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My first visit to Auburn in 20 years...

Tiger Refuge

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You guys have me scared about ever going back down there. I want to remember it the way it was. =( I heard that the eagle house is gone now. I hope Parker Hall, Comer Hall, and Foy Union is still the same.

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Took my nephew to his first game this year (SJS) and will be taking my little girls soon! (My wife and her family are fans of that other team, so have to be a good influence on them early and often!)

Have a great time and WDE!

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You guys have me scared about ever going back down there. I want to remember it the way it was. =( I heard that the eagle house is gone now. I hope Parker Hall, Comer Hall, and Foy Union is still the same.

Old fart :-\

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You guys have me scared about ever going back down there. I want to remember it the way it was. =( I heard that the eagle house is gone now. I hope Parker Hall, Comer Hall, and Foy Union is still the same.

I took Chemistry and English in the "temporary buildings" behind Martin Hall, lived in Mag Hall and crowded into the old Sports Arena for basketball.....and I would have gladly pushed the button to demolish those buildings and many others from those not so "good old days".

AU is one of the most attractive public institutions in the country....a great long range plan by the Trustees and AU Presidents the past 10 years or so.

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I still need to make a trip to the Plains. I've been a die hard fan since late 90s and have only made it to our email game which was the NC Game in Pasadena.

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I'll post a summary tomorrow. In light of everything that went down at the game(obvious prayers for Duke), we had an absolute BLAST! What a day. Beautiful weather, beautiful campus, beautiful people and spirit. I just can't be too upset. I won't be. War Damn Eagle.

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I'll post a summary tomorrow. In light of everything that went down at the game(obvious prayers for Duke), we had an absolute BLAST! What a day. Beautiful weather, beautiful campus, beautiful people and spirit. I just can't be too upset. I won't be. War Damn Eagle.


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I'll post a summary tomorrow. In light of everything that went down at the game(obvious prayers for Duke), we had an absolute BLAST! What a day. Beautiful weather, beautiful campus, beautiful people and spirit. I just can't be too upset. I won't be. War Damn Eagle.

And the sun still came out this morning. War Eagle!

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I wanted to put a little bit of time and distance from our trip this weekend so that I could digest the whole experience before posting up.

I apologize for the randomness of the narrative and the grammar mistakes, but I wanted to capture as much as I could. Here ya go...War Eagle!

We arrived on campus around 9AM Saturday. What can I say, it's gorgeous. The trees, the fall foliage, the buildings...it was all just breathtaking. Everything seemed to be bathed in a warm, orange light. It was really cool seeing all the tailgaters getting their gear set up. Grills smoking, tents set up, blood mary's mixed...it was time for a beautiful, fall afternoon of football. Our first stop was at Toomer's corner. It really sucked having to explain to my wife and family just exactly what it used to look like. Of course they've seen pictures, but until you step into that arboreal cascade of tissue and witness the pure joy of the fans...it's something that is irreplaceable and other folks just don't "get". Lemonade anyone? Hell yes. Then, it was down the sidewalk to J&M...damn if that place doesn't smell the same. We then bounced to Tiger Rags where I got the last in my size State of Auburn shirts...boom. Backtracking now to J&M to finish our shopping. Man is it getting crowded! And everyone in the crowded conditions is nice...really nice! A&M fans are mingling and shopping as well. I get in line to check out and chat with the slightly bourbon breathed, silver haired gentleman in the line behind me. We are both cautiously optimistic about the game. Off to the car with our loot (4 sweatshirts, 3 knit hats, a ball cap, shot glass, 3 t-shirts, 6 shakers and my favorite...4 Lutz bracelets). We regroup and decide it's lunch time. We smash three pizzas and a few beers and then it's back to the car to select any new gear to wear to the game. And we're off! As we make our way to JHS, the crowd is naturally growing thicker. We round the corner and there it is. I had pointed out the upper decks to my sons earlier in the day, peeking over the landscape like massive concrete waves. Now, we were standing in the shadows. A huge AU greeted us, along with three statues that I have been waiting to see. We took a selfie with Bo, then made our way to the home side. We make the bag fit, get our tickets scanned and grab a program. "Is this their first game? Here's some buttons!" Now, we climb...round and round...higher and higher. Then, we break over the top of the lower level and we get our first look at the field, bathed in afternoon autumn light. Smiles abound, pictures aplenty. With burning legs, we reach our seats. The view is just awesome! From here, time seems to move in a series of herky, jerky, slow as molasses moments. I won't go over the game details as those have been thoroughly pulverized at this point. I did manage to go through several different derivations of cheering/not cheering, waving 1/2/0 shakers, shaker under left arm standing quietly, sitting cheering...I think you get the picture. At the end, I found myself jumping like a jackhammer, screaming a droning "UUHHHHHHHH" at the top of lungs attempting to mimic the harmonics of the crowd. It didn't work. Game over. We begin the process of uncoiling our steps from that afternoon. I notice on the way down, in the crowd, no one is being ugly or angry. Random outbursts of "WAR EAGLE!!" ring out. "It's great..to be...an Auburn Tiger!" I look at my sons and ask them "Well, what did ya'll think?" "We're sorry Auburn lost, Dad, but that was the best! This place is so cool!"

Yes it is guys, yes it is.

Yes, Auburn lost. I hated to look down and see Duke sitting on that table during the game. Towel draped over his head. I could only imagine what was going through his head. I pray that he would be ok. After the game, I see the players at the middle of the field in a big circle, heads bowed. I see A&M and Auburn players mingling, hugging each other. I hear the A&M cheers. I hear the Auburn band. Life is going on. I have been so guilty over the last however-many-years of getting too wound up about these games. So much so that I almost can't stand to watch them on TV, but I also can't seem to stay away. This game erased all of that angst for me. I'm not sure why. Perhaps seeing it live, being there with so many other Auburn fans, was the remedy. It's a game. A great game. And I was there. I won't wait 20 years to come back.

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