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Everything posted by AURealist

  1. There's the Fumble play, but we've overused it already...
  2. You think our 4*s are 3*s and our 3*s are 2*s? Could be...
  3. Geez. Is there any part of our game where we're competent?
  4. What's our record for penalties in a game? Seems to be our focus right now.
  5. If Harsin starts blaming his players for not 'executing' his brilliant play calling, he's Bill Curry's clone.
  6. Harsin is not the man. Never was. Time to get serious and treat the football program like the business it is.
  7. Harsin was a bad hire. He's not the answer, never was and and never will be. How do we fire those responsible for this mess and right this sinking ship?
  8. This evening's performance has me pretty hyped for the Western Kentucky game.
  9. Yeah, what kind of statement is someone trying to make by leaving this thread running?
  10. No, by all means let's keep the anti-Harsin drumbeat going.
  11. Only Coach Mason knows for sure. Any other reason from anyone else is mind-reading from the peanut gallery, no matter how it's presented as some sort of 'logic.' Most of that 'logic' is just some re-hashed butt-hurt version of 'It's Harsin's fault.'
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