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Enlighten me on the lifestyles/finances of student athletes


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I have wondered about this for some time now so I thought I would ask.  In light of recent events, will someone please enlighten me on the daily finances of student athletes?  I am sure there are procedures in place, I am just not familar with them.  Not every player that comes to the university is a trust fund baby or has rich parents.  I seriously doubt they have time for a part time job so where do they get money everything they need?


When I was at AU, all the football players lived at the athletic dorm.  A couple of my buddies worked in the cafeteria and they said the food was out of this world.  From what I understand, universities are no longer allowed to house student athletes in dorms.  So...............

--Where do they live?

--Does the university pay their rent, electricity, phone, water, garbarge, cable TV

    internet service, etc. ?

--Who says where they can and can't live?

--What if they want to move to a new place?

--What if they want to live with a buddy from high school or their girlfriend?

--What if they are married or have dependents? 

--Who pays for the furniture?


--Do they eat all three meals at a cafeteria?

--What if they want to eat at McDonald's or Wendy's or Applebee's?  Who pays for it?

--Who buys their groceries?

--What if they want a soft drink or chips in between classes?



--Toiletries (Toothpaste, Shampoo, Soap)

--What if they wear glasses or contacts and need new ones?

--What if they want a haircut?

--Who does their laundry?

--Gas for car?

--Car insurance?

--Cell phones?

--Video games, Ipods, Music downloads, laptops?

--School supplies?

I'm sure their parents help them out as much as they can but life is expensive and some of these kids come from single parent households.  I would imagine that the average college student nowadays would spend $1,000-$1,500 per month on food and incidentials.  If student athletes aren't allowed to work and their parents can't afford to send them $1,000-$1,500 per month, how do they get the money to pay for all this stuff?

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Scholarship athletes can still qualify for student loan assistance.

Come on, use your head.

So they have to take out a loan to get a haircut or a Big Mac combo or where you just trying to emphasize my point?

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Scholarship athletes can still qualify for student loan assistance.

Come on, use your head.

So they have to take out a loan to get a haircut or a Big Mac combo or where you just trying to emphasize my point?

if you have a student loan it goes into your account and yes, you could use it to buy food and hair cuts.  having an athletic scholarship doesn't disqualify you from need based scholarships.  were you really asking or are you trying to make a point?

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As far as it goes here in Auburn, most freshmen live in The Village, the team usually eats dinner at an all you can eat buffet there called the Tiger Zone. It is $10 per meal which is paid for by swiping their Tiger card (the school puts money on it for them, but normal students have to use their own money on there). Outside of that I believe they get a certain amount per month to live off of from the school which is regulated across the NCAA. They can choose to live off campus if they want as most players do after their freshman year. A room in The Village is about $700 a month for a normal student, so I imagine they get about that much from the school to pay rent at a house/apartment if they choose to live off campus. Some popular places players like to live are The Exchange, Eagles Landing, and the duplexes on/around Longleaf which are typically about $400 a month leaving them the extra to bay bills and such. There is no rule that says they can only live with athletes. Other than that I couldnt really tell you. Pretty sure they are on their own for haircuts.

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pretty sure after the scholarship pays for all their academic stuff. they have a good amount of money to spend on food, haircuts, video games, etc. on a food note, i thought the athletes get food from the school and good food at that.

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Athletes whose families meet the fincial crteria also can apply for Pell grants.  This money can be used for almost any education related expense. I'm going off memory of when one of my family was a scholarship althlete at an SEC school.

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As far as it goes here in Auburn, most freshmen live in The Village, the team usually eats dinner at an all you can eat buffet there called the Tiger Zone. It is $10 per meal which is paid for by swiping their Tiger card (the school puts money on it for them, but normal students have to use their own money on there). Outside of that I believe they get a certain amount per month to live off of from the school which is regulated across the NCAA. They can choose to live off campus if they want as most players do after their freshman year. A room in The Village is about $700 a month for a normal student, so I imagine they get about that much from the school to pay rent at a house/apartment if they choose to live off campus. Some popular places players like to live are The Exchange, Eagles Landing, and the duplexes on/around Longleaf which are typically about $400 a month leaving them the extra to bay bills and such. There is no rule that says they can only live with athletes. Other than that I couldnt really tell you. Pretty sure they are on their own for haircuts.

