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Would Gus be better off in the booth?


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I am a new poster, Auburn Grad, and an Auburn fan.  WhatI have heard everywhere for the last year and 2 games this year is just wait until we unveil the whole Malzhan offense.  It seems to me many times we don't call the right play for the defense or that this offense is just to difficlult for the players to grasp.  With that being said, do you all think the offense would benefit from Gus being upstairs where he might be able to better see the defensive alignment and get into the right play?

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Guest jojo1515

yes, except for one MAJOR problem, that would slow down the offense which we have all seen is not exactly agood thing.....see our last game.  He needs to be on the sidelie if we are going to keep up the fast pace

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Having never seen the playbook I cant say for certain what percentage of the offense we ran last season but I think its obviuos to even the untrained eye we arent running as much this year. I believe once we get to the point we were last season we will be pretty dang good. Once all that motion & misdirection starts slowing down the LBs & safeties some things will start to open up a little more.

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yeah but I doubt Trotter & the gang would get as animated and scream "run it, run it, run it now!!!" even if I dont always agree with his calls I love watching the man work.  :wedance:

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I don't care if he's on the sideline or up high either but I do care when he calls plays with the wrong personnel in.  Such as when we were on our own 5 yard line against MSU and we run up the middle 3 times in a row with OMAC.  Dyer/Fannin/Eric Smith should have been the RB.  But in the end it's his call of Chizik's call whether he wants to be on the sideline or press box

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I guess I am just fustrated.  I see so much potential in the scheme and the personel we have. Every week I seem to find myself screaming, "Why don't we use this offense and these great players to our advantage?"

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There are a lot of benefits for him being on the field. One being, he can look his QB right in the eyes and tell him what he has to do and can then read his body language to judge his confidence level.

I don't know if you guys noticed or not, but he stands behind the offense/at an angle to see the D from the QBs point of view. The argument can be made however, that he'd do better upstairs seeing/reading the D. Since he's never been upstairs and has done as well as he has, I say, if it aint broke, don't fix it.

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Good question, and welcome to the best Auburn Site in the world.  I think it might be a good idea, but I don't think he has ever coached from the booth.  He might wanna try it.  Some new perspective might at least help his brilliant offensive mind come up with some new ideas.

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Is it legal for him to have a set of microphones so they can communicate from upstairs to the QB?  If so I think it would be great if Malzahn was upstairs otherwise I don't know.

A coach in the pressbox can't communicate with the QB on the field.  He can communicate with him when he is on the sidelines.

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There are a lot of benefits for him being on the field. One being, he can look his QB right in the eyes and tell him what he has to do and can then read his body language to judge his confidence level.

I don't know if you guys noticed or not, but he stands behind the offense/at an angle to see the D from the QBs point of view. The argument can be made however, that he'd do better upstairs seeing/reading the D. Since he's never been upstairs and has done as well as he has, I say, if it aint broke, don't fix it.

That's sort of my problem, I think it is kind of broke or at least not working to its potential.  Against inferior defenses it works great and they roll up the points. Against any kind of decent defense the offense seems to struggle putting up the points this system has promised.  I believe the plays in this system could keep defenses guessing 90% of the time, though it seems to be only doing it about 10% of the time.  I would trade CGM being able to look in the QBs eyes for having the D guessing 90% if having him upstairs would make that happen. :thumbsup: 

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