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Everything posted by icanthearyou

  1. No offense but, on the surface, that seems to lack basic logic. We have room. They are totally different players.
  2. I certainly understand that viewpoint. However, I do not believe that is true. I believe that perception is a function of observing a YUUUGE, yet very fragile ego at work.
  3. What a group! If he: Knows a pass play to a RB other than the wheel route Knows the TE is eligible as a receiver Has a better version the WR screen Has a route tree bigger than the in, the out, the go Is decisive in who his best players are and, plays them This is a great hire and huge upgrade. Good luck Chipper.
  4. I know. I can't help it. If I were only truer and bluer. I should always agree with you cause you are on the right team. Trump sux, don't he?
  5. If you do not conform with a true believer, you automatically offend. Losing battle. Being rational, apologetic, kind won't help.
  6. Oh okay. I think I know what you are looking for. President Obama was the best president ever. Donald J. Trump is the worst president ever. There you go. Happy?
  7. Yeah, yeah. It's over my head. Now, I'm crazy. You "put me down" how ever you see fit. I am sure all your thoughts, perceptions, assumptions are absolutely 100% correct, all of the time. After all, you are on the right team. You can't be wrong. You don't need to think. You know everything.
  8. Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. How utterly disingenuous. Your perception and knowledge defines reality. You don't need to think, you already KNOW! Good for you.
  9. George Costanza school of ethics Sorry, it doesn't work that way. You have a responsibility to qualify your statements. Unless you are DJT, you can not make that statement as an absolute fact.
  10. That is humorous. They don't know which team he is on. They are most likely terrified that he might not be on team capital but rather, team society, team America. In their minds, the worst thing he could be is not on either the Blue or Red team. He might actually be on the Red, White, and Blue team.
  11. That is a matter of perception and opinion. Stated as a fact is lying.
  12. Well I'm sorry Tex. I'll try harder to get on the right team. After all, one is good and the other is bad, right?
  13. My team dont never lye. Its them others that is all ways lyin.
  14. Yes, it's all "over my head". The illusion of the Blue team and the Red team is really tough stuff, really hard for someone like me to comprehend. Thank you so much for that assessment.
  15. Wrong? He represents all that is wrong? Let me know when he violates the law and/or the Constitution. I will quickly join in. For now, I will respect the office, the process, even though my respect for the man himself is questionable and conditional.
  16. Yes. I hope that I am correct. Essentially, I think you are trying to make something big out of something very benign. I think I have seen this before?
  17. I understand your feelings. However, I believe in respect to what is left of our democracy, we should at least give him a chance. Don't forget, the other choice wasn't exactly a gem.
  18. He did not say that, did he? Conway made that remark.
  19. Not a moment too soon. If the thread had reached 100 pages,,,,well, generally ends in heartache.
  20. I would guess there are enough "creative" type people who know how to work around such obstacles.
  21. I agree. However, there are "participation trophies". They are called scholarships.
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