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Everything posted by CoffeeTiger

  1. An RFKjr campaign official for New York State says that her #1 priority for this election is making sure that Biden loses the election in Nov. She says Trump and RFKjr supporters will all be on the same side regardless of which one wins, but that the important part is to get rid of Biden. hmmm... https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/rfk-jr-new-york-biden-trump/index.html
  2. Yeah, we've been long overdue for another major world war. The question of our time being...how do we have a worldwide, super deadly war to thin out the population without resorting to nuclear destruction?
  3. so basically you're saying that whether a person goes to hell or not is almost entirely dependent on where and when he's born? If you had been born to a religious family in the middle east you'd almost certainly be a devout Muslim today. If you'd been born in India, one of the most populist places on earth, chances are you would most likely be a Hindu right now with a small chance of being Muslim. If you'd been born in China or Japan, you'd be more likely to be non-religious or be religious towards ancient Gods and spirits based on your history. The religion you choose to take up is very strongly influenced by your family, friends, upbringing, and the society you grow up into. Religion isn't some blank slate where everyone is born, given a equal and nonbiased education on all the world religions and then gets to pick which ones they believe to be true. Humans for the most part will end up being believers of whatever religion or belief system they are taught to believe in at a young age.
  4. TennCare is just a standard Medicaid program that every state has. Tennessee just gave it a fancy name. Ironically, the Medicaid expansion being talked about here that Tennessee and many other Southern states have rejected would help those lower middle, upper low class people you're talking about needing help. Medicaid expansion is additional funding from the federal government to increase the eligibility roof of Medicaid benefits to help give healthcare coverage to those people who make too much money for Medicaid benefits, and low cost ACA benefits, but still don't make enough to afford decent insurance themselves. But overall, yes, the ultimate goal would be to reform the US healthcare system so that everyone doesn't depend so heavily on insurance subsudized by their employer, and where a major medical problem can't plunge anyone into financial ruin for the rest of their lives.
  5. Kamala slept with a governor? are you talking about her dating the mayor of SanFran like 30 years ago?
  6. ‘Our own’? This woman is running as the independent Green Party candidate and has 0% chance of winning any election. Lol
  7. NOOO!!! Joe Biden! WHY U DESTROY AMERICA!?!??😡😤
  8. More conservatives would believe in climate Change if liberals would just stop with all the science talk and just say that "God" is causing it as punishment for America allowing gays and trans people to exist.
  9. So according to RFKjr, Biden is a danger to Democracy because Facebook deleted some of his vaccine conspiracy posts, and because the secret service isn't paying for his protection? I know RFKjr isn't known for his logic and reasoning ability, but that's a bit of a stretch to me. Even the Republican Supreme Court decided the Biden Administration wasn't violating anyone's rights with their social media policy and communications.
  10. @Son of A Tiger. you're going to face slap yourself into a concussion if you aren't careful.
  11. I know what Trump would say about Jesus if asked: "That Jesus guy was a great man...great man....did a lot of things...not as many things as I've done....but good things. I have people come up to me and say. 'Sir...I once thought Jesus was the greatest man to ever exist, but you are giving him a real run for his money'...A guy told me that...can you believe it? I'm greater than Jesus!? That's what people say...people tell me that every day. Jesus would be a fan of mine if he was still around today...You can believe that! Jesus knows I do great things."
  12. Good decision. secret service protection costs more than $40,000 a day for the gov. to provide, and RFKjr isn't a big enough candidate for it to be necessary or needed.
  13. Good News Auburn93! For a one time donation of $899.99 to the AU NIL Superfund you can go out on an exclusive dinner date with any football player of your choice (excludes starting players. 2 hours maximum. Includes restaurant napkin signed by the player. All expenses covered by you separately. Spots limited)
  14. Most of the Kennedy family doesn't even support Jr.
  15. The Cardinal was mainly talking about Biden's stances on abortion. Regardless, giving speeches, signing proclamations, and putting out statements regarding holidays and other special events or days are all parts of governing.
  16. What do you consider to be honest sources? I think you have to get your news and information from a variety of sources, including MSM, to get a full picture of what's going on. Smaller independent news outlets and independent creators can be good, but they can also just as easily be the most biased and propagandized information out there depending on who founded them and if they even WANT to be unbiased.
  17. I think this is great! Biden is taking his job seriously, and governing for all people and beliefs and not just in the way his Catholic faith demands that he govern.
  18. Every time I see the message "Pub78 is typing" at the bottom of a thread I say to myself. Welp, we're about to get a link to the latest WNG opinion article about how evil Democrats are. Pubs nothing if not predictable.
  19. His family is well off and well connected. Sam will probably be broke on paper for the rest of his life, but will still manage to live a comfortable, upper class lifestyle.
  20. Trans people aren't the only ones who don't want their federal government promoting a Religion in their official events. I do feel for you and other Evangelicals on this though. The White house not painting little crosses on their Easter Eggs is the greatest persecution US Christians have faced since Starbucks started writing "Happy Holidays" on their Christmas cups.
  21. It's a non-profit group that is basically a support/marketing organization for the US Egg industry.
  22. At least he's admitting that Bitcoin is just an investment that him and his friends are trying to time the market right to make some money off of, and doesn't seem to be arguing that it's a real viable currency that'll replace the US dollar or something.
  23. I don't know if its fair to say past players were more patient than todays kids when in the past players only had two choices. Either 1. Be patient or 2. Don't play college football. Players today have more power, more options, and more leeway in shaping their college football careers than any other generation of players in the history of the game. It's a lot easier to be patient when you have no other real options.
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