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I remember when I was about six or seven years old


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This babies should not have to live like this. Especially while our funding for such an atrocity is overloaded to begin with. The Fat Cats are getting richer and the victims (I mean the Iraqi citizens) are getting the shaft along with the U.S. taxpayers.


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Thats why they have more running water, more schools with electricity, and better places to educate those children since america showed up....

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Yeah, he should have to live in constant fear that Saddam will kill his daddy for saying the wrong thing, or that his mommy will be raped by Uday or Qusay. Or that one of Saddam's fedayeen would torture them all simply because they looked at them crossways. That's much better than the atrocities us evil Americans are committing over there.

BF, you are the biggest gasbag. Don't you get sick of yourself?

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Bottomfeeder, I sincerely wish you and all of your America hating brethren could be taken to pre-liberated Iraq and dumped on the "mercy" of Saddam. Not only would you gain an appreciation of the American way, but very likely there would be fewer haters of America once Saddam got through with you.

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I wish, no...strike that..I PRAY for an awakening for America. (I would say revival, but, my liberal bretheren would have a field day with that one!)

Hearts and minds people...THAT is how the battle is won.

(Well, that and a well placed US Army ! !) :D

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I'll say it for you, I pray for a revival in America.

America is slowly losing her way...and the only concrete difference is see is the rapid removal of god from American society.

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i wouldn't necessarily place BF in the "liberal" camp...he's beyond that and i don't think it's fair to the 'true libs'.

BF doesn't do his 'cause' any favors by posting his tripe daily.


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There is a push in this country to try to be more like Europe. For the life of me I cannot think of why we would want to be like Europe. I can't think of one thing about Europe that I envy. Maybe and just Maybe the old world charm but that is about it. It seems some want us to be in the EU and become a secular society bring every court case before the World Court and have all our issues aired out infront of the Un where good wholesome counties like sudan and Iran will have a say in our business. The only threat to America is America. We are beginning to erode from the big cities inward and we are forgetting what makes us the greatest country in the world.

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There is a push in this country to try to be more like Europe.  For the life of me I cannot think of why we would want to be like Europe. I can't think of one thing about Europe that I envy. 

I would not trade America for Europe. I do love this country and know that I am living in a golden age in the most golden country that has ever existed on this planet. But there are a few things we could learn from Europe (or at least Western Europe--I'm not sure how far the former Eastern-bloc countries have come in some of these areas). Western Europe does seem to have:

1. Greater appreciation for, and dedication to, good educational systems.

2. Greater dedication to environmental protection (engrained into them from living in very crowed conditions for centuries longer than modern Americans).

3. A stronger devotion to international cooperation and peaceful resolution of conflicts (...although only in the last few decades, and force on them by centuries of bloody warfare).


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Is that a pic of the young Palestinian boy who they caught with a bomb strapped to his body a few months back? Remember, he wanted to meet the 72 virgins after he blew up as many civilians as he could.

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quietfan as you say about the environmental protection in europe? I haven't been but my sister said venice was a cesspool, have you been there too confirm or deny this.

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quietfan as you say about the environmental protection in europe? I haven't been but my sister said venice was a cesspool, have you been there too confirm or deny this.

I know the environmental regulations for their petrochem/refining industry is very stringent. Industry is typically much more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than in the US (at least in Switzerland and Germany where I have had some exposure). However, the more stringent we get with environmental regulations the more the companies move operations elsewhere.

I've heard the same thing about Venice tho. Prolly raw sewage being dumped from residences into the water...

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WHY would we want to "be like Europe"? :blink:

If not for the U.S. ... They would ALL be speaking German ! ! ! ! B)

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i wouldn't necessarily place BF in the "liberal" camp...he's beyond that and i don't think it's fair to the 'true libs'.

BF doesn't do his 'cause' any favors by posting his tripe daily.


Just look at the words under his avatar. He thinks he's one of you whether you want him or not. ;)

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Wait a minute. Isn't the liberal bunch the party of "inclusion"?

If so, They need to open up the tent and let this one BACK in...quick!!! :DB)

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1. Greater appreciation for, and dedication to, good educational systems.

