look at several polls including Gallup, Zogby, WSJ, Opinion Dynamics, Mason-Dixon, and Rasmussen.

Either way Al, you have to wonder what strategy the Dems need to take if Bush can go up in two major polls after this past week of the mess going on in parts of Iraq as well as the 9/11 dog and pony sh...er, commission.

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Rasmussen is usually very good, although I followed them quite closely the last time (2000) and he showed Bush with a 6 point lead or so going into Tuesday. As we all know, that didn't pan out. So, I look at several polls including Gallup, Zogby, WSJ, Opinion Dynamics, Mason-Dixon, and Rasmussen.

Either way Al, you have to wonder what strategy the Dems need to take if Bush can go up in two major polls after this past week of the mess going on in parts of Iraq as well as the 9/11 dog and pony sh...er, commission.

Maybe it has something to do with the media blitz Bush launched. I watched about a three hour block of shows on MSNBC and I probably saw 5 or 6 Bush ads. At first I wondered why he would waste all that $$$ in Al. but I've got DirecTV so it probably went everywhere.

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So what you're saying is that people believe in what Bush says about himself or Kerry in an obvious paid political advertisement than all the mud-slinging and trumpeting of bad news (and ignoring of virtually any good) coming out of Iraq? Pick your poison, Al. Neither situation is good for the Dems, is it?

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So what you're saying is that people believe in what Bush says about himself or Kerry in an obvious paid political advertisement than all the mud-slinging and trumpeting of bad news (and ignoring of virtually any good) coming out of Iraq? Pick your poison, Al. Neither situation is good for the Dems, is it?

I'm not saying either. It's April, Kerry hasn't even chosen a running mate and it will be a close race. The polls are going to be like a leaf in the wind and anyone who says that either man will win or lose by a landslide is an idiot. Having seen a lot of Kerry in the last few weeks, I don't see him having any problem defending himself against the Republican machine.

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anyone who says that either man will win or lose by a landslide is an idiot

oh no...here comes T88 i guess... :D

as far as the ads go, i'm either not watching enough TV or i'm in an area where they are not showing (winston-salem, NC). but i haven't seen any that i can say for sure, except for the newsshows showing some as part of a story.

Having seen a lot of Kerry in the last few weeks, I don't see him having any problem defending himself against the Republican machine.

he needs to worry about the retired math teachers' machine, too.

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For the record, Rasmussen, as of today, has Bush up 46-44. That's a three point swing in a day. Since Rasmussen is a rolling three day average, that means that either Kerry had big day last Friday that fell off the rolling average, or Bush had a big Monday that was just added...or I guess a combination of the two. Either way, it appears to be a trend that for whatever reason, despite what should have been a terrible week for Bush, he surged ahead.

But, the caveat as always...it's only April.

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For the record, Rasmussen, as of today, has Bush up 46-44. That's a three point swing in a day. Since Rasmussen is a rolling three day average, that means that either Kerry had big day last Friday that fell off the rolling average, or Bush had a big Monday that was just added...or I guess a combination of the two. Either way, it appears to be a trend that for whatever reason, despite what should have been a terrible week for Bush, he surged ahead.

But, the caveat as always...it's only April.

It is only April, so dont bet the house yet. I am surprised by the numbers though considering.

Rasmussen and Zogby are 3-Day rolling averages. Watch the numbers climb the next few days.

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Go ahead....Call me an IDIOT......

BUSH W I L L win in a LANDSLIDE ! ! ! !

(You heard it here first ! ! ! !)

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I just don't see anyone winning by a landslide. The country is too divided. You can argue til the cows come home as to whether or not the division is over things that are true about Bush or the Dems, but it's just how it is. There are sizable portions of each side that wouldn't vote for anyone of the other party even if Satan himself was their party's candidate.

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The fact that some one says they watch MSNBC draws thier ability to think logically into question. :blink::o

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I watch all the major news channels and actually prefer MSNBC news to CNN's. On some things, I even prefer them to Fox. Some elements of Fox's production is annoying to me. And I like hearing Brian Williams and Tim Russert from time to time.

My absolute favorite thing on all the channels however is Brit Hume's program on Fox, especially the segment with the panel consisting of Juan Williams, Mara Liasson, Bill Kristol, and Fred Barnes. Their discussions are so interesting without all the yelling and overtalk that drives me batty when watching Hardball or Hannity and Colmes.

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I watch all the major news channels and actually prefer MSNBC news to CNN's. On some things, I even prefer them to Fox. Some elements of Fox's production is annoying to me. And I like hearing Brian Williams and Tim Russert from time to time.

My absolute favorite thing on all the channels however is Brit Hume's program on Fox, especially the segment with the panel consisting of Juan Williams, Mara Liasson, Bill Kristol, and Fred Barnes. Their discussions are so interesting without all the yelling and overtalk that drives me batty when watching Hardball or Hannity and Colmes.

Isn't Fred Barnes son attending AU????

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There are sizable portions of each side that wouldn't vote for anyone of the other party even if Satan himself was their party's candidate.

I thought hitlary had decided not to run!?! B)

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