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A&M questioning ESPN's reporting.....again!


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What is the difference between a video of JM signing autographs and photos of TR, JJ and others signing autographs? Why no uproar from the media (ESPN) and the NCAA over those photos? JM is being investigated and the uaters at ttown never even got a blink from the NCAA.

Good question. I don't know why the media and NCAA see a difference between Richardson, Jones, Clowney, Bridgewater, etc. and the JFF situation? Is it racial and they are going after the rich, white kid?

If it comes out that Clowney or any of those others signed like 4,000 autographs, then they should be investigated too.

There's a difference between say 7 and 4,000 no?

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What is the difference between a video of JM signing autographs and photos of TR, JJ and others signing autographs? Why no uproar from the media (ESPN) and the NCAA over those photos? JM is being investigated and the uaters at ttown never even got a blink from the NCAA.

Good question. I don't know why the media and NCAA see a difference between Richardson, Jones, Clowney, Bridgewater, etc. and the JFF situation? Is it racial and they are going after the rich, white kid?

If it comes out that Clowney or any of those others signed like 4,000 autographs, then they should be investigated too.

There's a difference between say 7 and 4,000 no?

What's the difference? The amount of "illegal benefits" they received? Is it o.k. to receive "just a little illegal benefits"? That's like saying "when I ran the light, it was just a little red officer".

..........or maybe it's because alerbamr football players were involved. That's probably it.

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What's the difference? The amount of "illegal benefits" they received? Is it o.k. to receive "just a little illegal benefits"? That's like saying "when I ran the light, it was just a little red officer".

No. It's more plausible to think a dealer could procure 5-6 autographs from various places like signing day, a one-off in the parking lot, or via the internet. While offering no compensation to the player. It's highly unlikely that a paid autograph session would only produce 5-6 autographs.

However, if someone is doing 4,000 autographs and is rumored to have been compensated, that's a more plausible scenario then to think that someone who's been on a world tour with a jam packed schedule stopped to sign 4,000 autographs out of the kindness of his heart.

Again, if it was AJ in the 4,000 category and JM in the 6 category, I would say AJ is a likely rule breaker and JM not.

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I'll also add that if it were AJ who signed hundreds or thousands of autographs you guys wouldn't be so gracious in turning a blind eye, blaming ESPN, and suggesting that he's the victim of a witch hunt.

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Of course not...turn about is fair play. The REC uses that as an anthem.

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So which situation has a greater likelihood of being sold for big profit: a stack of autographed pictures or a stack of autographed jerseys and helmets?

Ask Trent! He knows all about it.

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So which situation has a greater likelihood of being sold for big profit: a stack of autographed pictures or a stack of autographed jerseys and helmets?

Ask Trent! He knows all about it.


I'd love to get his take on it but for now I'll just settle for bamagrad's!

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What's the difference? The amount of "illegal benefits" they received? Is it o.k. to receive "just a little illegal benefits"? That's like saying "when I ran the light, it was just a little red officer".

No. It's more plausible to think a dealer could procure 5-6 autographs from various places like signing day, a one-off in the parking lot, or via the internet. While offering no compensation to the player. It's highly unlikely that a paid autograph session would only produce 5-6 autographs.

However, if someone is doing 4,000 autographs and is rumored to have been compensated, that's a more plausible scenario then to think that someone who's been on a world tour with a jam packed schedule stopped to sign 4,000 autographs out of the kindness of his heart.

Again, if it was AJ in the 4,000 category and JM in the 6 category, I would say AJ is a likely rule breaker and JM not.

You don't know how many autographs were signed at ttown menswear or other places for Albetar. You don't know if they were compensated either but they always wore nice suits didn't they? You don't know what Albetar did with those unknwon number of autographs. He does have a memorabilia shop in the same mall doesn't he? While it only makes sense that nobody would take the time to sign hundreds or thousands of autographs for free, do we really know how many were signed in ttown and if the players were compensated (other than suits and meals)?

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So which situation has a greater likelihood of being sold for big profit: a stack of autographed pictures or a stack of autographed jerseys and helmets?

