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Everything posted by GunsmithAU

  1. In a heartbeat. He didn't get many touches last year, but i think his ceiling is much higher. His HS tape shows everything you look for in a back.
  2. I never said he couldn't improve, just pointed out that his statline is very poor against quality opponents. He was a best available backup, last minute oh s*** we need a guy type recruit. He isn't bad but he isn't great. And yes I do think Alston takes over as 2.
  3. Hunter did jack against quality opponents. Of his 600 yards, 300 we're against the 3 cupcake teams. His LSU statline is skewed by one big run. Without that 44yarder, he is a 4.0 average down from 10.8. Against sec opponents, he averaged 3.5 yards. Take out the skewed LSU game and he is at 2.5 against sec opponents. He showed flashes, but wasn't a true threat. Don't be surprised to see him as rb3 by season end.
  4. Outside of bigsby, we don't have anything special at RB. Someone may prove themselves, but only tank is exciting.
  5. Not really an issue as the NCAA won't be the ruling body for football by the end of the decade. The major colleges will break away and form a quasi semi pro football org. The g5s and other non competitive schools will continue.
  6. Leach is the man Auburn needs but doesn't deserve.
  7. Auburn isn't smart enough to grab either kiffen or the pirate.
  8. If TJ is the starter at any point this year, it will spell the end of Harsin.
  9. The same OL which was God awful in run blocking last year amazingly gets a 1500 yard back? Pass happy? They couldn't rush to save their lives last season. Hunter did nothing against quality opponents last season. Unless Harsin somehow convinces a stud OC to come, there is 0 reason to fire his Boise buddy. If the O struggled and Auburn struggles to reach .500 even if harsin stays, no OC is coming here.
  10. If cam had 2 years if being a giant blob of meh, then yea. Must have missed that cam was a stud recruit who lit up the highlight reels before he came to Auburn. Or that TJ was mid tier QB recruit who has been lacking at 2 different schools now.
  11. I've was said TJ is nothing but a serviceable backup. If he has to play, won't win you any games nor lose you any. Also in before GeOrGiA StAtE
  12. If TJ is qb1, we're worse off than last year. I find it hard to see how we improve upon last year, especially turning some of those losses into wins considering the personal changes.
  13. Zekensky was specifically mentioned in the Panama papers related to corruption and US Congress as well. He isn't a good democratic guy. The US idea of supporting and promoting democracy has done nothing to help the world though. South America is still in shambles from the US support of the narco states which opposed communism, the middle east is worse off, Vietnam was a waste if lives and money, the list goes on. Foreign nations using military and enomomic might to force democracy has failed. Hitler rebuilt Germany because he ignored the requirements of the Vienna convention and gave the German people something to believe in. German citizens were very well off even into the mid phases of the war. The US tax payer should not be subsidizing the defense of foreign lands. Period. But not should NATO exist in the world today it is a relic from the cold war. Considering many predicted this invasion back in 2014 based off the continued expansion of NATO into the Russian sphere of influence and in defiance of agreements to not expand nato. Not to mention that the current government of Ukraine only exists because the west fomented a successful revolution. The US has not given Ukraine over 1/3rd of it's GDP in weapons. The US government called out Ukraine as an extreme corrupt state, including zekensky earlier this year prior to invasion. Ukraine existence in Nato would only exists as a drain on the other member states and to bully Russia. Same with it's entrance in the EU. The European's decisions to be energy dependant on Russia is not the US problem.
  14. This pretends that improper interference and the extreme reparations required by Germany in WW1. Without this, Germany never falls into the chaos required for the rise of Nazism. I'm not saying that that the US has done and what is going on in eastern Europe are equivalent, just that paralellea exist which extremely undermine the high ground. The US has poured more into the Ukrainian conflict that double every other nation. This is a massive amount of arms and supplies being purchased by the state at the same time that state spending has created the massive inflation problem. The shady selling of arms to Saudi has lead to more than 300k dead in Yemen, in somalia over half a million in a US supported regime, millions killed or displaced by ISIS/war on terror with massive US arms diverted from legit sources or given to extremist groups. Funding, arming and training the mujahideen, the US weapons showing up in the shan state. Ukraine is a terribly corrupt country with a long history of arm trafficking. It's terrible what is happening to them, but the actions of the US do more to endanger the world than protect it.
  15. No player making a football move should be defenseless.
  16. The US has been invading and deposing govts for the better part of a century. The negative potential for trafficked arms is much higher than you realize. Everything from ISIS to the issues in Rowanda in the 90s, Myanmar currently all exists because if the loose willy nilly transfer of arms by the US and other western powers. Hell even the gray market giving of weapons like to the Saudis has resulted in mass genocide within Yemen, yet because of the Saudi oil, it's ignored. The US shouldn't be giving any foreign nation or group weapons. Period. Not to extremist groups in the middle east, not to NATO members, and certainly not the to corrupt s*** state that is Ukraine.
  17. Back in my days of the early mid 2010s, it was Fat Daddy's. It was always interesting to see the mix of super drunk college kids, middle aged single mothers who were attractive 20 years and a substance abuse problem ago, and construction workers in one place.
  18. Ukraine is historically the most corrupt and poor nation within Europe. This compounds with the propensity of the Ukrainian state and nationls to participate within the illicit arms trade since the fall of the Soviet Union. Throw this in with the inability of western nations to track the movement of arms within the country as well as with the surfacing videos (legitamacy questioned) of western arms being sold within the country already and you have a situation ripe for the transfer of arms to insurgency or terrorism organizations. Examples of how important this issues it can be found in the power concentrated withing ISIS following the shipment to western arms to anti-Assad forces within Syria. The transfer of arms to shady governments simply because they are the stand in for the never ending proxy war with Russia produces externalities with major human rights questions as well as adds instability to international peace and security. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/19/politics/us-weapons-ukraine-intelligence/index.html
  19. Brad Lester was the one who put out the UTSA info.
  20. If it was right across from where country's BBQ is now, that's now a Mexican restaurant and another building that's been a million different things in the last decade or so.
  21. I believe that's a big before my time, i lived on Opelika road for about 6 years and never heard of it. However, found some pretty cool nastolgia pieces you might be interested in! https://longlosttees.com/products/harrys-bar https://auburnart.com/products/auburn-al-popular-hangout-for-auburn-students-harry-s-bar-vintage-framed-photo https://www.secrant.com/rant/auburn-sports/throwback-thread---harrys/66277282/
  22. And Dee lands at the football powerhouse UTSA
  23. I'd argue immediate competition for PT is a good sell. Sure they're 30yo men playing here now, but they're known to suck.
  24. I'm not blaming harsin for what he was left with, just on not making it the number 1 priority and doing something.
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