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Everything posted by SumterAubie

  1. Like him running an option pitch. Imagine the cb trying to choose-go for Ashford or for Hunter/Battie/Alston/Cobb
  2. Who the hell brought Malzahn out to California?
  3. Vintage Malzahn there. 3rd and 2, throws a low percentage pass down the sideline.
  4. Is Hunter, of Colorado, the guy Jackson State paid, or rumored to have, paid a $1 million through NIL
  5. <laughs. said bird is a backend guy>
  6. And here. Implying the Staff Freeze needs this '10x the resources' to properly evaluate a high school player. So it's just Freeze who can't properly evaluate portal transfers and high school seniors. Okay
  7. You imply it yourself The transfers are an unknown quality and you won't know the whole story with them until an SEC DT or DE is lined up across from them. Unknown quality implying our coaching staff, in choosing players out of the portal, can't adequately evaluate the player. Roughly 10X the resources are put into rating high school players vs. college players. And here. Implying the Staff needs this '10x the resources' to properly evaluate a high school player. Apparently unable to do it on their own. As if the Staff is relying on rating services in their own evaluations.
  8. So you think Freeze and Staff can't adequately judge the quality of an experienced college football player?
  9. As opposed to 4 star high school tackles playing against high school teams we know less about than the lower level college teams the transfers have played against.. Sounds about right.
  10. Sobering? Reads like a helluva good beer buzz to me!
  11. I've always thought of Vitale as an asshat, but he does know basketball.
  12. Let him visit Nebraska, then K state on the way here. Drive him through Chewacla. Done deal.
  13. <yawn> This time last year we were ohhing and ahhing over Geriner.
  14. Those two on the left are enjoying it just a little too much.
  15. Freeze appears the type of coach/person who would drive down to the Athletic complex on a Sunday afternoon if a nice recruit showed up unexpectedly. Even if it put a crimp in afternoon plans. And likely already has
  16. 1A would be Ronnie Daniels. https://www.facebook.com/TheAuburnVault/videos/2040551726005930/ Gets hammered. Not only gets up after being hammered, but follows the play to recover the fumble and score.
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