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Everything posted by TigerPAC

  1. we ALL want this to happen. get ready for loaded boxes and blitzes galore!
  2. Alright Bobo, coach em up. Let’s see what ya got.
  3. So, we have lost Bo, Anders, Pappoe, and (possibly) Shenker. Am I missing anyone else? please, no more salt in the wound
  4. Sucks for Anders. Another reason to kick the PAT. Went for 2, didn’t get it, forced us to try onside kick at that point and bam—-kicker knee gets walloped. Awful all the way around
  5. Anyone know for sure? when will formal news be made (or will it)?
  6. TigerPAC


    What exactly is Mason’ philosophy? What were we trying to do today? Wreaks of stubbornness...Lord knows we’ve had enough of that
  7. TigerPAC


    Mason needs to figure something out or hit he road. I don’t care about excuses. Blast and flame away but that’s my opinion.
  8. on the Bowen kid from indiana who committed to ND.....will the staff continue to recruit and try to swing him our way or just let it go??? I'm sure the kid has said "I'm ND all the way"
  9. Our zone has me concerned. Gotta put last week behind us, particularly the O staff/players.
  10. If they couldn’t hear their own snap count, how the heck could they supposedly hear the defense doing them??? nevermind the blatant face mask and intentional grounding by their qb
  11. Wherever you are these days, please do not post your usual game review stats for this one.
  12. Entire offense did not look prepared for this game. From bobo to bo to WR etc. wish would’ve seen hunter more
  13. WDE!!! I think we--myself included--sometimes tend to forget the real lives of all the student athletes. great news for Hamm.
  14. So if arky can flip a duck WR commit, maybe we can secure a commit from an uncommitted one?!? assuming arky holds onto this guy...that’s what I’m talking about-closing the deal.
  15. this staff does seem to be better coaches for sure, esp with game prep and adjustments, but we need someone to close the deal. being 2nd in a recruit's choice is the same as being 50th.
  16. I see what you are saying but IF that is the case, why play the entire season? Just pick the top 4 “best” teams in August and call it a day
  17. Whole thing smells to me but no one asked me either
  18. on the original depth chart from season's beginning....has 6 JJohnson listed as 2nd PR. now, who knows what happens @ practice?
  19. @W.E.Dplease don't turn this into another one of those threads.
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