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Everything posted by AUGunsmith

  1. This may be the situation in places early in industrialization, but post industrial society doesn't follow the same problems. The barrier to entry in damn near any market is so low any with the desire and ability to succeed. The issues you're talking if are more systemic problems built within the state apparatus which leak into socioeconomics opposed to the inverse.
  2. The economic meddling if a nation doesn't matter. An oligarchy can form regardless as it has literally nothing to do with how free it controlled a market is or even if it's a non market economy.
  3. Which is the entire point of the super sketchy video the state brought in yesterday. Which is interesting as they try to use iffy barely allowed evidence over bringing in the subject of the video to testify. Doesn't really require no facts thought, just that a reasonable jury wouldn't come to a guilty verdict.
  4. Doesn't matter that he was there or had a rifle. It's immaterial to the case. With the vast issues the state has had in procedures and rules, along with most state witnesses ending up being pros for the defense, a directed verdict or JMOL could easily happen regardless if the jury. Plus an easy appeal.
  5. Except the majority of fast food workers aren't exactly the members of society that will ever learn a real marketable skill.
  6. I'd rather a robot do the entire fast food process. Much less chance some societal waste of space messes my order up, is nasty, doesn't clean, etc.
  7. Yea, I love fire. Actually on my list of possible future employees.
  8. Except public universities are limited public forums and thus are unable to place content based restrictions. This is how and why you get sued and lose leading to more press and involvement for the view you're trying to oppress.
  9. FIRE got UF to back down from that position fast AF though.
  10. He only went like 20 minutes away from home lmao. Tis case is clear AF if you've watched the case or know the law in question. Hell the prosecutors own witnesses have been witnesses for the defense.
  11. What if you're a true fan whose life was defined by his time in Auburn but also a very strong critic who types this from the inside of a D1 football only facility with experience and knowledge to back it up?
  12. Plus better offensive unit. With arguably the best offensive mind of the last decade as HC and a top tier OC.
  13. I know dozens of nurses who wouldn't do the job if it wasn't decent pay/good career. It's a job. Period. Just because you're paid for doing what you like doesn't not make it a job. I liked my last job but wouldn't do it without the good pay. Bck in school for a new career. I like the subject matter, but it's as much about making a living as it is anything else. Removing the economic aspect of this is stupid as it is a critical part.
  14. Worship a coach? You prove my point lmao. I'm not anti vax, but if I get sick I'll do what I always have and pay someone to take care of me. You know, because they choose to do so to make money.
  15. Lmao and here is the perfect example of why the majority of American and humans in general hate you and your type. Wanting to take things like leach is a hero and turn it into some big deal when it's a common turn if phrase then feel the need to throw in who the ReAl HeRoS are. Literally edit
  16. Holy ******* simp Batman. Virtue signal some more for the people in the back who didn hear you.
  17. Everything that man says, touches or does is gold. As someone back in school changing careers with coaching and law school being my top 2, he is god.
  18. Mike leach is also the best coach/person ever. He can do whatever he wants. Fu*king hero we need.
  19. It's almost like minority populations dontbhave a good history with governmental drugs and experiments and doing so would be political suicide. But don't worry, it's about the settled science.
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