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Ramsey to meet with NCAA


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This guy just doesn't realize he is making things worse for himself, does he? And I mean for the rest of his life.

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Who cares? Without a paper trail this is still meaningless drivel from a jaded football player that lost his ploy at getting money via lawsuit.

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If he is telling the truth, why should he care who is in the room?


A few weeks ago he wouldn't meet with the NCAA because AU lawyers wanted to be present.

Darn those AU lawyers and their Jedi mind tricks!


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Very slight, but I think significant, difference in two articles on this:

In mk7's orignial ESPN link:

Ramsey had been reluctant to meet with the NCAA because Auburn wanted to be represented at the interview, but he told the newspaper that the school's attorneys won't be present and the information he provides won't be disclosed.

In the al.com version:


Ramsey had been reluctant to speak with the NCAA because Auburn's attorneys requested to be present for the interview.

Ramsey said today Auburn won't be represented at the NCAA interview and that the information he provides won't be disclosed to the school.

I can understand the information not being disclosed to the press during an ongoing investigation. But if the information won't be disclosed to the school, then it can't be used against the school, can it? I know the whole "secret witnesses" deal with Albert Means, but there the identities of the witnesses were not disclosed--Bama was still informed of the charges and evidence. You can't very well charge a school with something without telling them what the charges are and what evidence/testimony you possess.


When asked if he knows names of boosters or coaches who provided payments to Auburn players, Ramsey replied, "I may." He declined to elaborate.

Two weeks ago, Ramsey told The Birmingham News he received handshakes with $200 to $300 after at least three games in 2007. Ramsey said then that he did not know who the people were paying him...



Ramsey also said he is done speaking with the media.

"I'm going to talk to the NCAA sometime next week," he said, "and I'm going to leave it at that."

NOW he's press shy?? If you just wanted to "do the right thing" why not go straight to the NCAA in the first place instead of appearing on HBO?

...JMO, but sounds more like possible cold feet to me.

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So...a guy that recently tried to sue the Auburn/ex-Auburn folks he felt were responsible for his injuries...and whose case was thrown out...is trying to cause trouble. And this is based on hundred-dollar handshakes from random dipshits? Not too worried at this point.

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Who cares? Without a paper trail this is still meaningless drivel from a jaded football player that lost his ploy at getting money via lawsuit.

Do you think maybe he thinks that Auburn will try and settle with him, and give him money to shut him up. What good or bad could come out of him talking with the NCAA if no one can find out what he said? That just doesn't make sense. A school can not defend themselves without knowing what they are defending. It's just like with the Means case, Alabama should have been brought in to hear the charges and be able to face the person saying what he did. If you're telling the truth for no other reason but to "do the right thing", then you shouldn't care and you should want people to know what you said.

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You may well be right. Perhaps it is passive aggressive blackmail. If he's being honest he shouldn't care who is in the room. It feels like he's trying to capitalize on the bad press AU has gotten and will seek to accomplish one of two things: he gets some form of settlement to go away or he causes more problems for us. Whatever his motive, without proof it is meaningless.

If he has proof and this stuff did take place, then we should be punished.

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Just to refresh some memories I went back and dug up this AL.com article on Ramsey


After reading this I could see why this kid(or his dad) would love to stick it to Auburn. Not saying I would do the same just seeing were the bad feelings are coming from.

One more al.com on Raven Gray


appearantly this kid was just mad because he never got to play.

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I hope Ramsey doesn't think he can walk on graduation day at Auburn and not expect boos.

Didn't the other Ramsey come back and walk? I think I would have just had them mail me my diploma.

They did, they were boo'd and the wife gave the crowd the finger.

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I hope Ramsey doesn't think he can walk on graduation day at Auburn and not expect boos.

Didn't the other Ramsey come back and walk? I think I would have just had them mail me my diploma.

They did, they were boo'd and the wife gave the crowd the finger.

Cause they're classy like that.

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From what I remember, Eric Ramsey did walk and was booed. Correct me if I am wrong someone... I was a junior at the time and this is what was swirling around campus.

And, C Ramsey stated he was back in Mississippi taking classes from home if I remember his quote right.

Either way, we need to stop recruiting people named "Ramsey"

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