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Everything posted by creed

  1. My experience is to watch the line of scrimmage. If The Tigers are holding their own we have a chance. If we’re getting pushed around it could be a long day.
  2. Just now getting leaked. That's one slow leak.
  3. CBH is in for a treat. The pregame and the first few minutes of the game will be loud. But if the Tigers keep it close all the way to the end Harsin will realize what an asset he has in the LOUDEST stadium in the nation. He will literally say "Holy S4it". Jordan-Hare wins ballgames.
  4. creed


    Low man wins most battles in football. It also hurts like hell when someone rips you and the top of their helmet meets your chin.
  5. creed


    Somehow-Someway we have to force their defense to make extra steps or react slower to get to the point of contact. Misdirection is one way, giving them multiple options to think about and defend is another. In the end I suppose the best we can hope for is getting one-on-one situations and we win our share.
  6. creed


    Are you talking a modified wheel or break to the middle of the field where the lbs originated?
  7. creed


    Yes, makes sense. Previous scheme didn't help. Football is a game inches and Worm works and fights to get every inch of yardage. On a side not I used to coach little league football and one of our RBs fought for every inch. I remember he would be digging his feet in the ground trying to move his body forward under the pile to get that last inch.
  8. creed


    Then I guess it's just me. The one play that made me come off the couch and yell "Hell Yea" was the first down run after catch he made Saturday. It was text book. The stick and cut was so fast the defender/s must have shouted Hudini.
  9. creed


    Maybe it's just me but I think Worm has modified his running style slightly. Maybe Mamma Worm can verify. But it looks to me he has eliminated the juke-juke move (east-west) in favor of a stick-and-cut move (more north-south). In my opinion this adjustment helps maintain his forward speed and makes defenders point of contact further downfield which means more yardage.
  10. I watched the game again specifically to watch the offensive line. I have reservations like most of you, with this unit, especially the right side. During the game we rotated in/out different guards (both sides), and I'm not sure why. RT is especially stiff and has trouble with athletic defensive ends. Hopefully, they will get better with practice.
  11. Here's how Auburn wins. Every player and coach prepares this week to win each snap per the plan. Be smart, flexible and quick to execute adjustments to the plan. Play hard every play. If this doesn't work and Georgia wins then they are the better team (hard for me to say). Shake their hands and tell them "good game".
  12. I want to give a shout out to our TEAM. They ALL played and coached hard and deserve congratulations. Without each one's effort our team would not have broken the curse of redstick.
  13. Let's see if we have the same O play mixture as last time.
  14. A good mixture of offensive play calls on this drive so far.
  15. Yea, I know but it be nice to play normal football and make plays.
  16. Bo had a chance to actually step up in the pocket on that 3rd down to buy his receiver more time to separate and he didn't. He just let it fly.
  17. Offensive line cannot create and/or keep a passing pocket. Frustrating.
  18. I would be chewing some ass on that penalty.
  19. My man crush. I see this used a lot. Not saying it's right or wrong, but it's just weird...;-)
  20. Is that you Tony Franklin…lol
  21. My background is data collection and analysis. It would be interesting to know how the AMA came to its conclusion. What was the test group make up? How was test administered and data collected? What were the data points used of analysis? What system and analysis tools were used? How were the results queried, collated and reviewed? Who were the reviewers? Are there conclusions for public review? These are just a handful of question. Note: I'm not for or against the use of hydroxchloroquine.
  22. TJ handled the situation Saturday and the moment wasn't to big .He handled the offense and alignments. He handled the press conference and gave credit to his teammates. He gave himself constructive criticism and a timeline for improvement. TJ is ready and he starts.
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