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Arbitron Ratings and Finebaum This Week


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I know someone who has an Arbitron rating book. The Rating period for this particular person starts TODAY. I am not sure if they are staggered or not, but these are the surveys that determine PF's ratings, advertising rates, and ultimately his salary.

We need to be careful, any major campaigns against PF or other anomalies could cause the survey to be thrown out. However, this is a good week for AU fans, especially those with Arbitron Survey books, who do not normally listen to PF to quietly avoid PFRN. We don’t want it to appear he has more listeners in an average week that he really does.

It really does not matter how many people listen to PFRN on a regular week, all that matters is how many of those people with Survey books listen in that particular week. It is all sampling and probability.

DISCLAIMER:  I am not encouraging anyone with an Arbitron book to do anything other than accurately record in the book the stations to which they listen. 

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So do you think that Fboob will have a few tricks up his sleeve this week to boost ratings?

My guess is YES. He really hit it lucky with the RF Story. Now there is a conspiracy theory for sure,  RF flips on the first day of the rating period.  :) 

Oddly, he did not lead today with RF, I heard it on another channel before PF even mentioned it (it was also on AE before PF mentioned it). He lead with stories on PSU and Christy Saban lawsuit.

It really doesn't matter how many of us listen to him, as long as the people with the ratings book don't listen this week.  Kind of like doing teacher evaluations in college, the one chance you have to get even with the teacher for being a jerk.

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