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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Girl died in Spain just this past week. Covid related death rates have been manipulated since all this began. That is a proven fact, and I would be a naive fool if I did not believe vaccine related deaths, and severe complications have been grossly underreported. As I stated previously, I'm no social butterfly, and I personally know people who have had serious issues, or have died. You have a right to your opinion, as I have mine. The only time we have a problem is when people try to force, or mandate theirs on me. When they come up with a vaccine that makes me immune, or better yet, one in which they have enough confidence in that they don't make a Mickey Mouse deal with the government absolving them of future liability, then we can have a different discussion.
  2. Truth is this is not a vaccine by definition at all. Secondly, are you now alluding to the fact that we can trust the numbers put out by the media, or the CDC on the number of Covid deaths? It's already a proven fact that those numbers have been greatly falsified. Aren't these the same people essentially that told you the virus originated from a bat in a seafood market? If you believed that one we probably shouldn't be having a conversation at all. In a previous post you attempted to discredit the molecular biologist's information I shared because she mentioned hydroxychloroquine, alluding to the idea that the side effects may be too dangerous. Well, same can be said for this so called vaccine. A 19 year old, fully healthy young lady just died a few days ago from a blood clot in the brain caused by the vax. I also know someone personally who died after receiving the shot, and at least three more who have had serious complications as a result. Everyone has to do what they believe is best for themselves I would say. I have friends, and a daughter who have had the vax, and I have many friends, and the rest of my family, including my 85 year old Father who refuse. If the topic of the thread is requiring vaccinations to attend a football game then that's an easy decision for me personally. There are many things I can actually do without, and I certainly won't let the attendence at a football game affect my decision regarding my health. Actually, the vax decision has been an easy one for me, because I'm self employed, and generally an anti social ass anyway.
  3. Damn, he left the pocket too early again.🙄
  4. I don't believe the claim that it's more rampant among the least vaccinated part of the country. I have a friend who works in healthcare who told me she is seeing just as many infections among the vaxxed, or unvaxxed. You do what you want buddy, but leave me out of it. Just a little reminder to you that three of the four of the manufacturers, of the ( vaccine) you have so much confidence in, have paid out hundreds of millions of dollars in the past 30 odd years from lawsuits they have lost because prior medicines they have brought to market have killed thousands. There's something you can have fun researching. You want to argue about the stupid masks next?
  5. Here's an opinion from a different PHD, but she doesn't agree with the increasing popular narrative, so I guess she's a heretic right?
  6. Prayers for you, and your family.
  7. Yeah, I'm calling BS on the entire article. For one thing, those reacting to it have no idea what kind of screens it's talking about either. Could it have possibly been tunnel screens, which place even more emphasis on ball placement? Who knows? Tell me how they are doing catching balls between the hashes. Then I might be much more interested.
  8. Thanks man. Just because it's a screen doesn't make it easier to catch. In fact, I would argue that I see more dropped screens than I do most any other pass. Screens aren't exactly the easiest throw to make either. Ball placement has to be precise, and receivers many times will attempt to make a play before securing the catch.
  9. Thanks, in the first place the so called " Vaccine" doesn't prevent catching the virus. Secondly, if we're being scientifically correct, the so called vaccine is not a vaccine at all, and doesn't qualify under the definition of a vaccine. End of story, and my last statement on the matter.
  10. Like this kids vision, and pad level. I'll take him.
  11. Not that I think it would help with recruiting very much, but I'm one of the fairly old fans who sees no problem with alternate helmets, uniforms. GA wears several variations, so does Ole Miss, Florida, and LSU to name just a few. Contrary to a previous post, our uniforms, while very nice, are not iconic. No one outside of Alabama, who did not attend Auburn gives a damn what our uniforms look like. Most people in the country don't even know what state Auburn is in, much less care what color our helmets are.
  12. Well, in all honesty, a couple of those times We beat Bama recently was because they just purely choked. The 2019 game in particular. There's really no way we're supposed to win that game. If the two teams from that year played ten times the turds win nine of them.
  13. Haven't seen it posted anywhere on here yet, but Barrett is in the portal.
  14. I hate Bama too, but their fans are so stereotypical it's almost humorous. The GA fans have Green Bay packer arrogance, with a Tampa Bay trophy case.
  15. I grew up in Opelika, but have lived in GA most of my adult life including 14 years in Athens. I have considered GA a most hated rival for years. Their fans are the absolute worst. They get the benefit of all the hype, and promotion in the entire state, including Atlanta. It's not uncommon to watch the Atlanta based news, and see the entire coverage of the sports segment be all about GA, while Tech the local school barely gets mentioned. (Sorry Golf.) I know Golf hates Tech, but after years of watching them get ignored in their own city my feelings aren't quite the same. I hate everything associated with that bunch in Athens. I love to remind the GA fans that Tech has won a Natty much more recent than they have😁
  16. BoBo is the most capable offensive coach we have had at Auburn since Al Borges, and maybe ever. My opinion.
  17. 1983 Auburn has a much more legitimate claim as national champions than several of the champyunships claimed by the Tuscaloosa School For The Mentally Challenged.
  18. I think we win 8, or 9 if we get good defensive line play, can pressure the QB, and are stingy against the run. Frankly, I'm much more anticipating us fielding a team that will get after some a$$ than I am wins, and losses this year.
  19. Thanks, saved my big finger a lot of typing.
  20. The level of stupid in that Auburn group on Facebook is something I cannot deal with. I'm convinced the majority of those idiots are showering with a mask on.
  21. Totally agree. Don't let the screen door hit ya.
  22. Wish I could make a few million being that incompetent.
  23. Yep, one would assume he was getting some bad advice, or lack of it. Either way, I just can't wrap my head around the previous staff having the guy returning punts. He actually did a pretty fair job at it, but my suspicions that he lacked speed has been confirmed. 31 receptions on 39 targets should have told somebody they needed to recruit a transfer, or at least find someone else. I just don't know what kind of film study was being done by the previous staff. Not the right kind I would venture to say. I only attended four games in 2019. I remember telling my cousin that Tutt was a glaring liability in pass coverage. If a 58 year old house builder can see it a football coach making 2 large a year should certainly be able to.
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