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Everything posted by Didba

  1. For you and I, sure, but not people outside the legal field.
  2. There’s a lady across the street from us that homeschool’s her kids and teaches them the earth is only like 6,000 years old or something. She met us once when we moved in and rudely gossiped about all of our neighbors within five minutes of meeting my wife and I. When asked casually told her we don’t have kids/plan on kids and that I worked for a longstanding Democratic plaintiff’s law firm in town. she hasn’t spoken to us since. Dodged a bullet on that one.
  3. Conservative religious extremists celebrate their sworn enemy’s victory over their arch nemesis. More news at one.
  4. All good, we can agree to disagree on the dated aspect. An important distinction we missed which may have helped inform this discussion is that there is a difference between organizations and movements. BLM the organization and BLM the movement. Many were out in support of the movement say as members of organizations like the ACLU but not BLM the organization. Same for Jan 6 and proud boys. many were out in support of the “MAGA” movement but would never support militias like the Proud boys that were there to do more than protest.
  5. Under your distinction/definition, the civil rights protests and the Vietnam war protests would fall under that label. Don’t you see the error in such a broad label? No organization had complete control over Jan 6, just the same as no organization having complete control over the protests you cite. Plenty of unrelated organizations with similar ideologies came together to protest at both events. one could argue Trump had control over all the protesters since he was actively call for them to protest but I don’t because MLK jr did the same thing and I don’t consider him to have had control over the entire civil rights movement That’s my point.
  6. The tactics used by Russian and Chinese political organizations and their various branches to control opposition, oppress their populace, and maintain the power over the government. Traditionally, fascism is right wing authoritarianism and communism is left wing authoritarianism. Anti-fascist and anti-communists are not inherently authoritarian. Nazi brown shirts are a great example of a civilian militia organization that acted at the direction of an authoritarian political party in the Nazi party of Germany. https://www.populismstudies.org/Vocabulary/authoritarianism/ this link explains it better than I ever could but at its core, authoritarian acts are those that aim to secure power for their political party, and prevent any other party from even participating in government. IMO, neither Antifa/BLM or the Jan 6 participants/proud boys fit this bill.
  7. So then you agree that that the actions of the Jan 6 participants were authoritarian/fascist? You can’t apply that label to the actions of the protests you cite without applying it to Jan 6 participants.
  8. You are using authority and authoritarian incorrectly. Not trying to make a point with this, more-so, just letting you know.
  9. The same can be said for Antifa and the protests you cite. if you reply to this with “BLM” than my reply to that would be “Proud Boys.”
  10. Another question, if those are the type of activities you would consider fascist/authoritarian, wouldn’t that make the activities of the participants in Jan 6 fascist/authoritarian?
  11. Perfect satire. Really well done.
  12. Children aren’t doing any voting and there are not legitimate democratic elections occurring in Palenstine. Similar to Russia’s “democracy” and their “elections”. Even you can see this is a dead end conversation.
  13. Technically, comparing left extremists to Stalin’s version of brownshirts would be more correct than Nazi brownshirts but that’s just semantics and labels for the same thing just with different politics
  14. Yeah certain sects of Islam certainly support Jihad more than others. Unfortunately.
  15. I’d hope everyone would recognize that antifa exists since I’d also hope everyone would be anti-fascist.
  16. There is a difference in occupation/reconstruction and outright capitulation at all costs. it seems capitulation is the choice.
  17. Hamas doesn’t want peace. I’m pretty sure there are plenty of non-Hamas Palestinians that want peace.
  18. The answer was “in a perfect world” kinda thing. I agree 100%.
  19. That's actually pretty fair. That comparison isn't accurate, at least not where things are now. Hopefully, it continues to be inaccurate.
  20. I appreciate this measured response, as for your question: Taking down Hamas like the US took down Bin Laden hopefully with less torturing of prisoners. Though if I had to pick the lesser of two evils for Israel to eradicate Hamas, I'd pick the war crimes against Hamas prisoners over war crimes against Palestinian civvies. Disgusting to even say it.
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