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Everything posted by alanevans

  1. Joe Biden is a committed Catholic Christian. Who’s true to his wife and is a decent man Barack Obama is a Christian. Who’s true to his wife and is a decent man. Mike Pence is a Christian. Who’s true to his wife and is a decent man. Donald Trump is by no means any kind of Christian and has cheated flagrantly on all of his three wives, two of which were essentially Europian rentals. How anyone could possibly think of voting for that man and claiming it is faith based is beyond me
  2. Most of you Trumpist “Christians” follow Supply Side Jesus
  3. Sorry, if you can vote for Trump at this point I seriously question your being a Christian in anything but name
  4. So you believe it is consistent for a Christian to vote for Trump?
  5. I guess we should count our blessings, it could be morphed into some weird rants about transsexuals
  6. I would just like to understand why the original post about evangelical voters got turned into an immigration theme.
  7. NPR leans left because since Trump came into the picture the right is insanity
  8. IM is sure fixated on the transgender thing. Might need to talk to a psychiatrist about that
  9. All the Trumpists need to see/read Parnas’ testimony today. Basically, the Russia thing was no hoax, the first impeachment was fully justified and there are a lot of willing Republicans who are accomplices
  10. I don’t care who you are, if this doesn’t make sense and make you laugh you must be sitting around in your MAGA hat and gold shoes
  11. Good God, How you call anyone a loser is a mystery
  12. Noticed that too? It’s real important that not be solved so Trump can rant about it
  13. It really is disappointing…if you know the guy’s backstory from his time running a catfish place to coaching Auburn….real story of a guy who bet big on himself and was successful, for a time…
  14. It is always so easy to identify those who did not read or understand the Mueller report…
  15. Funny I don’t see any replies from our ubiquitous Trumplick
  16. As time goes on, I think his Dad was essentially a Nazi sympathizer who affected him profoundly
  17. I think he’s ignorant, profoundly and willfully so. I believe it was in Michael Wolf’s book where he recounted Mattis trying to teach him why we have military bases in South Korea and Germany, and he sat there like a petulant child and said they were playing us for suckers and stealing our money….by my recollection he asked Trump “Surely you don’t believe that “ …. And Trump said “I’ve believed that for 30 years” That’s when Mattis proclaimed him to be a “f’in idiot.” Seems accurate
  18. he sure seems to be whipping the MAGAs asses at every turn….if he’s diminished they must fall into the never were, never will be category
  19. Obama issued an Executive Order when Republicans wouldn’t work with him and you all went nuts saying he was being a king, Trump did it and you loved it
  20. Oh, just spitballing here, but how about military styled semi automatic weapons with large magazines
  21. I thought this thread was gonna be about someone who voted for Trump.
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