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Dept. of Justice Talking to BCS

Proud Tiger

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I realize most fans and administrators are nieve and apathetic towards the economics of the BCS but let's hope the DOJ ends this crap and if BCS honks continue to say we will go back to the old system call their bluff.

Gotta love the NCAA President basically saying we don't control the post season and why the @uck not? The Second they do and we 86 bowl games revenues for college football will skyrocke and pieces of crap like John Junker wont be around.

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They won't prosecute criminals but they will go after good guys and meddle in the BCS. Can the BCS be made "fair" if there is only 1 winner? Leave it to the socialists to socialize football.

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I don't understand why bowls vs playoffs would be a government issue?

Because a couple of senators from Utah and Idaho demanded an investigation. Their hometown teams aren't BCS teams so these politicians play to their crowd of voters and "demand" justice. It's simply politics as usual in Washington, DC. and when a senator speaks, government agencies have to listen or see their funding cut.

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Your responses clearly further my point fans have no clue

On this subject,

Hell yes the DOJ should investigates!! Only around ten athletic departments made money last year and the poor economic system that is the bowl system contributes to this short fall. As a result slot of schools receive subsidies if they are a public university for this shortfall. So taxpayers are flipping the bill or a portion of it if a school attends a bowl game and losses money,

Bear in mind UCONN LOST 3 mil attending the Fiesta Bowl and former Michigan AD Bill Martin said the best thing about back to back losing seasons is we didn't lose money on bowl games.

Next response hello???

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Oh and JJ how the hell can you say the Govt is going after good guys? Really?

John Junker former Fiesta Bowl head spent 1200 bones of Fiesta Bowl loot at a strip club and called it a business meeting.

The only people WORSE then bowl directors are college ADs and conference commissioners who are basically bribed by bowl games to always ensure we protect bowls game even though they are a financial albatross.

John Swofford, Jim Delaney, Don Beebe, Harvey Pearlman are all uneducated I'll informed members of the cartel.

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Oh and JJ how the hell can you say the Govt is going after good guys? Really?

John Junker former Fiesta Bowl head spent 1200 bones of Fiesta Bowl loot at a strip club and called it a business meeting.

The only people WORSE then bowl directors are college ADs and conference commissioners who are basically bribed by bowl games to always ensure we protect bowls game even though they are a financial albatross.

John Swofford, Jim Delaney, Don Beebe, Harvey Pearlman are all uneducated I'll informed members of the cartel.

They are going after active duty military guys who interrogated prisoners. Wasn't talking reference Bowl criminals. Sorry about that.

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Your responses clearly further my point fans have no clue

On this subject,

Hell yes the DOJ should investigates!! Only around ten athletic departments made money last year and the poor economic system that is the bowl system contributes to this short fall. As a result slot of schools receive subsidies if they are a public university for this shortfall. So taxpayers are flipping the bill or a portion of it if a school attends a bowl game and losses money,

Bear in mind UCONN LOST 3 mil attending the Fiesta Bowl and former Michigan AD Bill Martin said the best thing about back to back losing seasons is we didn't lose money on bowl games.

Next response hello???

Uconn should have rejected the invitation, then. Not an issue for the federal government. The state government in Connecticut should make that decision.

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I believe playoffs would be better but the federal government should stay out. If the federal gov gets involved they will ruin college football like they ruin everything else.

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"I don't understand why bowls vs playoffs would be a government issue?"

Longer answer, but in a nutshell the DOJ is reviewing the BCS again b/c the legally flimsy reason it's not a violation of federal antitrust laws (a felony) is its rule of reason analysis argument that the market (e.g. publicly funded colleges losing millions of dollars in revenue is the theory) benefits as a whole from the BCS more than it's injured as a whole. The FTC often performs these antitrust evaluations/investigations but when suspected criminal activity is involved, the DOJ conducts the review (antitrsut violations are felonies and on the civil side treble damages). fwiw, this issue has been a political hot potato for a decade so the DOJ may be the chosen reviewing agency only for political reasons.

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With all due respect this guy needs his head examined.

*Iowa paid 23k to the Citrus Bowl for its Marching Band to perform at halftime,

*Florida International went to the Motor City Bowl for FREE,

*UCONN lost 3 million at the Fiesta Bowl

*Ohio State lost 2 mil in the Rose Bowl

*Tulane, Boise State, UTAH, Auburn all went undefeated and did not play for a championship while

*A two loss team won a championship

*The Chairman of the Fiesta Bowl spent $1200 bones on a a strip club visit while calling it a business meeting

*The board of 15 who had to decide if the Fiesta Bowl should keep BCS Status 12 had taken handsout from the BCS.

