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Everything posted by WarEagle1983

  1. Agree. He does that too often. I bet UCF often and that’s the thing that frustrated me about him. It’s a ton of grass but he refuses to run it.
  2. Anybody know how many tackles does little cat have ?! Lol. I don’t know why people keep underestimating Boise. They play sound discipline football and never scared to go on the road.
  3. I'm rocking with Dematrius Davis. Hopefully all goes well and my guy will be manning the clipboard and getting some good mop up work. If not, I know he's going to be ready to rock whenever called upon!
  4. Anything in addition to it was a good practice is music to my ears. Agree or disagree, I have a ton of respect for people who just shoot it to me straight.
  5. Because I think it's clear that he's not. Based on comments and when he's expected to return. Just my point of view from his responses and lack there of responses. I'm just glad that he's doing well. And who knows, even though he looks well...he sounds a little congested (maybe that's just me) so he may change his stance. His comments today rang out louder than those before. That could be a result of him going through Covid. At this point we don't know. Again, hope he gets better soon.
  6. Agree. Those comments were strong and clear to me. All of these HC across football are in a tough position. I get that many don't want to say the wrong thing. It's good to hear a stronger stance from our leader that he'd love most of his team to be vaccinated. As I mentioned in another thread, it just gives the team as a whole an advantage of not having interruptions if we can meet the threshold required. I don't know what that writer issue is but people should just ignore him b/c he's doing a great job of getting his name out. Bad press is still press. I know that AU isn't going to win a championship this year BUT i do think that if we can show a revamped offense and that we're a more prepared, disciplined and tougher team that equates to at least 8 wins...it will be huge for recruiting for us. That's how I'm approaching this season. It's more so showing big recruits that even with a HC that doesn't know the landscape of the SEC yet that if he gets more 4 & 5 star talent that we can big on the big stage like Ohio State and Bama regularly and players get to do it at great school. This season, I just hope we can field an offense that gets better each week. With several questions already about QB and OL play...we can't afford to have guys in and out each week. I know that's just something we may have to deal with...b/c of Covid but if we can prevent it, let's do so.
  7. I didn't think we were. I've seen most with realistic expectations. Interesting though.
  8. I think DD is the biggest looser. No, he wouldn't have passed Bo but I think it could have certainly clarified some things in the coaches minds. I think it would've been likely that he would've got some runs with the 2s for sure. I'm sure they would've liked to have seen what he could do against better competition. If something happens with Bo, I'm just not sure that TJ is for sure next in line. It will depend on how our OL is progressing. I like the fact that TJ will stand in the pocket but that's part of the problem if our OL can't hold up. DD may be closer to playing than some may think.
  9. I respect that as well. However, just about every coach in the SEC has said that. But it's clear to read between the lines which ones have made a hard stance on getting the shot vs. do as you please. There's a reason why Bama and Ole Miss have a very large percentage of players vaccinated. Their coaches said the same but certainly made it appear that they certainly want as many guys as possible vaccinated so they don't have interruptions during the season. Meeting the SEC vaccine threshold has advantages. Mainly not having to take out time to get Covid testing when a number of people come into contact or get it. They will not have to worry about that stuff during the season. I don't think we'll have to forfeit games but I sure hope fans will be understanding if we have several key guys out because of contact tracing and lose a winnable game say against UGA or LSU? That's my issue. It's just going to suck if we're having momentum and then because of not meeting the threshold and/or contact tracing we're missing several players. I respect everyone's decision but at the same time even if i was on the fence on a sports team, I'd have to decide if didn't want to play because of COVID or if i did that it would likely be best for the team as a whole to get the jab. I just wouldn't want to be one of the players that could hinder the season. Maybe that's just me but the team aspect of this situation have me getting it.
  10. Major difference is that people that are vaccinated will not miss as much time as those who are not vaccinated. Unvaccinated people have to get tested more. I certainly wish our numbers were higher. It will be a problem when you have key guys out being out maybe 1 game because they're vaccinated and those who are not having to miss maybe 2- 3 games waiting on a negative test.
  11. Thoughts and prayers to everyone who has loved ones working in healthcare. Especially the nurses. Everyone has a right to choose but it breaks my heart every time i see the frustration, exhausted and heartbroken nurses speaking about their experiences with COVID patients. Knowing that it could be prevented. I just hope the nurses are getting support mentally they'll need going forward. Sorry for going of subject but I have a few in my family and they above and beyond constantly. Back to AU. I'm beyond excited about our defense...especially the secondary. I just hope we don't waste this defense like we did in 2019.
  12. I just don't see how it helps with recruiting. If i'm a recruit....it may look cool to me but that's about it. I wish we would be open to having one alternative jersey as others have mentioned but unless we're rolling out a wardrobe of uniforms like Oregon it's just hard for me to associate things like that with moving the needle with recruiting. I certainly can be wrong on that...just hard for me to believe. I think AU does have it's own thing that's genuine. Our guys love to dance on the sidelines and we get the student section involved on big plays when we hit that swag surf. The players and student swag surfing is amazing. Videos are still being shared of it. That's better than any gimmick object. We win...we dance was a common slogan for us on social media.