Johnny Football's own daddy had hundreds of jersey's stacked up on the dinning room table for him to sign when he came home, along with a trunk full of other items. JFF's therapist advised him to limit his "parents" autographs to one hour a week. That's just weird stuff, and that's the kids own parents wanting his autograph, what is that about?
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I'll also add that if it were AJ who signed hundreds or thousands of autographs you guys wouldn't be so gracious in turning a blind eye, blaming ESPN, and suggesting that he's the victim of a witch hunt.

Based on my experience with the press since, oh say November ish 2010, I have developed a hate/hate relationship with ESPN. But I'm not so sure you'd understand why...

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What's the difference? The amount of "illegal benefits" they received? Is it o.k. to receive "just a little illegal benefits"? That's like saying "when I ran the light, it was just a little red officer".

No. It's more plausible to think a dealer could procure 5-6 autographs from various places like signing day, a one-off in the parking lot, or via the internet. While offering no compensation to the player. It's highly unlikely that a paid autograph session would only produce 5-6 autographs.

However, if someone is doing 4,000 autographs and is rumored to have been compensated, that's a more plausible scenario then to think that someone who's been on a world tour with a jam packed schedule stopped to sign 4,000 autographs out of the kindness of his heart.

Again, if it was AJ in the 4,000 category and JM in the 6 category, I would say AJ is a likely rule breaker and JM not.

Dude, you are so full of crap. You really think all those bama players were that tight with that creep w/ the clothing store (so tight they went to dinner with him??) out of the goodness of their own hearts? You are very very intellectually dishonest.

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What's the difference? The amount of "illegal benefits" they received? Is it o.k. to receive "just a little illegal benefits"? That's like saying "when I ran the light, it was just a little red officer".

No. It's more plausible to think a dealer could procure 5-6 autographs from various places like signing day, a one-off in the parking lot, or via the internet. While offering no compensation to the player. It's highly unlikely that a paid autograph session would only produce 5-6 autographs.

However, if someone is doing 4,000 autographs and is rumored to have been compensated, that's a more plausible scenario then to think that someone who's been on a world tour with a jam packed schedule stopped to sign 4,000 autographs out of the kindness of his heart.

Again, if it was AJ in the 4,000 category and JM in the 6 category, I would say AJ is a likely rule breaker and JM not.

You don't know how many autographs were signed at ttown menswear or other places for Albetar. You don't know if they were compensated either but they always wore nice suits didn't they? You don't know what Albetar did with those unknwon number of autographs. He does have a memorabilia shop in the same mall doesn't he? While it only makes sense that nobody would take the time to sign hundreds or thousands of autographs for free, do we really know how many were signed in ttown and if the players were compensated (other than suits and meals)?

I'm trying to find the numerous brokers who came out and said any Bama player signed thousands of autographs for them...I still can't find them. But I also don't understand how all of you KNOW all the Bama players were super guilty because there was one or two items in Albertar's window, yet JM is super innocent and there's 4,000 of his autographs floating around...

Seems a tad disjointed.

Dude, you are so full of crap. You really think all those bama players were that tight with that creep w/ the clothing store (so tight they went to dinner with him??) out of the goodness of their own hearts? You are very very intellectually dishonest.

I have no idea what they were? Might they have gotten a free dinner? Sure. It's likely. MIGHT they have gotten a free s***ty suit? Mabye. But we're talking about 5-6 autographs vs 4,000 - for tens of thousands of dollars. I can't believe you don't see a distinction.

And again, you've got 5 autographs from a Bama player, 4,000 from JM, and you all are defending JM tooth and nail - just because you hate ESPN. It's stupid.

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Our whole program was put on probation and was denied a NC for giving a guy with a family a box of steaks. It appears that some Bama players were given things, but everyone thinks that's not a big deal. Which cost more, a box of steaks or dinner and a "s***ty" suit? Not a level playing field in this state, for sure! That's one of the reasons Auburn fans have such disdain for uat.

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Our whole program was put on probation and was denied a NC for giving a guy with a family a box of steaks. It appears that some Bama players were given things, but everyone thinks that's not a big deal. Which cost more, a box of steaks or dinner and a "s***ty" suit? Not a level playing field in this state, for sure! That's one of the reasons Auburn fans have such disdain for uat.

What does that have to do with Manziel getting tens of thousands of dollars for signing autographs?