Now how the hell could the government "ruin college football" thats like saying do not go run the car that was just totalled in the demolition derby.

I believe playoffs would be better but the federal government should stay out. If the federal gov gets involved they will ruin college football like they ruin everything else.

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With all due respect this guy needs his head examined.

*Iowa paid 23k to the Citrus Bowl for its Marching Band to perform at halftime,

*Florida International went to the Motor City Bowl for FREE,

*UCONN lost 3 million at the Fiesta Bowl

*Ohio State lost 2 mil in the Rose Bowl

*Tulane, Boise State, UTAH, Auburn all went undefeated and did not play for a championship while

*A two loss team won a championship

*The Chairman of the Fiesta Bowl spent $1200 bones on a a strip club visit while calling it a business meeting

*The board of 15 who had to decide if the Fiesta Bowl should keep BCS Status 12 had taken handsout from the BCS.

Now how the hell could the government "ruin college football" thats like saying do not go run the car that was just totalled in the demolition derby.

I believe playoffs would be better but the federal government should stay out. If the federal gov gets involved they will ruin college football like they ruin everything else.

How the hell could the government ruin college football?

Because they ruin everything when they start meddling around.

I hope you don't believe government officials don't take handouts or bribes. I'll spare you the examples, because the volume would crash this site. The government is far more corrupt that any corrupt non-government entity.

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We get all that but I find it interesting you don't address any of my points. I agree with your take on the government but again college football is so screwed up I would like know how government intervention would make it worse? The government would never run college football but they could dictate how it runs its post season.

Exactly what was inappropriate about the DOJ asking college football why they don't run the postseason and why there is not a playoff?

What exactly is unreasonable about that?

You can hate on the government but how do you defend all the above points I mentioned??

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Exactly what was inappropriate about the DOJ asking college football why they don't run the postseason and why there is not a playoff?

What exactly is unreasonable about that?

It is unreasonable because there isn't, and shouldn't be, a law that says how sports must crown a champion.

If somebody broke tax law by bribing or classifying expenses incorrectly then that is a personal crime that has nothing to do with how a champ is crowned.

College football is gradually moving towards a playoff with 4-8 teams. The government, in its socialist ways could decide that is.not.enough and mandate a 32 or 64 team field. That would clearly destroy the regular season, which is the centerpiece of college football as opposed to every other sport.

Additionally, as long as government stays out, college football has the ability to move towards a playoff that we would like. If government gets involved and mandates a solution, there will be no changing it whether you like it or not. So keep the government out of things that are none of their business.

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With all due respect this guy needs his head examined.

*Iowa paid 23k to the Citrus Bowl for its Marching Band to perform at halftime,

*Florida International went to the Motor City Bowl for FREE,

*UCONN lost 3 million at the Fiesta Bowl

*Ohio State lost 2 mil in the Rose Bowl

*Tulane, Boise State, UTAH, Auburn all went undefeated and did not play for a championship while

*A two loss team won a championship

*The Chairman of the Fiesta Bowl spent $1200 bones on a a strip club visit while calling it a business meeting

*The board of 15 who had to decide if the Fiesta Bowl should keep BCS Status 12 had taken handsout from the BCS.

Now how the hell could the government "ruin college football" thats like saying do not go run the car that was just totalled in the demolition derby.

I believe playoffs would be better but the federal government should stay out. If the federal gov gets involved they will ruin college football like they ruin everything else.

How the hell could the government ruin college football?

Because they ruin everything when they start meddling around.

I hope you don't believe government officials don't take handouts or bribes. I'll spare you the examples, because the volume would crash this site. The government is far more corrupt that any corrupt non-government entity.

Like the BCS isn't corrupt and is above taking bribes or dishing out handouts to keep everything status quo? Pfft.

Btw, instead of complaining about the government, how about instead complaining anout the major companies who are the ones offering all the $$$$ to get their way. You wanna fix the government? Simple. Ban lobbiest, take major corporations special interest out of it, and do what ever possible to make sure these companies quit overcharging the hell out of the government by using thier connections in office to do so. Their greedy ###### are the ones killing our country by making rain with the lawmakers to get their way. That along with convincing people that unions which were fought for for 100+ years are terrible and need to be done away with. The poor person drawing a $200 a week on unemployment or welfare and the old person getting their perscriptions filled on Medicare and drawing SS are all bad. Its the Billionares who abuses the system in everyway possible to get his way are the problems. Before long there will be no such thing as a middle class. Just the rich man and the poor MFers that he works for next to nothing. In the billionairs eyes all laborers are expendable and the gap betwen the upper and middle class just keeps widening. So before you lay everything at the feet of the government, remember its those greedy people on the otherside of the equation that are pulling their strings and recieving all these big $$$ government contracts.

