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Everything posted by icanthearyou

  1. Maybe we should stop subsidizing traditional and alternative energy? We want cheap energy so,,, we will finance consumption by adding it to the national debt? Energy independence through traditional sources is a mirage. We may have the oil and coal but, it is far from the cheapest in the world to recover, refine, utilize. At the very least, alternative sources lead to a real solution for everyone except the traditional energy producers. I think they will be okay.
  2. Prime example of how right-wing media can effectively use one person, to become "the left". Prime example of how the continued spreading of irrational fear and anger is quite effective. Not only as a pure political tactic but, and perhaps more importantly, a distraction away from the genuine issues of our society. Naturally, the tacit racists join in.
  3. Anyone else notice that Israel did NOT vote to condemn Russia in the UN.
  4. It appears you are not familiar with our founding and, the need to balance power between the two political interests. I am not sure I am for a parliamentary system either but, it is a discussion worth having. The founders put their "thumb on the scale". Not sure that the degree is now necessary, all things considered. Not sure the founders ever believed the capital class and the political class would be so cozy. Many of the worst decisions currently made, decisions that enrich a few at the expense of the whole are possible because of the Republic aspect of our government.
  5. Real Clear is about as tabloid as it gets. I will PM you later. Please, think about it though.
  6. Please, please, please take some time and, think about what I said. Please stop fueling the inane tabloid garbage. You have so much more to offer.
  7. War, any kind of war, between nuclear countries is illogical, irrational, unthinkable. IMHO, we should align our principles with foreign policy and, global trade policies. If, it is already not too late. We seem to be positioning China to have the dominate world influence for the next 200 years. All we seem to be accomplishing is, making about one million Americans fabulously wealthy without any regard for the other 349 million, without thinking about future implications.
  8. If NATO were as much an economic alliance as a military alliance, would this duality exist? Perhaps the "scandal" is more about global economic policy driven primarily by greed?
  9. If you punch someone in the face for no reason, you are in the wrong. If you punch someone in the face who is actively assaulting an innocent human being, you are in the right. Your equation is out of balance. I deeply appreciate your efforts, the fact that you think. However, please try to think without the emotional basis. Please attempt to think in less binary terms. Stop being caught up in the distractions and personalities. Get back to the REAL issues. Stop feeding the inane bickering. Please. You have a good heart. The tabloid stuff is poison.
  10. If our global economic policies had any principles behind them other than greed, this question would not need to be asked.
  11. Trump supports anyone who supports him. Trump is about Trump. This isn't hard. You are smart. STOP pretending you cannot see reality.
  12. Tommy literally represents the majority of Alabamians. And that is all ye need to know.
  13. That is good. It has always puzzled my as to why someone has a friend who is of the other political persuasion and then, talks about how much they hate Rs/Ds. Doesn't make sense unless they are brainwashed. We all need to ingest less of the tabloid media and, reengage with our neighbors in the real world. I still believe that if there is any conspiracy, it is that we are systematically divided as a society in order to negate our political power as the majority. In reality, I still believe the only two political interest are, capital and, society at large. In other words, those with $100 million or more and, those with less. And, the upper middle class is one of the most over-taxed in the world while, the capital class is the most under taxed in the world. Oh yeah, if you can find any media that isn't tabloid. PBS News Hour is good but, dry as dust (dryer actually). BBC World News is only a little better. I have to admit, there are times when I would rather be entertained than informed so, I watch the big 3 cable networks. Still, we all have to learn to do a better job seeing what is information, what is opinion. Are they giving me something to think about or, telling me what to think. Worse, are they asking me to think with my emotional mind or, my logical/rational mind. We all enjoy having our biases fed. We should not enjoy the anger they attempt to feed us. We blame them but, they have learned that the more outrageous they are, the more we consume, the more money they make. Back to your point though, yes, I think more true principles are shared. I think we get distracted by too many "issues" that aren't so important and, are a big part of the tabloid media diet. I think the real discussion of what the government should do and, how do we fund that is largely obscure to most of us. Our government has been "for sale" for so long that, I am afraid there is no going back short of world war or, economic collapse. If China and Russia form a strong economic coalition, there will be a large shift in world order. The dollar will take a big hit. I hope Biden is talking more with Xi than Putin. I would guess Xi will continue to sit on the fence until we force him to do otherwise or, he clearly has the upper hand. Starting to ramble. Take care.
  14. Never left. Just felt that if another adult needed to take punitive action to moderate my behavior then, I needed to think about my actions. Took much longer than I ever thought. Heck, I still might not be ready to return. Still learning, still growing,,,, hopefully.
  15. When it comes to totalitarian dictators who are attacking sovereign neighbors with democratically elected leaders,,, yes. You know that. You should retract this nonsense.
  16. Please, with that mindset, stop believing that anything left or liberal is your enemy. In reality, politics is more like driving a car. Sometimes you need to go left, sometimes right. It depends upon where you are.
  17. This is about the perceived "strength" of our leader? Beyond simplistic. Beyond ignorant. Our entire country is racing to become Alabama/Mississippi.
  18. If you had any integrity or character, you would admit you made a mistake. You would take responsibility. You should never have posted what you did if you did not have complete faith in your source. This is the real problem, wanting to be the message board hero regardless of what it means to anyone else, people putting their interests ahead of the interest of Auburn. My bad though, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. You will never get me again though. Your credibility score is too far into the negative. Unless of course, you simply stand by your post/your source or, apologize for your post. You know, basic, fundamental decency.
  19. ^Nice job and,,,,thank you. Your thinks are always appreciated.
  20. "Things I Think I Saw" A-Day edition??? I want brilliant insight and I want it NOW!
  21. It's a state-of-mind. Sunshine and Unicorns, Doom and Gloom, Reality,,,,everyone gets to choose!!!
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