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Senior class


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I know that this will probably get blown up by a few of you but I feel like this should be said.

I think Saturday's game was a long time coming. And I think it falls on the senior class as much as anybody, even the coaches and referees. From before the season started there have been multiple issues regarding seniors off the field getting in trouble. And it has continued into the season with players getting suspended. This senior class has done a lot of good for this school and team, but IMO they have shown the least amount of true leadership. And it reared its ugly head on Saturday in the last few minutes of a game that we had in hand. A selfish play by our senior QB who should have just put it in the hands of his senior RB. And then when our defense stepped up and got us another chance, a horrible mistake by our senior C and QB. I'm not pinning the whole game on them, but when it came down to it those key plays were all in the hands of the guys who are supposed to be leaders of our team.

Yes, I think the refs managed to screw us once again on multiple calls, especially the fumble recovery. But we shouldn't have given them the chance to make that call. I hope we can come back from this ugly game and put it behind us this week as we head to UGA, but our seniors have to step up and lead us to victory, on and off the field.

Feel free to blast away, but this is just my opinion.

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Nick made the wrong read, it wasn't selfish. Reece and Nick had a communication error. To blame the whole senior class on two mistakes made my two seniors who've done the most for Auburn is flabbergasting. That's all I'll say on the matter.

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I think some of the missed tackles and penalties are definitely senior issues. But Reese has never done that. And nick may have done that twice in two years. This loss is on the team. Coaches players fans . everybody who wears orange and blue lost the game. UGA here we come.

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As we saw in 2012, senior leadership is critical. We've had good leadership this year from our offensive seniors who've been disciplined, worked hard and avoided chronic mistakes. Our leaders on D have been underclassmen.

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Picking the two guys who have carried this team for last 2 years on the field because they made a mistake is showing lack of knowledge of the game.

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I know that this will probably get blown up by a few of you but I feel like this should be said.

I think Saturday's game was a long time coming. And I think it falls on the senior class as much as anybody, even the coaches and referees. From before the season started there have been multiple issues regarding seniors off the field getting in trouble. And it has continued into the season with players getting suspended. This senior class has done a lot of good for this school and team, but IMO they have shown the least amount of true leadership. And it reared its ugly head on Saturday in the last few minutes of a game that we had in hand. A selfish play by our senior QB who should have just put it in the hands of his senior RB. And then when our defense stepped up and got us another chance, a horrible mistake by our senior C and QB. I'm not pinning the whole game on them, but when it came down to it those key plays were all in the hands of the guys who are supposed to be leaders of our team.

Yes, I think the refs managed to screw us once again on multiple calls, especially the fumble recovery. But we shouldn't have given them the chance to make that call. I hope we can come back from this ugly game and put it behind us this week as we head to UGA, but our seniors have to step up and lead us to victory, on and off the field.

Feel free to blast away, but this is just my opinion.

Selfish? Nick Marshall is selfish? You know what's selfish? Venting your frustration over having your personal dream of a championship season dashed by blaming it on the one guy who has selflessly worked the absolute hardest to bring that season about. If you knew anything at all about football, you'd be ashamed to write such childish drivel.

Any idiot can recognize a missed opportunity - a fumble, a missed tackle, or a bungled snap from the stands or from their Lazy-boy. Most fans get upset when the inevitable mistake happens on a critical play, but they know that players have to make decisions. They realize that those decisions are difficult to make, especially when the game is on the line and that sometimes the results of those decisions are disappointing. Adults accept this and also accept the fact that bad officiating calls go both ways. It's only the idiots and children that two days later will take those incidents to be the product of selfishness and hold some kind of personal grudge against the players.

Everyone makes mistakes. Your post was one of yours.

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I sat through the entire A&M blowout two years ago. The distance from that team to this team is huge, and is due in large part to the seniors you felt the need to call out. Unless you are in the locker room or on the sidelines, you have no clue who the leaders are or the impact they make. All of these young men make sacrifices every single day in their personal lives to be able to wear those Auburn jerseys on Saturday. They face injury every time the ball is snapped, and I am proud that these young men represent my alma mater on the football field. To call them selfish is a display of ignorance that is only rivaled by the moron who wanted to rehire Terry Bowden when we fired Chiz. There, now I feel better. War Eagle!

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To the OP: Understand that the previous responses have been exceedingly gracious in their disagreement with you.

Following their example, I'll just say that I also disagree with you.

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The OP should have left names out of it. Most of you know how staunchly I support Auburn University, both financially and physically, and that will never stop. And if you still want to attack me, or my post afterward, I really don't care. I'm going to post it and move on. I am not coming back to argue, or even explain myself. I know NONE of you would begin to question the guys I discussed this with Saturday night because all three of them did leave their blood, sweat, and tears on the field for Auburn. They played for different coaches, and from different eras, sure. But they all three agreed. There is still some lingering attitudes from the previous regime. Great leaders and guys you want the younger players to follow do not get themselves arrested going into the biggest most important season of their careers. They do not attack staff members or question their authority, especially in front of the team. A respected leader would have handled it a dozen different ways. None of which involve getting yourself suspended. I'm not even going into what happened afterwards. I am not defending Harbison either, as I was not there. But anyone wanting to hold up those guys as examples of even 'So-So' leaders needs to take off the blinders. Being someone counted on to make plays on the field, does not make you a leader off it. We can be protective of our own, and we should be! But just because we forgive something doesn't mean it was okay to begin with.

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Not only on the senior class, but a lot of it falls on the defensive coordinator and his 4-2-5 defense.

War Eagle!

I love you buddy! That just cracked me up. (I said I wouldn't respond, and I won't other than this. I had to respond to this though. CLASSIC!)

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Dixie, nobody said that a few seniors haven't made mistakes. They were all dealt with in a disciplinary manner by the appropriate parties, and they were all discussed ad nauseam at the time that they happened and well after

But the OP saying essentially that Auburn- and its entire senior class- deserved to lose this game because of the mistakes of a few, or that the unfortunate plays at the end were a result of selfishness or some other unsavory characteristic that can be attributed to the senior class in general is incredibly narrow minded, simplistic and ignorant. Hopefully that isn't the premise that you are agreeing with. I guess you're not coming back to answer, though.

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