  13. lol. A backpack and a trash can....wow. Yeah...no thanks. But if the kids want it...it's up to them.
  14. At this point, it's just corny to me. It fits with Miami b/c of their history of being flashy and the program trying to recapture that time period of the U. With other teams it's just like...OK...*shrug*. I'm 38 and don't have an old school mentality.
  15. It could if Bo reverts to the same old Bo when pressure is applied. It sounds like not too much has changed with Bo. We know Bo is fine if he has time...if not it's a completely different story. Bo will start for sure but one thing i surely don't want to see is a 2nd act of just riding out the season with Bo if not much has changed. If Bo can't get the job done...who the next guy in line will be is going to depend on how our OL has been playing up to that point. If the OL is holding up for the most part than it would likely be TJ...then if not then we certainly could see DD. I think the goal is to redshirt him but I'm glad he's giving the coaches something to think about. I know Bo is our starter but I'm ecstatic about the fact that he's being pushed and it will be that way until he proves he can keep the job the entire season. If he can fine..if not..NEXT.
  16. Dreamville#1Fan @BigPat_03 17h Replying to @BigKat Two NFL draft picks on the DL that was getting double teamed you had 1.5 sacks in 2019. That’s all the proof you need https://twitter.com/BigPat_03/status/1422704202774626312 ------Mic drop 🎤
  17. And will probably find a way to screw up that high powered offense. It's funny watching UCF forums thinking they've hit a home run with Gus.
  18. Agree to a certain extent. Regular season schedule...yes they do. However, they don't have the same risk as other teams when it comes to playing in a conference championship game that could impact the playoffs. They continuously get the benefit of the doubt on name and history alone. They can't just be seen as an ACC school but avoid the risk of losing in the ACC championship game and getting a bid. Join the Pac 12 if they want to. Every team needs to be in a conference if they want to play in the playoffs.
  19. Yeah. 12 is likely. I'd rather it be 8. I think they're trying to deter opt outs as well. Additionaly, week to week there will be more games that having meaning. My issue with 12 is the number of games teams will have to play. Will a 12 playoff team mean teams will be doing away with 1 or 2 of their out of conference games? I'm sure the top 4 teams will get a bye but no sure i like the increase of games that will be played.
  20. And Notre Dame needs to join a conference! It's simply not fair they get to jump around and play who they want to and waltz their way into the playoffs overhyped.
  21. Make it 8 and that's it. I would've loved to have seen BYU and Cinncy in the playoffs. Yes, they'd likely lose but I'd rather see those teams play a Bama or Clemson vs. playing a middle tier Power 5 team in a bowl game. Of course it would mean more money but i think it would help more programs with recruiting if coaches are able to say to recruits that you're going to have a chance to make the playoffs even if you're at schools like UCF, BYU, Cinncy, Boise St. outside of the power 5. As well as provide lesser known/seen players a stage against better teams which can help their NFL stock. The only thing i wouldn't like about 8 teams as an Auburn fan is that if we're in contention for the playoffs, there's a highly likely chance that Bama and/or UGA will be in as well. That means the possibility of playing them twice. Not that i don't we couldn't beat them twice but I don't know if my health could take 2 Iron Bowls in one year.
  22. Which is insane considering they have to power to take a person's life at any moment.
  23. 1. Glad GF got justice. 2. In regards to Toledo and this girl getting killed...I'm leaning towards it being justified at this point. Every case is not the same and I'm currently in the minority with many of my black counterparts regarding this girl's death. As a black man i understand too well about all of the issues but at the same time, not every case is the same. I always try to put myself in the place of people when i may have a different opinion to at least try to see where that person is coming from even if i don't agree. I'm sad that the young girl had to die but watching the full videos...what the heck was the officer supposed to do? Let the girl in the pink get stabbed even though she was the instigator? The threat may have initially been towards the deceased girl but that changed when she picked up a weapon. My biggest question/issue was her foster parents...ADULTS...who didn't deescalate the situation. A grown azz man literally kicked a young girl in the head! He along with the foster mother let that young girl run around with a knife and didn't try to block/hold or tell her to go back into the house. But when the officer shoots the girl...it's why did you shoot my baby? She's just a teen. Why are you as a man and father not trying to handle that situation? If those girls came over there to jump the deceased they should be charged with her murder in my opinion. People I know are saying self defense but she had the opportunity to stay in her home and wait on the police. It's just a complete mess of a situation but at this point the officer is less of the story in my opinion. He had to make a split decision with someone who was actually armed and getting ready to slice up a person. If i was in that situation i would hope an officer would use a gun versus a taser if someone is about to stab me. It all sucks but i hope we as a black community get the facts first and not just jump to conclusions. We made progress with the verdict but i don't want to take step backwards in crying wolf in situations that don't call for outrage.
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