2. Greater dedication to environmental protection (engrained into them from living in very crowed conditions for centuries longer than modern Americans).

3. A stronger devotion to international cooperation and peaceful resolution of conflicts (...although only in the last few decades, and force on them by centuries of bloody warfare).

I reply:

1) Get rid of the NEA and we would have much better Educational systems.

2) The EU only added emmissions to cars recently. The Trabant, the 'smelly little car' is from Eastern Europe. Most of the surface water in Eastern Europe is unfit to fish from. The channels of Venice are clean?????? I have too many things I acan sight to argue against this.

3) Europe, and in particular France and Great Britain have slaughtered more indigenous peoples than the rest of the world combined. It is only recently, during what some call Pax Americana, that civility reigns in Europe. My God, their entire history is slaughtering one another.

I do like that in Europe, all jobs are seen as worthy to be done well. Any job is a acceptable job and worth doing well.

I also had a bad event in my life. There was a bank in my home town of Florence. The building was a big deal when built in the 60s. They issued prints and celebrated its anniversaries too. The building and the architect were in the paper all the time while being built.

A year or so ago, the landmark was torn down and another blah, non-descript building was in its place. That would likely never happen in Europe. Old things are respected and preserved. In America, heck if its over 30 years old, Tear it down and get rid of it.

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1. Greater appreciation for, and dedication to, good educational systems.

2. Greater dedication to environmental protection (engrained into them from living in very crowed conditions for centuries longer than modern Americans).

3. A stronger devotion to international cooperation and peaceful resolution of conflicts (...although only in the last few decades, and force on them by centuries of bloody warfare).

I live in Europe and I can tell you that your first 2 reasons are not exactly accurate. Europeans do have a fine educational system, but a lot of the top students prefer to go to (and do their best to get into) college in the USA.

Environmental protection is a joke here. Pollution from factories and cars in the bigger cities is unbelievable. Emission control is something they need to get a better grasp on. Litter is a huge problem as well.

Your 3rd statement can be taken 1 of 2 ways. I prefer to see it as them sitting around debating about doing nothing. Most of the EU states have little to no trust of the others, and a lot of referendums presented to the EU council literally get debated to death.

Don't get me started on the UN. Iraq, Rwanda, Bosnia, Somalia, and the Ivory Coast should serve as shining examples as to why the UN is irrelevant today.

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To be a conservative doesn't automatically define me as a liberal. Many conservative voters were deceived in the year 2000 by a candidate they thought was a conservative. I WASN'T DECEIVED SO, I VOTED FOR THE ONLY SANE CANDIDATE, PRESIDENT AL GORE. And, while others thought they were getting a tax cut, in actuality, they receive money they would need to spend on higher energy and gas prices due to the likes of Kenny-Boy writing the policy along with that Cheney-Guy. True Conservatives don't allow multinational corporations (the CEO's OF SAID CORPORATIONS WHETHER MULTINATINAL OR OTHERWISE), far right-wing religious fanatics and foreign dictators (Saudis) to influence the writing of United States Of America's foreign policy standards.

Here some definitions for those who are not in the know:

Definitions of libertarian on the Web:

one who upholds and lives the principle of individual liberty and responsibility of thought and action


Society works best when each person is responsible for their own future no matter what happens.




someone who believes the doctrine of free will


Definitions of liberal on the Web:

a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties


a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets


showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"


having political or social views favoring reform and progress


tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition


given or giving freely; "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather"


not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem"


Genus: A political belief system, or a person who accepts the system Differentia: To believe that the initiation of force should not be permitted in any aspect of life Comment: This definition above is the true, original definition of the term. In America the term has been changed to mean the opposite, including the left-wing and other socialists.


in political speech now in the U.S. a liberal is a person who believes it is the duty of government to ameliorate social conditions and create a more equitable society. Liberals favor generous spending on the welfare state; they exhibit a concern for minorities, the poor, and the disadvantaged and often see these conditions as a product of social injustices rather than individual failings.