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Our whole program was put on probation and was denied a NC for giving a guy with a family a box of steaks. It appears that some Bama players were given things, but everyone thinks that's not a big deal. Which cost more, a box of steaks or dinner and a "s***ty" suit? Not a level playing field in this state, for sure! That's one of the reasons Auburn fans have such disdain for uat.

What does that have to do with Manziel getting tens of thousands of dollars for signing autographs?

Im not up on this story but has your statement been verified? Clearly, bama players profited from benefits not allowed players from other teams. Are you also going to argue that the bama players seen in photos signing stacks of jerseys were photo-shopped?

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Our whole program was put on probation and was denied a NC for giving a guy with a family a box of steaks. It appears that some Bama players were given things, but everyone thinks that's not a big deal. Which cost more, a box of steaks or dinner and a "s***ty" suit? Not a level playing field in this state, for sure! That's one of the reasons Auburn fans have such disdain for uat.

What does that have to do with Manziel getting tens of thousands of dollars for signing autographs?

Im not up on this story but has your statement been verified? Clearly, bama players profited from benefits not allowed players from other teams. Are you also going to argue that the bama players seen in photos signing stacks of jerseys were photo-shopped?

Don't forget the custom wheels to go with their $70k automobiles!! I'm dyeing to hear this explanation from 03!!
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Our whole program was put on probation and was denied a NC for giving a guy with a family a box of steaks. It appears that some Bama players were given things, but everyone thinks that's not a big deal. Which cost more, a box of steaks or dinner and a "s***ty" suit? Not a level playing field in this state, for sure! That's one of the reasons Auburn fans have such disdain for uat.

What does that have to do with Manziel getting tens of thousands of dollars for signing autographs?

Im not up on this story but has your statement been verified? Clearly, bama players profited from benefits not allowed players from other teams. Are you also going to argue that the bama players seen in photos signing stacks of jerseys were photo-shopped?

Don't forget the custom wheels to go with their $70k automobiles!! I'm dyeing to hear this explanation from 03!!

And you know the list of unexplainable benefits is virtually endless. Maybe he can also explain how a kid like Trent Richardson who said he came from the projects and that not a single person in his family had a job yet they up and moved over 200 miles north into a rental property which was certainly not the Taj Mahal but Im guessing was a huge improvement over the projects. With NO family member gainfully employed, did they just find a grocery sack full of money? I moved across town and it cost me a couple Gs. Also, how does Trent end up with a couple cars, his mama and his baby mama also both end up in pretty nice rides. my question is with no gainful employment within the family, who is even paying the auto insurance on all those rides, not to mention the rent, etal?

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Our whole program was put on probation and was denied a NC for giving a guy with a family a box of steaks. It appears that some Bama players were given things, but everyone thinks that's not a big deal. Which cost more, a box of steaks or dinner and a "s***ty" suit? Not a level playing field in this state, for sure! That's one of the reasons Auburn fans have such disdain for uat.

What does that have to do with Manziel getting tens of thousands of dollars for signing autographs?

Im not up on this story but has your statement been verified? Clearly, bama players profited from benefits not allowed players from other teams. Are you also going to argue that the bama players seen in photos signing stacks of jerseys were photo-shopped?

There shouldn't be any confusion on my stance on any of this, as I've stated it 4 or 5 times in this very thread.

Don't forget the custom wheels to go with their $70k automobiles!! I'm dyeing to hear this explanation from 03!!

70k automobiles? The only person who drove a 70k automobile was GMac. And his dad is a millionaire.

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Our whole program was put on probation and was denied a NC for giving a guy with a family a box of steaks. It appears that some Bama players were given things, but everyone thinks that's not a big deal. Which cost more, a box of steaks or dinner and a "s***ty" suit? Not a level playing field in this state, for sure! That's one of the reasons Auburn fans have such disdain for uat.

What does that have to do with Manziel getting tens of thousands of dollars for signing autographs?

Im not up on this story but has your statement been verified? Clearly, bama players profited from benefits not allowed players from other teams. Are you also going to argue that the bama players seen in photos signing stacks of jerseys were photo-shopped?

There shouldn't be any confusion on my stance on any of this, as I've stated it 4 or 5 times in this very thread.

Don't forget the custom wheels to go with their $70k automobiles!! I'm dyeing to hear this explanation from 03!!

