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Swamp Eagle

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Everything posted by Swamp Eagle

  1. Getting the vaccine doesn’t exempt one from Covid protocol. Keep pushing your asinine narrative, though, Champ.
  2. That’s a separate standard. It’s bad enough Auburn gets the media double-standard, but when we have our own collection of dumbasses throwing rocks..well..
  3. Better than Rosegreen & Co. or the 93-94 secondary? That’s a lot to live up to..
  4. Sorry to hear this…he was a solid player and evidently a better person.
  5. He gonna pass himself on Twitter if he ain’t careful..
  6. Meanwhile, I’m entering my 2nd consecutive night of not losing sleep…😴
  7. Sounds like a lot of worrying about the wrong thing…😶
  8. Yes. It was a conspiracy based on oppression of the truth. Now we know. 🙄
  9. I can see myself not giving a —- about ‘college football’ inside of 5 years. I hope I’m wrong.
  10. A lot of gullible em-effers up in heah……
  11. Yep. If you put a stopwatch on the actual game content bow, it’d be an 8 minute show.
  12. Does ANYONE prefer today’s review show over this format? I hate all the production that’s put into them now. Just show me some football being played, including the opponents’ scoring plays. I could care less about all of the side profiles and Brad Law’s piece. Shug’s shows were even better. Same with Tiger Talk. Don’t want to hear from the tennis coach waiting for the football coach to get there.
  13. The next thing we’ll hear is everyone in the SEC wants to merge with Alabama.
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