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Masoli denied waiver


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what exactly is the "spirit of the rules"

That would be what the other coach in this state is always doing -- going against the "spirit of the rules" without actually breaking them.  That's why he has recruiting rules named after him, because he's always trying to get around the rules by using the gray areas.

Do you think the "other coach in this state" had any input for his buddy, the new NCAA President, on the Masoli situation? 
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what exactly is the "spirit of the rules"

That would be what the other coach in this state is always doing -- going against the "spirit of the rules" without actually breaking them.  That's why he has recruiting rules named after him, because he's always trying to get around the rules by using the gray areas.

Do you think the "other coach in this state" had any input for his buddy, the new NCAA President, on the Masoli situation? 


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Worst thing about this for Ole Miss is that they have let this guy practice as the number one QB.  I wouldn't be surprised they even changed the offense to fit his running ability.  Now they have to go back to the guys they told weren't good enough to play and get them ready.

I guess the OM fans are saying Awwww Nutts!!

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what exactly is the "spirit of the rules"

That would be what the other coach in this state is always doing -- going against the "spirit of the rules" without actually breaking them.  That's why he has recruiting rules named after him, because he's always trying to get around the rules by using the gray areas.

Do you think the "other coach in this state" had any input for his buddy, the new NCAA President, on the Masoli situation? 


Source?  It wasn't a serious question!! (I don't think)
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Im not takin up for Nutt or anybody except for us and the slippery\slope it could cause for any team.

They did every thing the NCAA rule book said that they had to do. I sure Nutt knows the book and Im sure the school's compliance officers (lawyers) know the rules even better then him. The NCAA, less then 1 week before kick-off throw this "spirit of the rule" stuff in. There are people on every major campus that are payed to know the rule book, not the "spirit of the rule"

My point is : Is it a rule or is it not a rule? If it is a rule then put it in the book!

Do they make rules as they go? (can ya get punished by a judge for breaking a law that is not illegal?)

When is the "spirit rule" gonna bite us when we are playing by the rules in the book? AU pays big bucks for people to know the book and the loop holes. (yes we use loopholes too.) and they tell the coaches what they can and cannot do.

Its the NCAA saying "well it wasnt in the book but we sorta ment to put it there."

Im sure Nutt got an O.K. by the experts in NCAA law/rules at the school before he was able to grant that boy the O.K. to come over and be QB .

Hell, he is paying his own way, he is litteraly a walk-on.

Again if it was wee-man It would all be ok. The NCAA would be giving him an award for giving a guy a chance.

I dont  take up for other teams by nature, But the NCAA is just making things up at this point and they have never been kind to AU in the past. I feel our support against this idea of theirs to use the "spirit of the rule" could bite us one day.

Yes, they could write every rule. They have plenty of lawers, So do most FBS schools. make them work for their money. But the lawters cannot defend against laws that do not exist!

Do coaches not do the same thing by over recruiting and gray shirting?

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This waiver rule is for those who are eligible to play the coming season. He is not. Therefore he is violating the spirit of the rule. Like I said earlier he is only doing this because he's suspended. Nutt is hanging his hat on the fact that he was dismissed from the team, not the school. True but this rule applies to student athletes not regular students.

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This waiver rule is for those who are eligible to play the coming season. He is not. Therefore he is violating the spirit of the rule. Like I said earlier he is only doing this because he's suspended. Nutt is hanging his hat on the fact that he was dismissed from the team, not the school. True but this rule applies to student athletes not regular students.

He was eligible. He was suspended from the football program by the school not the NCAA. What he done at Oregon has no bearing on his standing with the Ole Miss program.
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I agree with the decision.  The guy is a convicted felon.  He should not be able to just change school and carry on as if nothing happened.  Having said that the NCAA is a joke of an organization by not making the decision sooner.  The kid moved across the country and went through the torments of 2-a-days and the rest of fall practice just to be told he could not play this year.  The reps he took in practice could have been taken by a QB that needed the work and would be available to play this year.

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I agree with the decision.  The guy is a convicted felon.  He should not be able to just change school and carry on as if nothing happened.  Having said that the NCAA is a joke of an organization by not making the decision sooner.  The kid moved across the country and went through the torments of 2-a-days and the rest of fall practice just to be told he could not play this year.  The reps he took in practice could have been taken by a QB that needed the work and would be available to play this year.

There really isn`t a winner here. The boy loses, the school loses and the questions remain. Ole Miss must have known this might happen because they had reduced the number of snaps he was getting with the first  team several days ago and let the other QB take most of the snaps. Nutt had to know he was playing with fire when he was going through the process of getting Masoli to come to Miss.

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This waiver rule is for those who are eligible to play the coming season. He is not. Therefore he is violating the spirit of the rule. Like I said earlier he is only doing this because he's suspended. Nutt is hanging his hat on the fact that he was dismissed from the team, not the school. True but this rule applies to student athletes not regular students.

Sorry Tiger but snap!

I think I remember saying ya cant use the "spirit rule".

All in fun brother....


lets talk real football tomorrow.

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