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Everything posted by doc4aday

  1. I understand this completely, but just want our coaches to make sure that each recruit we pursue knows what Auburn is all about. Auburn is a special place and offers a student something he or she will not find in another school. I knew when I made my post that it would create some controversy, but wanted to get across the Auburn experience that no other school really has to offer. I consider Auburn to be the "Camelot" of colleges in the SEC and beyond and our coaches need to do all they can do to get this across to recruits looking for a school.
  2. Has this kid flipped? Our staff needs to let Clark know under no uncertain terms that if he wants to stay an Auburn Tiger, he needs to start acting like one. He needs to be let known that it is a honor to be selected to have the opportunity to play for Auburn. If not, he needs to be shown the door and told that there are plenty other kids that would jump at the opportunity to be an Auburn Tiger. We need to get the point across that we are offering you a chance to play for a school that will compete for championships and we are giving you a great education. Before you commit to us, you need to be 110% that you will honor your commitment to Auburn. This kid needs to be given a lesson in tough love and that we want him. However, if he has any inclination of changing his mind and flipping to another school that no scholarship will be offered from Auburn. By committing to Auburn means you will not visit any other schools period. If you do, you lose your scholarship period with no exceptions. If we lose this kid, we are not losing a high priority recruit that is a lower tier 3 star lineman. We need to make sure that each young man that commits to us is committing to us 110% and we are committed 110% to him. We need to establish a rule with no exceptions concerning being 110% committed to Auburn, and Auburn being 110% committed to each recruit. We do this, then the Pruitts, Smarts, and other SEC coaches will be put on notice that we will not tolerate our recruits being flipped to their school.
  3. Gotta like our chances for sure. Arky, Louisville are lesser schools, and we should be the team to beat.
  4. Glad it has worked out great for this young man! I can see him wreaking havoc on SEC teams in the not too distant future!
  5. good news. The young man has been through a lot and having positive news about enrolling is sure to make him feel better. I am sure Coach Garner along with fellow players, (Brown & Russell) will help him with his development.
  6. What Saban will look like after we put a nice butt whooping on him this coming season.
  7. 34.8 inches! (Just a very wild guess that is "too sweet")
  8. Right you are! I see us moving up line and soon overtaking Mississippi State. Why any recruit would commit to state over Auburn is just plain insanity!
  9. welcome aboard to the best school in the SEC and obviously the state of Alabama. Auburn, the university of Alabama! I wonder how much we will jump in the rankings?
  10. Do you know of any big announcements on recruits coming soon?
  11. I would love to see how many of our targets plan to attend the BBQ. Hope we get some solid commits then. Where exactly if I may ask will the summer feast of champions be held? I apologize folks, but I sometimes get lost following some things so bear or bare...nah just bear with the doc!
  12. Sorry to ask you twice.....I thought I had asked Luke instead of you. The whole crystal ball thing can be a bit confusing for minds like mine!
  13. I see he plans to announce this weekend. If you go to the main Auburn 247 crystal ball link, the main page says 42% Auburn and if you clcik on the link, it says 84%. What is your take on this? Having a good time on Hatteras Island on vacation with family! As always, thanks for your insight!
  14. Hey Ellitor....I hope all is well with you my friend. My wife, sister, and I are currently on Hatteras Island taking in the outer banks for a few days. I have a crystal ball question if you can answer about Mr. Jones. The crystal ball main page has him at 42% Auburn and if you click on the link under his name, he is at 84% Auburn and 5% per 3 other schools. Which percentage should I trust if you have an answer. You seem to know the scoop as well as anyone and I trust your input 110%! Take Care and WDE!! My Friend.
  15. young man deserves all of the sympathy and love we can send his way. I hope he gets in school soon so he can have something to help take his mind off of the pain he is experiencing. I hope Coach Chett Williams will minister to his needs.
  16. Crystal Ball has him at 61% Auburn. Hope he is 100% Auburn! I would be surprised if he went elsewhere. Come on home Mr. Jones....we welcome you to our family of hard nosed offensive OL players and know you will fit in fine with us! Ellitor...what is your take on Jones chance of coming our way? I trust your insight 110%
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