Favoring reform or progress, as in religion, education, or socioeconomic conditions; specifically, favoring political reforms tending toward democracy and personal freedom for the individual; progressive. Liberals tend to favor greater federal power to remedy social inequities, and to support freedom of personal choice and behavior. Liberals are described as being left of center on the political spectrum. Of the two major political parties, the Democratic Party is generally regarded as being more liberal.


A person who is a proponent of liberalism (see below).


A person who believes that the government should actively support social reform within the existing system. Liberals stress the importance of individual rights and believe the government should promote equality in affairs of private citizens and businesses. (See CONSERVATIVE)


person whose political views favour progress and reform


In American politics, "liberals" tend to be people who are somewhat ideologically left-of-center. They tend to favor more power at the federal level and federal intervention to regulate economic issues and certain social issues, particularly social issues involving civil liberties, and the rights of minority groups. Of the two major parties, the Democrats are generally considered more liberal. Traditionally, the bases of liberal support have been among minorities, urban voters, labor unions and academics, though that is evolving as U.S. politics change. Candidates and voters commonly refer to themselves and others as conservative, moderate (or centrist), or liberal.


Liberal British political party


– short form or common name of the Liberal Party of Canada. Its leader is Prime Minister Jean Chrétien.


One who denies some of the basic truths of Christianity.


Political viewpoint with origins in Western Europe during the 19th century; stressed limited state interference in individual life, representation of propertied people in government; urged importance of constitutional rule and parliaments. (p. 702)


A liberal is a person who supports moderate social progress and reform.


one who advocates greater freedom


Policies favouring reform and progress especially in government and economics.


Lib-er-al (n) - a political candidate whose views mirror or closely resemble points of view put forth in the Democratic platform.



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BF, I am surprised by that definitions list. Using that set, heck every Republican I know is a "Liberal," and I mean everyone.

Lets examine the news lately,

1) The Dem "Liberals" are setting up protests at the Republican convention.

2) The Dem "Liberals" are shouting out "murderer and baby Killer" at Veterans.

3) The Dem "Liberals" support ABB and Kerry is just another political lucky goof ball. They refuse to listen to any statement made by the President. They demean him by calling a Yale undergrad, a Harvard MBA, and a Fighter pilot stupid.

4) The Dem "Liberals" reject the truth of the 2000 Election to this day although not one journalist nor investigator ever found a way to count Gore a winner in Florida.

5) Our schools are a wreck and The Dem "Liberals" refuse to allow any real discussion on reforming them.

6) The Dem "Liberals" refuse to admit the blatant truth that our economy is smoking hot at present.

7) The Dem "Liberals" call Bush a liar and then ignore the FACT that they were victim of the same intelligence failures he was. They ignore the fact that they supported the war and spoke the same ideas that Bush did for twelve years about Iraq.

8) The Dem "Liberals" can listen to Clinton in his own words tell the Long Island Assoc. that he was offered OBL and did not act on it and then blindly say it did not happen.

9) The Dem "Liberals" dont want us to celebrate the death of Communism. They now say that the govt they told us was best was fatally flawed and its collapse inevitable. Therefore Reagan did nothing that great.... :no:

10) The Dem "Liberals" pick the most liberal Senator in the US and tell the American people that his is a "centrist" :lol:

11) The Dem "Liberals" claim to be the party of the Black man, and yet they can not show any real progress made in politics by Black folks in their party. The US has has a black on the Supreme Court, in the NSA Chair, and the Sec of State, and the Dems only call them Uncle Toms.

12) Etc,

Open minded Dem "Liberals", yeah right. They are only open minded to people that 100% agree with them.

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I think you are confused. Look at the words undr you avatar.

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Yeah, :lol: There went the last microbe of credibility you had. I have an Ocean Front Condo in Nebraska I'll sell you... :lol: Name the price! :lol:

Talk about an oxymoron... Sane Al Gore! :roflol:

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I think you are confused. Look at the words undr you avatar.

I didn't put those words there.

Name your title, this is a freebie to all here.

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I think you are confused. Look at the words undr you avatar.

I didn't put those words there.

Name your title, this is a freebie to all here.

Please edit my title to read as follows:

Bird Watcher/Cat Lover!

War Eagle and Tigers Included!

Thank You,


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