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interesting read on urban myer


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here is the link:  http://aol.sportingnews.com/ncaa-football/story/2012-04-09/urban-meyer-florida-ohio-state-ncaa-violation-recruiting-drugs-program-will-musc

Some interesting stuff in that article about him and the florida program

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Urban has no integrity. He comes from the same cloth cut from people like Saban and Petrino. Win at all cost mentality and doesn't care how they do it. No discipline and playing favorites can tear a team a part. I feel the same thing is going on at UGA also. Now at OSU he basically threw his old team under the bus by telling a recruit that it is a bad environment there. The sad thing is that HE created it. I feel sorry for Muschamp having to clean up that mess. OSU in my opinion just traded one snake for another as their HC. I remember one year that the players at UF told recruits not to go there because Myer lied and was a bad coach. That should have been your sign right there that Urban is a piece of trash who has no integrity. I honestly question his excuse for quitting UF due to "health issues."

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Urban has no integrity. He comes from the same cloth cut from people like Saban and Petrino. Win at all cost mentality and doesn't care how they do it. No discipline and playing favorites can tear a team a part. I feel the same thing is going on at UGA also. Now at OSU he basically threw his old team under the bus by telling a recruit that it is a bad environment there. The sad thing is that HE created it. I feel sorry for Muschamp having to clean up that mess. OSU in my opinion just traded one snake for another as their HC. I remember one year that the players at UF told recruits not to go there because Myer lied and was a bad coach. That should have been your sign right there that Urban is a piece of trash who has no integrity. I honestly question his excuse for quitting UF due to "health issues."

^^^ Urban Meyer is trash, is hateful, spiteful, and is as dishonest as they come.  He played a big part in the leaking of lies about Cam Newton to the media.

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“As far as coaching, there’s no one else like (Meyer); he’s a great coach,” Thomas said. “He gets players to do things you never thought you could do. But he’s a bad person. He’ll win at Ohio State. But if he doesn’t change, they’re going to have the same problems.”

I've never understood why this man has been placed on the pedestal he's on as one of the alltime great coaches. Sure it takes a special person to guide a program to the top... He's not special though.

He flushed the UF program & blamed SEC recruiting practices, his 'health', his 'family', & the character of his former players while never taking responsibility for the real culprit... himself. He ran his resources dry & couldn't hack it for the long-run because he's a fraud. I can't wait to see him fail.

thanks Meyer for giving me a second reason to pull for Michigan this year. And thanks Auburn for never having a 'bad day' against him...

^Anti-inebriation ad at it's finest

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Urban has no integrity. He comes from the same cloth cut from people like Saban and Petrino. Win at all cost mentality and doesn't care how they do it. No discipline and playing favorites can tear a team a part. I feel the same thing is going on at UGA also. Now at OSU he basically threw his old team under the bus by telling a recruit that it is a bad environment there. The sad thing is that HE created it. I feel sorry for Muschamp having to clean up that mess. OSU in my opinion just traded one snake for another as their HC. I remember one year that the players at UF told recruits not to go there because Myer lied and was a bad coach. That should have been your sign right there that Urban is a piece of trash who has no integrity. I honestly question his excuse for quitting UF due to "health issues."

^^^ Urban Meyer is trash, is hateful, spiteful, and is as dishonest as they come.  He played a big part in the leaking of lies about Cam Newton to the media.

I'd LOVE to know what Tim Tebow has to say about this article.  I would love the hear Tebow weigh in on his old coach. :laugh:

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This article certainly doesn't paint a pretty picture of Urban Meyer, but I think we AU fans were already aware of what an a** he is after the Cam Newton recruitment situation. I do wish this had come out during the college football season and not now, but I'm not in charge of that. While it does seem that Meyer is truly a scumbag, there doesn't seem to be any NCAA rules violations in what he did or how he built and then possibly ruined the UF program. However, this does lead me to this question: Where in the name of Sam Hill are all these investigative reporters with all the potential mess going on in Tuscaloosa? Back in the very old days when someone was beheaded, the head of the victim was placed on a stake as a reminder to those who might consider going against the crown. I wonder if somewhere there are pictures of the head of Logan Young on a stake being circulated by REC members to warn reporters of what might happen to them?