THIS^^ That's about as spot on as it gets. They get a nice allowance per month to handle other expenses. And I'm sure someone on the team has bought a pair of clippers and the guys have hair cut parties  :tease:

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As far as it goes here in Auburn, most freshmen live in The Village, the team usually eats dinner at an all you can eat buffet there called the Tiger Zone. It is $10 per meal which is paid for by swiping their Tiger card (the school puts money on it for them, but normal students have to use their own money on there). Outside of that I believe they get a certain amount per month to live off of from the school which is regulated across the NCAA. They can choose to live off campus if they want as most players do after their freshman year. A room in The Village is about $700 a month for a normal student, so I imagine they get about that much from the school to pay rent at a house/apartment if they choose to live off campus. Some popular places players like to live are The Exchange, Eagles Landing, and the duplexes on/around Longleaf which are typically about $400 a month leaving them the extra to bay bills and such. There is no rule that says they can only live with athletes. Other than that I couldnt really tell you. Pretty sure they are on their own for haircuts.

THIS^^ That's about as spot on as it gets. They get a nice allowance per month to handle other expenses. And I'm sure someone on the team has bought a pair of clippers and the guys have hair cut parties  :tease:

Josh and Lee said leave them outta that haircut party thing. :dunno:
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As far as it goes here in Auburn, most freshmen live in The Village, the team usually eats dinner at an all you can eat buffet there called the Tiger Zone. It is $10 per meal which is paid for by swiping their Tiger card (the school puts money on it for them, but normal students have to use their own money on there). Outside of that I believe they get a certain amount per month to live off of from the school which is regulated across the NCAA. They can choose to live off campus if they want as most players do after their freshman year. A room in The Village is about $700 a month for a normal student, so I imagine they get about that much from the school to pay rent at a house/apartment if they choose to live off campus. Some popular places players like to live are The Exchange, Eagles Landing, and the duplexes on/around Longleaf which are typically about $400 a month leaving them the extra to bay bills and such. There is no rule that says they can only live with athletes. Other than that I couldnt really tell you. Pretty sure they are on their own for haircuts.

THIS^^ That's about as spot on as it gets. They get a nice allowance per month to handle other expenses. And I'm sure someone on the team has bought a pair of clippers and the guys have hair cut parties  :tease:

Josh and Lee said leave them outta that haircut party thing. :dunno:

I think they're the ones that do the cutting  :P

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That was a great question Shift, I'm sure 90% of the people on this board were wondering the same thing.

Seeing as how I never had a full ride scholarship, I was definitely wondering what it was like.  The closest thing I had was a paid trip to Disneyworld I won at work.  They had the dining package included and it was awesome  :thumbsup:  I recommend this if going to Disney World:  Fly in and stay at a resort with the Deluxe Dining Package if you can afford it.  It was an actual stress free vacation as everything is paid up front.  Ok now back to your regularly scheduled programming  :rolleyes:

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One of my friends used to live next door to Karlos Dansby, Mayo Sowell, and Donnay Young at Scarborough Square (now Logan's Square) for two years.  He lived next door to Marcus McNeil 2 years later at Deerwood.  It is not that football players can not live in doorms, but that they can not have doorms specifically designated for athletes.  They have to be integrated with the rest of the student population.  We used to hang out with Dansby and Mayo almost nightly and play Halo.  My understanding was that their rent is subsidized by the university.  I also believe that they are able to dine with the team.  Incidentals must be paid for out of pocket.  Except for school supplies.  I believe their scholarships can cover some of their school supplies other than books, but I am not positive about that.  They would probably have to be bought at the university book store also, but don't quote me on that one.  Pretty much the university is able to provide most everything that they need (food, shelter, ect...) to survive.  Any thing extra I do not believe is coverred by the scholarship. Now living off a scholarship and nothing else may not be easy or fun but it is do-able.  This is of course a full scholarship I am talking about. I do not think that football is allowed to split scholarships like other sports.  But then, any other sports rarely give full scholarships.  My brother played some JUCO baseball and his scholarship covered his tuition, but I am not sure about books.  Everything else was out of pocket.  I don't remember if they had dorms or not, but he didnt stay in them.  He only stayed there for 1 year before transferring.  I do not think he was very happy in Boaz.  

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