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Everything posted by SaturdayGT

  1. All my peeves have to do with driving, and theres a 3 way tie for #1 pet peeve lol...... 1. People turning left and rather than taking advantage of the median to merge when its available, they sit there for ever waiting for both lanes to clear. Coming out of my neighborhood in the morning traffic is rough. The traffic lights are timed in a way where one lane is clear, the other one is not...then when the one lane finally clears, the other has a long line of vehicles going by...its an endless cycle and almost impossible to have both lanes clear, yet some will just sit there all morning long if they have to lol 2 People who wont use the passing lane properly and creates a rolling road block 5 to 10 mph under the speed limit causing a big aggregate cars and frustrated drivers... 3. Sort of similar to 2, but ever have a driver in the next lane that matches your speed, and hangs around just off your bumper to where you would be unable to change lanes if needed? ...I often wonder how many major accidents happen when people do that....
  2. To the OP....if we didn't vote for Trump, who do you think we would vote for?....how does it help your wishes?....is there another candidate you feel we should vote for if we don't share the same ideals?
  3. Trumps ego was a little disturbing, and Im not sure he had no respect for the system, but I do think he definitely needed to be surrounded by people who know the system better than he did to keep him in check ....I would say that for most presidents ..Ehh...ok, Trump, maybe a little more so LOL. ...As far as the 2020 election goes...When you look at it...Biden got more votes than any other president in American history LOL.... the mysterious spike in Biden votes in the middle of the night...A lot of questionable actions at many of the voting locations... Considering it all, Im not sure Im ready to say " Trump wanted to subvert the constitution to stay in power" yet....I mean there was enough there to where it was not unreasonable to have a "not so fast" kinda moment to merit looking into what happened. To think the election results were BS vrs wanting to subvert the constitution to retain power are two entirely different things. ...But with Trumps Ego, I can definitely see how it may look and I understand the media and his political opponents seeing a good opportunity to skewer him with it. I just think if you reasonably consider how everything unfolded, I think Trump wasnt so much of a villian,...He just went all in on what seemed to him, as well as many others at the start, as a possible rigged election and got it wrong.
  4. I have no problem with Trump...everyone's freak out is ridiculous. ..its fun to watch ..but I know....the next republican president is going to be "worse than Trump....wait for DeSantis!!.....hes going to be the most racist, unbelievable, worst Eva president....I dont guess I need to tell anyone lol ..
  5. The media has educated more than probably any of us know...we live in a time...more than any other time in American history, where we need to question every friggin thing....I feel th BS to truth ratio is skewed horribly. ...I cant say for what percent, but I think we are in scarier times than many know.....what was the saying?..we may feel we know a lot, but what may know is simply untrue. ..just a bunch of false facts to fit an agenda....this isn't something I've just come up with either....I know a former CIA agent who couldn't go into details, but lots of us are BS smart...the real truth is probably way beyond us....
  6. I wonder what sorta influence those who try to try to label those who disagree with them politically and label them nazis.......we some how found a way to move from "hey...we disagree on this, we probably agree on alot of other thongs though..let's have a beer"....to "you don't agree, your a nazi....racist, scum of the earth...how dare you question the given authoritative message...
  7. I agree with some gun control....I feel like securing our school is like 10+ times likely effective over gun control...feels like a broken record trying to explain to many that there is gun laws in place that's not being enforced......no need to get into it if it's going to be ignored...I can only hope two locked doors, extra resource officers and allowing teachers with CWP permits to carry if they choose can be an answer... ...the.knee jerk "ban guns!!"...is sorta ignorant.....
  8. Bidens campaign promise was to basically kill our resources for fossil fuels....he took a ton of measures to undo Trumps policies to make us energy efficient...for gods sake...you have been around for the last couple of years ....and to stop you before you start...thevRussia BS trail won't help you this time.....
  9. Dems used to be the party of the little guy....they are big business now. ..funny how money effects the people supposedly going to bat for the everyday pee-ons....
  10. To th OPs point...although I agree with BPs views...I also agree with you...hes a basketball guy...when we tune in, we want to hear basketball....hes definitely free to talk politics...im not sure what forum he used to make those statements...if it's a political arena, then fine!..not much you can say about it(unless your anti free speech). ...if it was a sports venue, where his profession is ...its out of line...not completely wrong by American standards, but I agree...I hate the invasion of politics in everything...let sports be sports!!
  11. A synopsis...in 70 minutes, ..an hour and ten minutes ..., an AR15 could only take out 19 unarmed lives in this case.
  12. I really feel like skill level plays a big part too...in sure a skilled pistolist can outdo ..probably most legally bought anything....regardless...you know the Uvalde incident wasn't a high rate of fire thing....it went on (weirdly asf) for almost an hour....anyone think the casualties would have been Less with any other gun?....he could have stabbed and killed twice as many in the amount of time the cops...oops I mean US Marsh....err...a concerned mother and fresh on the scenes US border patrol agents who refused to stand down and went in and ended it.... .
  13. Actually...tell me the fire Rate of a AR15 and a Handgun?....you'll you should easily kinda pu things in a better perspective....we all hate the mass shootings. We all have that in common at least! ..
  14. Is Greed still money oriented?...t thought power took money's place decades ago...it encompasses both...money is for half-assers...
  15. The ar15 to me seems like any other rifle dressed up in a Halloween outfit. A kid dressed up as a demon on Halloween isn't an actual demon.....I think the crazy people who decide to shoot up kids in a school probably go for the intimidation factor more than anything....like Halloween. You could buy a less intimidating looking gun and have the same outcome.
  16. Do you see an ar15 suitable for anything military?...It would be like a toy in a military scenario....thats my hunch anyways. I just can't imagine a scenario where it would be a preferred weapon in any instance.
  17. Id love to ask the Ft Benning guy in the OP how many soldiers he figured would prefer to have an AR15 as their weapon of choice going into a battle of any type.....would make for some laughs im sure lol
  18. You identified the dumbest MAGA, ....who is the top 3 smartest MAGAs ....in your whatever intelect?
  19. I agree with the OP as well. Im not so sure the extent that she went out of her way to make a big deal out of her orientation, but NBC news did. Understanding our differences are good, but when there is such a focus on labeling or categorizing people ....such as Gay/straight, Black/white, he/she etc.....it starts to erode whatever unity we have left, and sends us further down the path of division.
  20. .....Ill read the outrage later....
  21. Be prepared to be declared you are for income inequality lol
  22. Sheesh..."functioning adults" in the very first sentence....describe functioning adults and how you get to be the one who discern between those and yours...
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