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Everything posted by GunsmithAU

  1. I don't think Mikey ever said 10 wins would be the number, just that it was a realistic possibility. Without nix going down, he would have been close to the maximum. The 5 game total seems more like an actual prediction than a possible ceiling. Thats how I've infered it anyways.
  2. Except pro players are being paid a market value by their organization with nil also being a market value driven marketing approach. There is no return on investment with the current model of college ball. No college NIL is functioning as a legit marketing format. It's all pay for play in the open. Allstate didn't pay Rodgers/Maholms to play but because they are known marketable people. If you're unable or unwilling to see/understand the difference I cannot help you.
  3. Only if this stays as a wild west NCAA bound system. With a true semi pro league, whether college based or not, there is an actual profit to be made from the expenditures. Meaning these levels of pay, as a form of salary, can be economically viable.
  4. The entire model is unsustainable. The people with the net worth to sustain this aren't sitting on scrooge McDuck vaults, but mainly gaining wealth from assets. These people cannot afford to constantly drop 10+ mil a year for new people while continuing to pay the previous 3-4 classes 10+ mil/year You're looking at greater than 40million a year to maintain these teams. That's just s***ty business. This time either marks the end of major college football and even the blue bloods become G5 talent wise or we see the a break-off from the NCAA to create a college owned semi pro league with salary caps, a draft etc.
  5. What QB to play didn't have arm talent?
  6. No he won't. The blue blood and already big named schools are the same ones who are going to be willing and able to pay the money.
  7. His measurable ability has never been in doubt it's the decision making that has been most questioned. At this level, most every scholarship QB is going to have above average to elite arm tallent.
  8. A lot of defending Kodi by blaming Gus here. About the only thing the WR group did under Kodi was block well. Even with the simplistic route tree and O, we never heard of a WR having polished fundamentals or technique. Things taught by and expected of the coach. Potential =/= being qualified. Kodi recruited his ass off. No one disputes that.
  9. You can't equate his current qualifications to then. That's a false equivalency and irrelevant to the discussion on his initial hiring.
  10. A lot of blame does belong to Gus, but that doesn't change the fact he was wholly unqualified for the position.
  11. I was among those and I still am. Kodi should not have been hired at Auburn when he was. Potential aside, at that time he wasn't an SEC position coach and I believe that showed often through his time here. That being said, I've always been a Kodi fan and I hope he kills it in the league!
  12. Why am I being down voted? It's an honest question? I could have sworn it was something he said. I'll have to research.
  13. What happened to Harsin's rule of once you enter, you don't come back?
  14. If this alone comes to fruition it almost requires Harsin to have a baller record this hear to keep his job.
  15. Galloway isn't a good use here. JP was also a dick, but he was the smile to your face and stab you with the other hand kinda guy. He wasn't loved or well liked by the staff or players. Galloway on the other hand was just an outward a**hole to all, a little more hard-nosed.
  16. He didn't start, but was a backup. He may have been the one who started, but the starter was injured, otherwise ZC doesn't play. Asante and Jones didn't started, but played. Nit-picky, but an important distinction based on your argument
  17. I didn't say they would be good just that they would be better than us.
  18. LSU has also out recruited Auburn. A huge coaching upgrade with great tallent already in campus. Even in Jordan-Hare, they probably have the nod.
  19. Bo was able to both mask some issues as well as just be a much better QB than TJ.
  20. Plus quit living your underdog dream movie scenario. A can do attitude is the least of Auburn's worries. There are major deficiencies and talent gaps. No amount of this magical I believe changes that. So yes it will 100% be a steal for Auburn to beat TAMU, UGA, Bama. It'll be an upset to beat ole miss and probably ark.
  21. Good thing we aren't coaches 🤷🏼‍♂️
  22. The 3 year standard is dead. With NIL and a free for all on transfers, a coach can completely overhaul a team within 2 years. If you don't have positive indicators in the final bit of season 2 you're too late.
  23. Instead of talking s*** to Mikey, how about you instead refute any of the points he has brought up? Give him some glimmer of hope. If you can't do that, is he really wrong in anything being said?
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