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I had an exchange with a t0su alum about Urban.  I told him Urban Cryer was a**.  He agreed and said but he's our a**, and leave our a** alone.  They know what they're getting, and they don't care; like another in-state program we know. :zapbama:

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played golf with a tOSU supporter last week....talked about Urban...he said they were glad to get him...I mentioned that by the time he finished one season in the conference, everyone will hate him and know what a jerk he is.  The guy did not seem to care....just liked that he is a "winner".

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Can't stand Meyer. Big time hypocrit and liar. And to think he was the man behind the curtain that got the entire Cam thing started and in front of the NCAA after the SEC had already looked into it months previously. Then he whined about shady stuff in the SEC when he was as shady as anyone not named Nick Saban.

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Many good points above. A TN buddy of mine just simply hates Meyer and actually pulled for saban when playing FL. I always told him that Meyer was an arrogant prick, but to my knowledge he does not cheat which is huge in my book. We can't say that about saban and that is a topic for another day. As FL's HC Meyer did have more players arrested than the rest of the SEC combined, but I can't say he cheats. He pushes the moral envelope (win at all cost), but does he cheat ? I would love for him to get exposed if he does. I did not hate the guy until he tried to throw us under the bus over the Cam/MSU fiasco. I don't hate Florida, just Meyer. I don't hate OSU, just Meyer. However with Meyer at the helm I will pull for OSU's opponent every Saturday. 

Anyone remember ESPN's selected panel members and segment last season discussing what is wrong with CFB and how to fix it ? You know, how to fix Cam & Auburn without mentioning names ! Meyer, knee high and Stoops represented FB coaches. WOW & LOL ! ESPN lost credibility picking their favorites (blind to their true DNA) to basically discuss how to fix CFB cheating. Meyer tried to promote himself as all that is right and good about CFB like he was the Pope. He dripped of arrogance and was so self righteous it was pathetic. I find it fitting that some of Meyer's dirty laundry is finally seeing the light of day and hope more continues to come out. Justice needs to visit that jerk's door step on a regular basis.

War Eagle !

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Unfortunatly, people like Meyer and Saban are living proof that playing cheap or skirting the rules is oftentimes the quickest way to get to the top. We'll see if it ever catches up to them.

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"What I’ve seen the last five years is a complete turn in the integrity of the college coaching profession.  It’s completely turned the other way.  Right now, it’s not good because the risk-reward is ‘have at it, do what you’ve got to do (to) get the great player, go win games and at the end of the day we’ll find out what happens down the road."

--Urban Meyer, Feb. 2011

I was astonished at the time that everyone in the media took what he said to be referring to every college head coach except for the one who made the statement. Who knows--the truth may very well come out some day.

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I still say Urban coached his final season at Florida on Klonopin. Look at some of the ESPN pics of Meyer. I still believe the 911 call was due to an overdose of sorts.

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Urban has no integrity. He comes from the same cloth cut from people like Saban and Petrino. Win at all cost mentality and doesn't care how they do it. No discipline and playing favorites can tear a team a part. I feel the same thing is going on at UGA also. Now at OSU he basically threw his old team under the bus by telling a recruit that it is a bad environment there. The sad thing is that HE created it. I feel sorry for Muschamp having to clean up that mess. OSU in my opinion just traded one snake for another as their HC. I remember one year that the players at UF told recruits not to go there because Myer lied and was a bad coach. That should have been your sign right there that Urban is a piece of trash who has no integrity. I honestly question his excuse for quitting UF due to "health issues."

I agree for the most part about Urban and Petrino but I can't put Saban in the same boat with them re: discipline.

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