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Everything posted by alanevans

  1. If you know him so well you must know he doesn’t even live in Alabama
  2. Yes, Got a dumb-a$$ what about response to that?
  3. IDK about that….,it’s true Hunter has problems but the rest of that family has pulled together pretty admirably
  4. No it has to do with weird candidates from dysfunctional backgrounds Like…..RFK Jr, and Donal Trump
  5. It does pretty much fit the established behavior pattern, doesn’t it?
  6. alanevans


    yeah well we’re still pating him over $2 mill/year so we own some of those UCF losses
  7. Yes,I agree…,she needs to convince more of the loons on her side of the aisle to quit
  8. Kinda doubt it, the precedent is recent and set by the worst president we ever had
  9. Unfortunately if someone spends enough years parboiling their brain it becomes irreversible. Today’s Fox News/OAN watcher probably grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh. After a while their brain turns to moosh.
  10. Every day this goofy collection of MAGA fools proves their lack of fitness for office and inability to govern, or do anything but Donald Trump’s bidding.
  11. It was after the convention, but Dukakis was beating GHWB in the polls by more than that at one point. I still think there are enough people who will at the end think “In your guts, you know he’s nuts” about Trump (yes I realize that was about Goldwater). Back in 2016 nobody knew how Trump would govern and I think there might have been a lot of projection onto past figures (Truman and Reagan most notably) who were not well regarded by established politicians but governed fairly reasonably (well, maybe not Reagan in his second term but you get the point). Today, any thinking person realizes that (much as many hate her) Hillary was right when she labeled Trump as a “chaos candidate”. We’ve been there and I can’t believe that we’ll make that same mistake again.
  12. He’s an embarrassing presidential relative. There have been a lot dating back to George Washington’s stepson! Prosecute away but thinking this ties to the president is contrived. It is also pretty clear that in this particular instance it’s been over prosecuted due to who he is.
  13. Maybe. But I sure have a reality based opinion about Donald Trump’s crimes and impeachments.
  14. I just want to recognize this momentous occasion. IM made a post that did not reference sexual deviance or transgender. Granted, it was still dumber than diet, but at least he’s branching out a little
  15. Interesting that even the usual zealots aren’t defending this one
  16. Trump was unfir from the day he was elected. Both impeachments, and the current crimes pending trial, are for a range of egregious conduct even Nixon never dreamed of doing
  17. Wouldn’t be the first 73 year old in the closet….. I am starting to think all this talk about perverse lifestyles is projection on your part. Seriously, a counselor of some type might be able to help you
  18. Personally I can’t assess the Virginia woman’s transgressions without seeing a film clip. Got a link?
  19. I only did a single rotation in psych, but it seems to me that your fixation/obsession with transgender issues might be telling us something…,,you may want to talk with a psychiatrist/psychologist about that.
  20. You sound like one of my Fox News addled idiot relatives. In bygone days, such things would not be fit topics for conversation. Now they’re point 1 or 2 on an endless list of fake grievances. Bet you are vaccine noncompliant and wouldn’t wear a mask, right? When relatives don’t want you around at holidays, don’t be surprised.
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