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Everything posted by eaglenest

  1. what has Georgia done with ALL of that scary talent they have? from Richt to Kirby it is said that they are equal to bama they can't beat them they can't beat fla like they have abused us we had a clown as a head coach who refused to listen to anybody and that has been Auburn problem with UGA is leadership.
  2. So why do you think UT made that move if it was all about the money? waiting.... it about politics and influence and power sometime in order to be in the game you have to play the game. If you can't beat them, then you better join them.
  3. yes it does, how many programs are leaving Nike because of not being compensated well?? it's not about the money as much as it is about what they do for your athletic programs. I don't know if you have heard, but this goes well beyond Basketball, mods on rivals said that under armor is hurting Baseball in recruiting. That man was a fraud and a poor leader of men, so, you are saying Chiz is not responsible for one of which you are referring to? and 2004 never happen with BIG AL BORGES!?!? which we were robbed of.. I strongly suggest you look up the Auburn - Under Armor deal and come back and tell me who is benefiting from this deal.
  4. So, how many school are endorsed by Nike compared to under armor? also Auburn is loosing money on this deal.. we must protect this house has pull the rug out from under 2 schools out on the west coast, Auburn fell for this con game from under crap. By the way, Cam Newton/ Nick Marshall covered up the flaws of that clown offense.. they played a huge role in the perception of how good of a coach Arthur was, I would encourage you to go back and watch the 2017 L S U / UGA at Auburn game and you will find out or see just how good Arthur is when he has a good play caller and when he takes back over.
  5. He hired the wrong off coord and he should have been given the chance to find the right one, but no, it was all Gus that won the 2010 national championship. Gus ruin what we know of Auburn football with the help of this fan base, and we are dearly paying for it now, oh by the way, jaba should be included in this as well falling for we must protect this house, when we should have sign a deal with nike.
  6. bingo! years ago Phillip Marshall said it best, Auburn is not welcome to the party and that was a smear ranking to try to under value Auburn. Harsin record and tenure as a head coach is better than any previous head football coach Auburn has hired. Auburn has been so predictable in the way that they do business and now this is totally different and they know it, so, to get ahead of the play on the field lets not talked them up because we do not want you here, so if we struggle early then they can say, see, I told you so. Go back to last year drink at mizzo, Pittman at ark, did not get devalued like Harsin has, and Harsin has been a head coach much longer then the both of them????????
  7. basically they are saying we only improve our situation by 1 spot give me a frigging break
  8. +-1000 this was a complete joke #35 Harsin #36 Gus REALLY!! that to me was a shot at Auburn IMOP
  9. we finally agree on something can we burn that to the ground into ashes and it blows away into the win. Auburn will be better off as a program if this fan base can stop acting as though that game is our national championship.
  10. He needs to be in the slot, he is a good enough athlete that he could play in the slot and possibly play at the next level.
  11. Nick Marshall just threw a ball by my window..
  12. Gus should have been shown the door after the LSU game in 2017 just on comment alone,( it's not the end of the world) it is fans like you that help put Auburn in it's current state..
  13. Gus was the worst head coach to walk the sidelines at Auburn......... everyone associated with Auburn is at fault for this debacle..
  14. please step away from the talking head ledge, Auburn fans need to stop trying to win the one up national championship. Winning solves the recruiting challenges!!
  15. flex and the op, our strength and conditioning had to be optional because we didn't even look like an uga/lsu/ or bama, me and my brother in law kid all the time that our weight room was optional. A lot of our players by their junior year still looked like the day they arrived on campus. For me the strength and conditioning coach was the most important hire outside of the head coach imop.
  16. Garner was terrible IMOP, what our d-line was doing at the point of attack gave us no advantages, engage and look that style of play KILLED us from pressuring any offense.
  17. It's a no brainer for me, Nike is clearly head and shoulders above all other apparel company's, they manufacturer the best products in the sporting industry. They are second to none!!! most Auburn fans need to pulled there heads out of there rear end because of fear of changing the uniforms/ they are to political / no, the real reason is Auburn fans want to have say so and control over all things Auburn and that mentality has hindered Auburn ability to grow and become a big BRAND. It sicken me when I walk into a sporting good store to all of the bama gear and 95 percent of it is Nike, and, at a reasonably cost, I then find myself scrounging around that store looking for Auburn gear and all you can find is 10 percent of Auburn gear and 5 of that is over price under armor stuff, and some other brand, and all of which is awful looking to say the least. I don't understand why Auburn fans seem to isolate Auburn from everybody else as if it is so unique... we are going to do thing different from everyone else, that line of thinking just DRIVES me CRAZY.
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