70k automobiles? The only person who drove a 70k automobile was GMac. And his dad is a millionaire.

I haven't read the entire thread and dont intend to but if you argued that bama is as clean as the driven snow you;re just another typical delusional over the top bamr

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Our whole program was put on probation and was denied a NC for giving a guy with a family a box of steaks. It appears that some Bama players were given things, but everyone thinks that's not a big deal. Which cost more, a box of steaks or dinner and a "s***ty" suit? Not a level playing field in this state, for sure! That's one of the reasons Auburn fans have such disdain for uat.

What does that have to do with Manziel getting tens of thousands of dollars for signing autographs?

Im not up on this story but has your statement been verified? Clearly, bama players profited from benefits not allowed players from other teams. Are you also going to argue that the bama players seen in photos signing stacks of jerseys were photo-shopped?

There shouldn't be any confusion on my stance on any of this, as I've stated it 4 or 5 times in this very thread.

Don't forget the custom wheels to go with their $70k automobiles!! I'm dyeing to hear this explanation from 03!!

70k automobiles? The only person who drove a 70k automobile was GMac. And his dad is a millionaire.

Oh, my bad, Trent must have gotten a sweet deal on his 2011 Denali!!
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BG03, I was just doing what you did when you compared a few autographs to thousands. I am comparing a box of steaks to one guy to suits and dinner to several guys (don't know about cars and houses and such)...we received punishment from the NCAA, they turned a blind eye to uat. I don't think you believe that there are no transgressions on Bama's part, but what is hard to swallow is the fact that there doesn't ever seem to be a punishment for those benefits...You might say they haven't been proven, but as of yet, neither has JM's transgressions been proven.

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BG03, I was just doing what you did when you compared a few autographs to thousands. I am comparing a box of steaks to one guy to suits and dinner to several guys (don't know about cars and houses and such)...we received punishment from the NCAA, they turned a blind eye to uat. I don't think you believe that there are no transgressions on Bama's part, but what is hard to swallow is the fact that there doesn't ever seem to be a punishment for those benefits...You might say they haven't been proven, but as of yet, neither has JM's transgressions been proven.

I would also point out there seems to be A LOT more evidence indicating possible rules violations at bama versus some unidentified broker claiming JM signed 4000 autographs. bama is the only fan base on the planet that can look at incriminating photos and claim they mean nothing unless its some other program getting the scrutiny at which time they immediately become proof positive.

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BG03, I was just doing what you did when you compared a few autographs to thousands. I am comparing a box of steaks to one guy to suits and dinner to several guys (don't know about cars and houses and such)...we received punishment from the NCAA, they turned a blind eye to uat. I don't think you believe that there are no transgressions on Bama's part, but what is hard to swallow is the fact that there doesn't ever seem to be a punishment for those benefits...You might say they haven't been proven, but as of yet, neither has JM's transgressions been proven.

I would also point out there seems to be A LOT more evidence indicating possible rules violations at bama versus some unidentified broker claiming JM signed 4000 autographs. bama is the only fan base on the planet that can look at incriminating photos and claim they mean nothing unless its some other program getting the scrutiny at which time they immediately become proof positive.

Even though the ncaa and FBI could find no wrong doing at AU while spending 2yrs on campus,bammers still to this day beleive we paid Cam!! But u have pictures of uat players signing memorabilia, flashing money and cars, but we are not suppose to beleive what we see? How idiotic is that?
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BG03, I was just doing what you did when you compared a few autographs to thousands. I am comparing a box of steaks to one guy to suits and dinner to several guys (don't know about cars and houses and such)...we received punishment from the NCAA, they turned a blind eye to uat. I don't think you believe that there are no transgressions on Bama's part, but what is hard to swallow is the fact that there doesn't ever seem to be a punishment for those benefits...You might say they haven't been proven, but as of yet, neither has JM's transgressions been proven.

I would also point out there seems to be A LOT more evidence indicating possible rules violations at bama versus some unidentified broker claiming JM signed 4000 autographs. bama is the only fan base on the planet that can look at incriminating photos and claim they mean nothing unless its some other program getting the scrutiny at which time they immediately become proof positive.

The TTown pictures were photoshopped. It was all an elaborate scheme to defame the tahd. Nothing to see here.

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