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Everything posted by creed

  1. That’s standard for anyone I don’t know on a personal level.
  2. Lots of fools running around these days. Here is more data if interested. Enjoy. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-demographic
  3. Where did I say that? I don't doubt it but I'll need to look at the data. I know their are other ethnic groups who are refusing the vaccination too.
  4. No mention of political affiliation.
  5. Probably not, but only a fool throws gas on a fire.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/news/yeonmi-park-says-she-robbed-184906114.html
  7. The issue concerning Covid (vaccines and protective measures) was it was politicized from the beginning. Folks want to blame Trump totally, and he was a big part of it, but I also see it as a concerted effort between the parties because it's just what they do. Both parties are at the heart of division. I don't feel confident in the current two party system and their direction, which leaves normal (not weird) thinking folks, both democrat and republican, without a perceived voice.
  8. I was watching This Week and a discussion on how/why the Covid vaccine and protective measures got politicized. In summary, at least from my standpoint, it was placed on the shoulders of two political idiots. First, is Donald Trump, the KING of buffoons...enough said. Second, was Kamala Harris for her statement she would be 'first in line' for a coronavirus vaccine if health experts approve it, but 'if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, then I'm not taking it'. We have representatives in our government that just want to act like children, instead of real and normal people, both democratic and republican, who put their heads down, keep their mouths shut, and get the work done.
  9. Here's a unique way to look at this situation. Pretend there are no police and your neighbor calls you and says "hey someone is in your house. I know it's for sale and all but remember last week there was a break-in". How do you respond? Don't give a bs answer.
  10. You have excellent credentials for the job! LOL...
  11. This article did just as the poster intended - stir the pot.
  12. What's interesting to me is their is no mention of political affiliation, which means, at least to me, it is not partisan, which raises my hopes.
  13. There is a book that almost everyone knows that defines a method of believing and living based on Love. I promise if a person reads it, accepts it, and lives it the issue you have described is greatly reduced. P.S. The book is the #1 published book of all time.
  14. Physical punishment without the motivation of the child’s well being is terrible. But mental punishment could be even worse. Eventually, except under extreme cases, the child will grow out of the physical punishment and may return the favor. However, mental punishment that is not appropriately administered can last the child’s lifetime.
  15. Fair and impartial? Your thought? https://www.yahoo.com/news/cnns-cuomo-conundrum-star-anchor-115704537.html
  16. I believe the thread's title is BS because on Saturdays in the SEC I see and hear republicans, democrats and independents hating on players of the opposite team, who just happen to be Americans.....lol.
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/news/religious-civil-rights-leaders-urge-congress-to-take-actions-to-combat-domestic-terrorism-201741424.html
  18. I haven't put a lot of thought into, but I only play close attention to football when Auburn is playing. Otherwise, I'm doing something else more productive.
  19. That’s good to know and makes me feel better about my Alabama and Georgia brethren knowing they did not heed the calling of a loser. 😆
  20. Trump's middle name is division...that's a captain obvious observation. He should never have been or again considered for office. If Republicans want to be relevant they should steer as far away from him as possible. Now the liberal media will continue to associate Republicans with Trump but the disassociation will start when Trump endorsed candidates lose in their bids to get elected. However, my original post stands.
  21. BS. Get real. Even you can't be so obtuse to believe that excuse.
  22. The title is a BS all inclusive characterization which serves no purpose but to divide.
  23. I've seen the movie. Isn't it amazing how simply just bringing various diverse groups together will help unite a country. Yet our country has (real, inferred, and perceived) the counter dynamic. Mandela was not stuck in party politics, at least that's what I got from the movie, and was able and willing to correct his constituency in a strong, calculated and thoughtful manner. Imagine a president that can lead from that perspective, by doing what's right for their country, instead of what their party expects. The only thing the past president couldn't bring together was a riot at the capital. The jury is still out on the current president.
  24. Excuses only satisfy those who make them. A real leader would get out front and guide those he called to “fight like hell” in person. A tweet…that’s just plain stupid and cowardly.
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