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I am going to try to say this as nice as I can..but F em(sorry I know that is not very lady like)

But seriously Alcida has giving us dates that things were going to happen and it never has. I am sure the FBI thing is because of McGregor but do you really think if someone at the FBI knew anything they would tell anyone..the answer to that would be NO they would be in big trouble!!

I told heard Jox 94.5 today(opening drive, round table and Fineburn) They said we should thank Nick Sabin for our NC and Gene is a puppet for Pat Dye and the whole world is unhappy because Auburn and Cam got off the hook. Funny but just a few short weeks ago Paul said he believed from what he knew this whole thing was over.

ESPN- lets see they have been WRONG a lot lately on other things than just Auburn now they are just trying to save their A@@es. As far as I am concerned they can go jump!!

One thing will not change..We are the best team in the Nation, we beat bama and WE ARE AUBURN so if they think they will tear this family apart they better find a new past time.

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Yeah, thats the day the bozos who were indicted for the gambling bribery deal go to trial. I know I shouldnt even listen to these bammer yahoos but I cant help it. They say there are tapes of Mcgregor talking to Trooper about paying players blah blah blah... I just have to let it go, I know... I think I will go buy another Auburn National Champions hat and shirt and I will feel better!

With all respect friend, it should only bother you if you let it bother you. The age of the internet has taught this mighty nation one thing: any trepanned idiot with access to a computer and the ability to randomly mash keys on an input device will write almost anything -- essentially the 21st century's version of the Million Monkeys hypothesis. And somewhere out there is a person who'll believe it, and pass it along as some incontrovertible "fact".

I'm here to tell you that the FBI doesn't care about college football recruiting. They just don't. There have been many "mark my words!" days of reckoning spouted by monotooth nation in the past few months, and you know what they've come to? Nothing. Nada. And every time a date passes with nothing, a new date emerges from a fan base's orifice (your choice of orifice), akin to the "end is nigh!" sign-toting crackpot on the corner. And you know what? That date will pass too, with another date behind it. And so forth...

There is no "there" there. If reading idiotic posts on idiotic sites (one typically leads to the other) gets a person wound up, then just stop. It's what I did. Come here, hang out with the family. Or ignore it all together. There's nothing you or I can do about it (pre-supposing that you're a normal person with no NCAA super powers), so it is what it proverbially is. And what it is... is a national championship with an outstanding team, following an outstanding season capped by an outstanding game two days ago. And a great time to be an Auburn Tiger.

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I am sick of it, all I heard today was negative crap about Cecil at the game and how Auburn is going to have to give back the trophy. Finebum told Brando on his show this morning that "Auburn people can celebrate this one...for now". Then on his own show he keeps dropping little insinuations about Auburn being guilty of something. I know I shouldnt let it bother me, I should just celebrate but at some point it just gets disgusting. If I hear one more bammer tell me that something is gonna happen on April 4th, and Auburn is gonna be on probation for their recruitment of Reed, or Dyer, and how Trooper is a "bag man" for Mcgregor I am gonna choke them to death. If all this crap was going on and some bammers know about it, why doesnt the NCAA or ESPN know about it? They just cant stand that Auburn won the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! WAR EAGLE!

EXACTLY! Plain and simple.

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Yeah, thats the day the bozos who were indicted for the gambling bribery deal go to trial. I know I shouldnt even listen to these bammer yahoos but I cant help it. They say there are tapes of Mcgregor talking to Trooper about paying players blah blah blah... I just have to let it go, I know... I think I will go buy another Auburn National Champions hat and shirt and I will feel better!

With all respect friend, it should only bother you if you let it bother you. The age of the internet has taught this mighty nation one thing: any trepanned idiot with access to a computer and the ability to randomly mash keys on an input device will write almost anything -- essentially the 21st century's version of the Million Monkeys hypothesis. And somewhere out there is a person who'll believe it, and pass it along as some incontrovertible "fact".

I'm here to tell you that the FBI doesn't care about college football recruiting. They just don't. There have been many "mark my words!" days of reckoning spouted by monotooth nation in the past few months, and you know what they've come to? Nothing. Nada. And every time a date passes with nothing, a new date emerges from a fan base's orifice (your choice of orifice), akin to the "end is nigh!" sign-toting crackpot on the corner. And you know what? That date will pass too, with another date behind it. And so forth...

There is no "there" there. If reading idiotic posts on idiotic sites (one typically leads to the other) gets a person wound up, then just stop. It's what I did. Come here, hang out with the family. Or ignore it all together. There's nothing you or I can do about it (pre-supposing that you're a normal person with no NCAA super powers), so it is what it proverbially is. And what it is... is a national championship with an outstanding team, following an outstanding season capped by an outstanding game two days ago. And a great time to be an Auburn Tiger.

You are correct my friend, thank you. I really just need to stop listening to finebum and I think all will be better!

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This is what I think is funny. People just assume that because MSU floated around $180,000, yet Cam ended up at Auburn, Auburn MUST have outbid MSU for Cam and is therefore guilty of pay for play. Think about this though. Auburn at one time was heavily recruiting Seastrunk, Lattimore, and Dyer as runningbacks. Auburn would have loved to have landed at least two of them, if not all three. Dyer ends up at AU, Lattimore ends up at USCeast, and Seastrunk ends up at Oregon (AU got the best one, IMO). Does that mean that AU got outbid for Lattimore and Seastrunk? If you follow the same logic, it does. I guess when a player is being recruited by multiple schools, it must be the highest bidder that wins every time.

Of course that is not the case, but anyone who thinks that Cam was paid by AU must be thinking this way. If you do believe this about Cam, you better be taking a serious look at your own program. Any athlete that is being recruited by multiple schools, and the good ones are, I guess are always going to the highest bidder, simply because they chose one program above all others. Auburn is of course Running Back U and would have loved to have landed both Dyer and Lattimore, but let's be real. Lattimore chose USCeast because it was home. Cam chose Auburn, in part, because it was much closer to home than Mississippi or Oklahoma, and besides, they are both armpits, frankly. Auburn is a much nicer University and community than either Norman or Starkville. Just ask the publications that list the Auburn-Opelika-Lee County area as one of the top, if not THE top, communities for places to live and for small business in the entire nation. Malzahnn at AU didn't hurt, either.

So all you haters, apply your twisted logic to your own programs. Are all the big-time players that signed with your program instead of the other 5-10 schools recruiting them going to the highest bidder? That knife cuts both ways, my friends... may your program's pockets remain deep, so that top athletes will continue to come to your school.

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