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Your Top 10 favorite Auburn players


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I had involvement with most of those kids throughout my life/career. All good character kids. Tez was an amazing athlete, whose career was plagued by extraordinary injuries. He had the opportunity to go pretty much anywhere (and was rather enamored by Miami). I like to think that my constant ribbing of "show love to the back yard university" "where's your hometown loyalty" had something to do with him staying home (which of course I know it didn't. lol)

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My top 10 in no certain order, except for 1 and 2....

1) Bo "the all time greatest athlete ever" Jackson

2) Cam Newton - thanks for helping me see us claim at least one NC in my lifetime!

3) Takeo Spikes - bumped into him at the ATL airport - what a beast!

4) Ronnie Brown - saw him first play in a HS game at Cartersville, GA - never imagined he would be this good!

5) Cadilac - can still see him running down the sideline right in front of me on the first play against Bama - Go Crazy!

6) Tracy Rocker - what a "rock" on the DL!

7) Stan White - what a gutsy QB! - never forget that game against FSU to beat them with a last second FG (I was there!!)

8) Frank Sanders - what a catch to bring us back against Bama and remain undefeated in '93 (again I was there!!)

9) Reggie Slack and Shayne Wasden - for beating Bama in '89 and Florida on the last play of the game!! (I was there!!)

10) Jim Fyffe - I miss his radio calls so much, what a class act!!

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Pat Dye

Jim Fyffe

Lawyer Tillman

Pat Sullivan

Bo Jackson

Cam Newton

Freddy Weygand

Carnell Williams

Reggie Slack

2004 Defense

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Most of mine have already been posted (Bo, Cadillac, Tillman, Slack, Newton, etc.). One guy I haven't seen mentioned from the late 80s that will always be one of my favorites is Stacy Danley. I never will forget the 88 Iron Bowl when he got knocked unconcious by Spencer Hammond. They said on t.v. that he was done for the game. He ended up coming back in on the t.d. drive that proved to be the game winner and ripped off a 25 yard run. He was always at his best in the Iron Bowl. In fact, had he not been knocked out of that 88 game for a while he would have had three straight 100 yard games against the tide ( I think he ended up with 97 yards in that game). He is definitely one I have on my list.

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You got that right about Stacy Danley. When he came back, it ignited the team. While AU has tons of big name backs, lets don't forget those workhorses whose number may not be as big, but still delivered. Here are a few -- James Joseph, Wallace Clark, Mickey Zofko, The Lizard!, Secedrick McIntyre, James Bostic -- the list is long, if youre old enough!

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Stacy also got the snot knocked out of him in a bowl game against Ohio State just before half time. It really seemed to ignite the team in the second half and they turned it around and won the game easily. They had played a very poor game up until that point but that hit by the OSU linebacker really woke them up and they took it to OSU the rest of the game. I guess he took one for the team!

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Some of the obvious ones are on my list, and others I just can't choose between, but Courtney Taylor, Kodi Burns and Tre Mason are 3 for me for sure.

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