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Everything posted by TigerPAC

  1. I’ll take an ugly win any day. My biggest concern is Holloway; he seems overwhelmed, sick, something. With his stature in this league, he’s going to have to shoot unreal from deep or be one heck of a ball handler then dish—haven’t witnessed much of either lately. Gonna need him to mature quickly
  2. Portal closed midnight Thursday night. Schools have the next 48 hours to release the news/statement. So technically, AU has til midnight tonight to announce any such encounters
  3. So are we about to see the Sean Jackson RB show? Good grief, this “could” be a mess—I hope not. these must be in response to the rumor of Caddy gone
  4. I was hoping he was. He is a very good baseball player and can steal bases wonderfully w right coaching.
  5. Agree and I’m not “politically correct”. Call it like I see it. No biggie tho.
  6. Dude should be charged and arrested. Absolutely NO place in society for that crap, let alone 10 minutes after a bowl game loss. Doesn’t matter what happened in the game.
  7. Any idea if Cain is going to try to play AU baseball?
  8. 19/22 FG this year 100% from 56 yards and in long of 60 yards 6 good from 50+ thats incredible
  9. I think he wanted bammer. Bammer upped the ante to spurn AU into spending more, but we called their bluff. Now the kid is probably stuck. That’s what it seems to me anyway.
  10. Quick question….why is Gabriel leaving OK?
  11. I’m not sure if true or how it’s done, but I’ve heard that all bammer players have a base rate and the REC takes care of “NIL”. I’m sure there is a lot of tax issues gonna crop up at some point for all of these so called amateurs
  12. DJ James opting out for draft/nfl training. Maryland likes to throw with little tua; time for the young DBs to step up
  13. On local radio Tuesday, RW said he would be signing (somewhere) on Feb 9th, his birthday
  14. I applaud his effort and the NEAR victory but isn’t that—-Laying it all out on the line—what is supposed to happen every week? PT did progress some thru this season, i think.
  15. Question on PT…. Can he throw a deep ball? We never really tried much. Does anyone know if he has the arm strength?
  16. You know you aren’t gonna win any arguments here. It’s also the replay official ONE and ONLY job—-sounds like his fault to me.
  17. Too much $ and drama involved. If Fsu was good enough for 4 last week and they won their conference champ game, they should still be good enough for 4 this week.
  18. Nope. Who knew the power of the Bham replay official? Not only assisted in the SeC champ game but also affected the entire college football world.
  19. Same for 2025 Eric Winters from Enterprise (playing QB that is).
  20. no to the arky qb. he's just a bid dude playing qb. not very good imo
  21. pinned back and WITH the ball is better imo than trotting out a cold punt returner and its risks, as we all witnessed. hindsight is always 50/50
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