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Sorry for the rant. I just get tired of memebers of a certain party bringing thier politcal beliefs onto Auburn boards and trying to label the people in our government who try and help the poor with the same tag Adolf Hitler and Bentio Mussolini carried. Funny how they do that but I don't believe either of those 2 were ever accussed of being "Left Wing."

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... the people in our government who try and help the poor ...

The vast majority of the people in our government (regardless of party affiliation) are looking out for their own interests, just like you and I do every day.

You've had your rant, but if you want to continue the debate, please take it to a political forum.

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There are a number of things the U.S. government does very well and much more efficiently than the private sector. That having been said, college football management should not be on the government's list of concerns.

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With all due respect this guy needs his head examined.

*Iowa paid 23k to the Citrus Bowl for its Marching Band to perform at halftime,

*Florida International went to the Motor City Bowl for FREE,

*UCONN lost 3 million at the Fiesta Bowl

*Ohio State lost 2 mil in the Rose Bowl

*Tulane, Boise State, UTAH, Auburn all went undefeated and did not play for a championship while

*A two loss team won a championship

*The Chairman of the Fiesta Bowl spent $1200 bones on a a strip club visit while calling it a business meeting

*The board of 15 who had to decide if the Fiesta Bowl should keep BCS Status 12 had taken handsout from the BCS.

Now how the hell could the government "ruin college football" thats like saying do not go run the car that was just totalled in the demolition derby.

I believe playoffs would be better but the federal government should stay out. If the federal gov gets involved they will ruin college football like they ruin everything else.

How the hell could the government ruin college football?

Because they ruin everything when they start meddling around.

I hope you don't believe government officials don't take handouts or bribes. I'll spare you the examples, because the volume would crash this site. The government is far more corrupt that any corrupt non-government entity.

Like the BCS isn't corrupt and is above taking bribes or dishing out handouts to keep everything status quo? Pfft.

Btw, instead of complaining about the government, how about instead complaining anout the major companies who are the ones offering all the $$$$ to get their way. You wanna fix the government? Simple. Ban lobbiest, take major corporations special interest out of it, and do what ever possible to make sure these companies quit overcharging the hell out of the government by using thier connections in office to do so. Their greedy ###### are the ones killing our country by making rain with the lawmakers to get their way. That along with convincing people that unions which were fought for for 100+ years are terrible and need to be done away with. The poor person drawing a $200 a week on unemployment or welfare and the old person getting their perscriptions filled on Medicare and drawing SS are all bad. Its the Billionares who abuses the system in everyway possible to get his way are the problems. Before long there will be no such thing as a middle class. Just the rich man and the poor MFers that he works for next to nothing. In the billionairs eyes all laborers are expendable and the gap betwen the upper and middle class just keeps widening. So before you lay everything at the feet of the government, remember its those greedy people on the otherside of the equation that are pulling their strings and recieving all these big $$$ government contracts.

All of the things you listed are topics the government should resolve before even thinking about college football.

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Sorry for the rant. I just get tired of memebers of a certain party bringing thier politcal beliefs onto Auburn boards and trying to label the people in our government who try and help the poor with the same tag Adolf Hitler and Bentio Mussolini carried. Funny how they do that but I don't believe either of those 2 were ever accussed of being "Left Wing."

The people in our government create more poor people when they try to reduce the number of poor people. This isn't a left or right opinion, its the truth about both sides. With that track tecord, I assume they will have the same opposite results when they try to "help" college football.

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Enough of this crap about a playoff would destroy the regular season. That's just a stupid take. College football is the only sport a team can go undefeated and not crowned champion.

How important was the regular season when LSU had toe losses and won the BCS or Utah, Tulane, TCU, Boise Stare and Auburb all went undefeated,

If you have a 16 team playoff with 11 conference champions all of a sudden the sunbelt conference the WAC the mountain west all are relative.

Futhermore a playoff makes the POSTSEASON RELATIVE. Right now bowl games don't mean crap.

Again I pose a question why is it so damn Important to preserve the bowl system? How do you defend bowl directors taking all of college football's money the using a bunch of pr slacks telling us bowl games are a great tradition.

A playoff would make the regular season and postseason more exciting and relevant then play them on campus and you have a winner.

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