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Everything posted by AUatHeart

  1. You’ve got to be kidding me. Refs deserve a lot of credit for this 14-0 run.
  2. I really like Mrs. Wooten! She seems to really care about the players! War Damn Mrs. Wooten!
  3. They should definitely paint over the No Excuses wall in their facility. 😂
  4. Since Daniels has already transferred once, wouldn’t he have to sit out a year if he transfers again?
  5. Oh I waddle too, but neither you nor I play QB professionally. At least I don’t think you do?
  6. I really wish it would have ended in a tie. I can’t stand Rothlisberger. Now we get to watch his fat butt waddle around at least one more game.
  7. Or maybe Dart just got ticked that Riley brought CW on campus. Personally I would find it hilarious if CW went elsewhere and Riley’s qb1 dipped out too.
  8. Knowing they need another year to get a decent shot at the NFL
  9. Nope, and I won’t be wasting time watching the championship game either.
  10. I think he meant DD or TJ wouldn’t start going forward. I might be wrong, but that’s how I took it.
  11. Oh yeah, there’s not a WR on this team that I would keep. They all have rock hands.
  12. The only culture change that I’ve noticed this year, is that losing is acceptable. If losing isn’t acceptable, you get fire in your belly and push the line of scrimmage enough to get short yardage first downs. This team really disappointed me this year.
  13. I’m having a hard time figuring out how we aren’t getting more pressure on the QB with a line that has given up over 30 sacks this year.
  14. Whoever 77 is was knocked on his butt. Our OL shouldn’t be knocked on their backsides against Houston.
  15. Asa Martin and Kyle Davis. I was really excited about both of them, and neither worked out for us.
  16. It will sure make next years match up a lot more interesting
  17. Thanks for the updates all day Zeek! JMHO, I do not want Calzada. Heck, might as well just stick with TJ if he’s what we are going to replace him with.
  18. Saban showed him how to use that Aflac money 😂
  19. I’m curious as to why Harris hasn’t sent his paperwork in yet. He posted on Twitter yesterday that he was doing it early this morning.
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