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Everything posted by gctiger

  1. In the future if you will read your responses prior to posting you may save yourself a lot of trouble. You obviously care or you wouldn’t be responding. Contrary to your belief, I haven’t disliked many posts, and I certainly haven’t resorted to your level of name calling. Please feel free to ignore all of my future posts. This conversation is over!
  2. I left out dues paying, thanks for the reminder!
  3. Disliked most of them? You got any facts to back up that up, or just your empty accusation? Name one candidate that I said that I dislike. I’m so glad that the folks making this decision are not you and your little immature pack of hyena friends that want to attack everyone that disagrees with you. Grow up!
  4. He’s entitled to his opinion just the same as I am to mine. As a lifetime alum I feel zero frustration and I’’m quite happy that the administration is doing their proper due diligence instead of rushing to judgement to hire a flash in the pan!
  5. And there’s your problem! The more intelligent people want the best candidate and for the right reasons.
  6. I’m doing proper due diligence, so much like the decision maker(s) I haven’t decided yet, but I can assure you that it won’t be the newest flavor of the month… The face palm was in regard to your opinionated statement saying that there’s no Plan B when there’s no way you could possibly know that!
  7. Anything is negotiable, including non-compete clauses.
  8. I always appreciate the stats by Stat!
  9. I don’t want Kiffin but with enough money you can buy your way out of almost any mess.
  10. Reading comprehension is not your strength. Auto correct isn’t too bright…
  11. I never said a damn thing about moral victories. Reading comprehension is certainly not a strength of yours. If you don’t like my opinion, feel free to simply ignore it!
  12. I certainly didn’t, but I’m a little shocked that we were in it for 4 quarters, particularly with the turnovers and the defense getting gashed in the running game.
  13. That Thamel is a freakin genius when it comes to the obvious!
  14. Good patience by Ashford waiting on a lane to open.
  15. Excellent point! For most of those outside the program, perception is reality.
  16. But it’s a train wreck. You know how it’s gonna end but you’ve gotta watch it anyway! 😂
  17. Season tickets at Harsin’s next destination. Attendance is mandatory! 😂🤣
  18. Damn! You are really old if you recruited The Bear…
  19. Because it’s a terribly coached tram!
  20. Is Golf’s time in minutes, hours, or days?
  21. FWIW - I heard on sports talk radio that in their last 5 P5 games Auburn has converted zero 3rd downs in the 4th Qtr.
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