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Everything posted by SaturdayGT

  1. ...Seems this sorta set off an endless cycle. I can't imagine future graduates would find it fair for them to have to pay their tuition.....not sure what sorta can of worms this opened up here
  2. They will find something...how will we know what it is they find wasn't planted?
  3. Is he supposed to be an "honest politician?"...have you considered what's in it for him? ..or do you feel he has the country's best interests at heart?...im curious...can anyone name the top 5 most trustworthy politicians in the country?....ya know, the honest ones ...the ones looking out for the country ( like you and me) and not themselves?..not their party???..theres gotta be something out there to make sense of why you people worship and idolize these leaders enough to literally hate any opposition to their views!
  4. ..Gotta consider the open border with this....if some sorta terrorist attack happens, It won't be like we didn't know where it came from....outside of that, this is kick ass news....yet we gotta watch our own backs since politics have failed us...yet again...
  5. Are you a defend the police guy?
  6. We spend like 25 billion each year on climate studies....all this money pays for careers...and without looking, climate issues pulls a good 25% in favor for democrat votes. ..its an "Ill scratch your back if you scratch mine"...type money pyramid thing...nobody wants to give up the money...nobody wants to give up yhe votes for power.....theres a real truth behind it, but who do you trust?...I dont feel its the Republicans....I would say they would cover up for the the businessess that create the so called "problem" but dems seem to be the big business doners these years...this is a political mess...
  7. Yet I'd bet a majority of the country would jump right on it. ..my hunch is that there's a ton of people...even the rank and file, tribal types who will jump on board. ...If only they could all step out of their "safe zone"
  8. I hear way more about " Jesus wasn't white" than I've heard opposition to it lol....I think in some people's minds there's a bigger issue over this than in reality....
  9. Well yeah lol...but you still kind of give of a political angle that's obvious...its not new with you.....theres nothing genuine with you. ..It doesn't take that much effort to figure out the BS in alot of you posts...smartest guy here maybe...but your using it all for propaganda....I have no idea how you have the time to do what you do..but hey...its America!!
  10. Is the paper you only source to the outside world?
  11. I'll go first.....Abortion....The left says "pro lifers want to restrict women's rights".....the right says " pro choice people want to kill babies!".......reality....its a complicated Issue...the rights for women's choice and the rights for the unborn debate is very tight...to define it as any of the later is disingenuous...
  12. Can you tell us when the last white person was killed by a cop?...or does it matter?...why do you race bait?...its like your desperately making efforts to point out only black people killed by cops...ya kinda left out a few ethnicities ...its almost like you...of a people, have a political motive...or something lol .
  13. God...that first paragraph is what I interpret as what was intended. ...I dont think its the case today...I feel like politics now trys to distance us apart for political benefits. ..dirty politics is not new to anybody...they aren't trying to unite us ....I mean how does unity benefit politicians!? Lol......its division!! That's where the money's at...division is where they can "take action!" And look like they want to make efforts for unity....and the masses fawn all over them..seems easy with today's division...
  14. Yeah...there seems to be a major greed for power you overlook. ....maybe if there was term limits???...turned down for greed....maybe if if they cut funds from lobbyists???...turned down for greed...is there anyone out there that truly feels like a politician is in it for their benefit? Lol.....oh it's all on Republicans?. ..Ok dokey!
  15. It's part of what makes us great!!
  16. Politicians destroyed it...the common people like me, im sure you and most people can get along with and relate with real world stuff...I've never understood the dedication people put Into Politicians... no matter how smart you are..or seem......politics is not an effective means to resolve anything
  17. Was there a greater moment in human history that set forth a freedom of thought, ideas and overall individualism?
  18. I think I'm on a kick to where I'm figuring out that most of us are way closer in thought than I ever figured.....its like little differences get blown way out of proportions to .make it seem like a great divide...its obvious politics are there to exacerbate the differences..just gotta see through it all. Its difficult in a politically dominated era we are in....
  19. I have ro wonder...If you had your way...complete power...or maybe not you, but somebody who could be in power who could reflect your views and disdain for those who disagree with you.....I dont think it would be a democracy you would favor really....I mean I dont see you reaching across the aisle much...lol.. So so what form of government would you have if it was all up to you?...how would you take care of the crazy conservatives?
  20. What?..are you not gaslighting here yourself?? Lol....I personally have no issues with anyone's lifestyles..
  21. These posts are obvious....you are definitely for division, not diversity.....would it kill you to find common ground with your political opponents?...its like full throttle division and hate with you guys.....
  22. No...not at 4 years...kids will ask because the curiosity is peaked at young ages...if they ask,answer honestly...its such a thing that shouldn't be addressed unless it's ASKED...to force it in their learning is pretty F'ed up...4 years old...sex isn't even a thought...to try to normalfy either side is conditioning of child's mind and effed up beyond imagination...
  23. ...dont even try this anymore lol...its ...well probably as you predicted when the plan fell apart lol
  24. I think this is a serious issue...I honestly feel we closer than what's presented.........I think a good example is abortion....I think 90% of us understand the conundrum....its sorta ridiculous that....pro choice gets purposely side tracked to "pro killing babies"...then pro life means.."anti women's rights"....are we solving issues, or making cases against the opposing partys??....
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