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Everything posted by SuperAUsome09

  1. Bottom line overall is we need to recruit…badly
  2. I knew before I even entered this one, but still did. 😂
  3. Man we need some quality shooters badly.
  4. Cadillac is humble. Not in it for fame and fortune, but for the love of the kids and their future. His time will come to head a program, but he needs a little more experience and he knows that. I admire him for it.
  5. We gonna finish the game with enough players to field a team at this rate?
  6. We just trying to run the clock. Zero passing allowed lol
  7. I always hate the phrase “holds a lot of promise” pertaining to coaches.
  8. Caddy still built like he could take on the entire offensive line of every SEC school. lol War Eagle! Love how genuine he is in this interview.
  9. I don't expect anything magical, but I do hope this will stop the bleeding at least and rally the team and fans to finish the season on a more positive vibe. I too am curious to know Schmedding's ace up the sleeve to stay on. lol
  10. Still a great day because we got rid of the dumpster fire.
  11. Does this shakeup potentially allow us to try and reclaim some players hitting the portal or is that water under the bridge now?
  12. “This is so ugly that we’ll have to wait another week to fire Harsin.” - Auburn administration because it makes no sense
  13. We are 2 weeks past when Harsin should've been let go, but because the administration has played the pacifist, Harsin is now conducting scorched earth. *slow claps sarcastically*
  14. "We paint this grass blue and we could get some wins. That's the key element this team is missing."
  15. Would be nice BUT you have the good ole Auburn booster problem. Yet another problem with getting a good coach here.
  16. You have to beat teams at recruiting to be “good enough”. We are years behind in quality depth imo
  17. Hardest schedule, ultra demanding fan base due to Bama/Georgia success, coaching carousel started, list goes on. What great coach would walk into that even with a blank check offer? Seriously. It’s painful, but I just don’t see a good path for a long time.
  18. And for every one of those, you have a vast majority commit insider trading(illegal) to get filthy rich. So they get "disbarred and impeached" then live in luxury and laugh at the plebs that think "justice was served". Justice will never be served to the corruption in US politics.
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