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He is growing like a weed. Hard to believe how fast things happen and go by

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When we came home from the hospital he was 6lbs even. I weighed him Tuesday and he was up to 7-8. He is definately getting his groceries. Everything is going well. I think me and H are fairly well adjusted now. Even better is that finally our dog has adjusted to him. We have a miniature Pinscher. It did not go well in the beginning. Due to the wonders of modern medicine, one dose of doggy xanax a day for a week was enough to keep her relaxed till she got used to hearing him cry. That was pretty important. H has had her since the day she was born and it was tearing her up to think of her having to leave

Now if we could just get Coop to sleep a little longer between feedings we'll be doing great. This every 3 hour thing is more than exhausting

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Camo pants? REALLY? lol

Sorry to hear that barney, feel better. we are all good sir.

Like you would expect anything different

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Here's one for you Barn. Pay no attention to the paw paw in the pic :dead:


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Sorry in advance for the nudity

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we are waiting to hear the results from her comps. She was inducted into Alpha Ki honor society for a 4.0, so I don't think there should be any problem with the comps. At this point with everything going on, she just wanted to pass them no matter what the grade. It will be one big burden off of her. Now she can just spend time with him at home till school starts back

Thank you F&T

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Going back to school with kids is hard, I can't imagine what is was like being pregnant. Geesh, hard work. I know she's happy to be done.

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The laptop is supposed to get out of the hospital at 1PM.

What is the girl running in? What are we eating tonight?

She ran in a one mile race and finished 2nd overall and was top female finisher with a time of 7:27. We have Walton's cater the Fireman's supper, ham, dressing, sweet potato casserole and green beans.

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