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New Mizzou Unis


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Saturday, our new neighbors to the North unvieled their new uniforms for men's and women's basketball, soccer, volleyball, and, of course, football. Nike and Missouri worked together for a very long time to design a new "brand identity" with a standardation across the board. All the wordmarks and colors of gold are now the same. The basketball, soccer, and volleyball unis are honestly nothing special, and a little of a let down for the wait. Like UniWatchBlog (one of my favorite sites, highly recommend if uni-crazed like myself) said, and I paraphrase, "Where's the typical Nike 'pop'?"

What we all here care about most, the football uniforms. In my opinion, not bad. The (other) Tigers now have three jerseys, along with two completely different helmets, a shiny one with the circular Tiger logo, and a gorgeous matte black with a large Tiger head across the side. The jerseys arent anything special to me. The white away with the grey-ish sholders are a little odd. I do like the all black look, though.

Check out pictures here (scroll down): http://www.uni-watch.com/2012/04/15/u-s-vs-the-world-are-jersey-ads-simply-a-function-of-design/

And yes, the insert from "Reader Clint Richardson" is me! I noticed that small detail when I first saw the new jerseys. I for one am very curious to see if that will be a new conference-wide change.

So, what do you guys think of the new Mizzou Tigers uniforms?

(more info: http://www.mutigers.com/genrel/041412aaa.html )

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Not a good sign. Making drastic uniform changes upon joining the most tradition respecting conference in college sports.

At least they will not be playing in those black uniforms in Gainesville. But if they play LSU in baton rouge in the daytime, they will be hot.

I really think Missouri is in for some surprises in both SEC football and basketball. While SEC basketball success is centered on UK, it is a very physical conference, even in basketball.

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