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Associated Press story about the shooting in Auburn

oxford tiger12

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Just read on another link the get away car was found abandoned off Wire Road in Macon County.  About half way to Montgomery.

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Pete Thamel is such a POS.

He has been for quite a while...so has he done something lately to cement that reputation?

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Pete Thamel is such a POS.

He has been for quite a while...so has he done something lately to cement that reputation?

Yep. No link posted by me.  In writing about the shooting last night, he got two sentences in before writing about off the field issues that Auburn Athletes have had in the past year. 

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Pete Thamel is such a POS.

He has been for quite a while...so has he done something lately to cement that reputation?

In his story about this tragedy, among a few other things he said something about guns and marijuana were part of the culture surrounding the Auburn football program.
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Pete Thamel is such a POS.

Unbelievable that he omitted the quote by the Chief that the only connection AU football players had to do with this was that they were victims, while also adding in comments about the basketball point-shaving story, Goodwin's conviction, and the "gun culture" within the football program.  It seems that Thamel was trying to imply without saying it that Ed, Ladarious, and Eric somehow brought this upon themselves.  They were the victims!  They didn't die while exchanging gunfire in some wild west shootout!  POS is way too nice for Pete Thamel.  Is there no one at the New York Times to reign him in from this vendetta????  

No, I won't link the story.  

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ABC 33/40 just made sportscaster Jeff Speegle apologize for comments that gave the illusion that Auburn may not be a safe place to live. At first, he said that as a parent, he would question whether he would send his kid to Auburn. I knew that he was eluding to recruiting, which was a low blow.

I guess enough people called in to complain about his comments because he backtracked and said that Auburn is a great place to live, a great school and it is truly the "loveliest village on the plains."

Stop hating Jeff  :zapbama:


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Kudos to Speegle and ABC 33-40.  I sent my email complaint and I know many others sent emails and made calls.  Good job Auburn Family.  Now let's go after the NY Times and Peter. 

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Pete Thamel is such a POS.

Unbelievable that he omitted the quote by the Chief that the only connection AU football players had to do with this was that they were victims, while also adding in comments about the basketball point-shaving story, Goodwin's conviction, and the "gun culture" within the football program. It seems that Thamel was trying to imply without saying it that Ed, Ladarious, and Eric somehow brought this upon themselves. They were the victims! They didn't die while exchanging gunfire in some wild west shootout! POS is way too nice for Pete Thamel. Is there no one at the New York Times to reign him in from this vendetta????

No, I won't link the story.

The NYT is too desperate to reign anyone in that may possibly help it sell papers. Anyone with any journalistic knowledge realizes that most integrity has left the profession and people like Thamel are low rent entertainers.

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ABC 33/40 just made sportscaster Jeff Speegle apologize for comments that gave the illusion that Auburn may not be a safe place to live. At first, he said that as a parent, he would question whether he would send his kid to Auburn. I knew that he was eluding to recruiting, which was a low blow.

I guess enough people called in to complain about his comments because he backtracked and said that Auburn is a great place to live, a great school and it is truly the "loveliest village on the plains."

Stop hating Jeff  :zapbama:


I think Speegle would be more respected for covering stories, oh, like a player running over people with his car and beating people into unconsciousness and not for comments about a stranger from Montgomery murdering innocent bystanders.

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Pete Thamel is such a POS.

Unbelievable that he omitted the quote by the Chief that the only connection AU football players had to do with this was that they were victims, while also adding in comments about the basketball point-shaving story, Goodwin's conviction, and the "gun culture" within the football program.  It seems that Thamel was trying to imply without saying it that Ed, Ladarious, and Eric somehow brought this upon themselves.  They were the victims!  They didn't die while exchanging gunfire in some wild west shootout!  POS is way too nice for Pete Thamel.  Is there no one at the New York Times to reign him in from this vendetta????  

No, I won't link the story.  

No offense to you, because I have referenced this POS writer myself but the more we talk about the useless POS, the more he likes it.

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Best way to deal with PT is to NOT link or visit his site.    Good decision by the Mods.

Amazing to me that al.com has allowed some really nasty stuff on their various articles.  Guess now that the newspapers are going to 3 days, they must not have any Mods to carry out the "garbage". 

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This news is just shocking! Obviously the perp in question brought the gun with him, so that leads me to believe they were looking for trouble. Unfortunately, they found it and at least three young men lost their lives because of this senseless act.  My prayers got out to the families who had tragedy strike.

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I don't mean to spread rumor, this my own conjecture. The suspect had recently had a paternity suit filed against him and I'm assuming the woman in question is the one who filed suit. He went there to argue with her and it got confrontational, some guys stepped in and told them to leave they fought back, realized they were fighting a losing battle and went and got guns. Apparently Ed Christian was shot first covering up a couple of girls, and DaDa was shot trying to tackle one of the shooters to the ground.

I repeat this is conjecture from information I have gathered and from a couple of the accounts I have heard. Do not take this as absolute truth, it could be or I might be wrong.

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@PeteThamelNYT @ajc Witness: Auburn shooting involved AU football player >> How about "Auburn shooting VICTIMS INCLUDED AU football players"  My reply to Thamel, amazing how they use headlines to plant thoughts before anyone even reads a story.

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I don't mean to spread rumor, this my own conjecture. The suspect had recently had a paternity suit filed against him and I'm assuming the woman in question is the one who filed suit. He went there to argue with her and it got confrontational, some guys stepped in and told them to leave they fought back, realized they were fighting a losing battle and went and got guns. Apparently Ed Christian was shot first covering up a couple of girls, and DaDa was shot trying to tackle one of the shooters to the ground.

I repeat this is conjecture from information I have gathered and from a couple of the accounts I have heard. Do not take this as absolute truth, it could be or I might be wrong.

If this is true, sounds like these men died heroes and not in vain. Although how one dies may not change the fact that they are no longer with us, it sure can affect the way that they are remembered.

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I don't mean to spread rumor, this my own conjecture. The suspect had recently had a paternity suit filed against him and I'm assuming the woman in question is the one who filed suit. He went there to argue with her and it got confrontational, some guys stepped in and told them to leave they fought back, realized they were fighting a losing battle and went and got guns. Apparently Ed Christian was shot first covering up a couple of girls, and DaDa was shot trying to tackle one of the shooters to the ground.

I repeat this is conjecture from information I have gathered and from a couple of the accounts I have heard. Do not take this as absolute truth, it could be or I might be wrong.

If this is true, sounds like these men died heroes and not in vain. Although how one dies may not change the fact that they are no longer with us, it sure can affect the way that they are remembered.

I don't care if it's true or not. I will choose to remember them going out as heroes protecting others. That is true honor. RIP men. Go on to Glory and to your reward.
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