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Football vs. Mental/Physical Health


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Today I almost expired. I already take my BP meds on a daily basis, but they were no match for what I was facing today. My heart first broken when Roc fumbled because I was sure that my beloved Tigers were headed towards a loss that could change the trajectory of not only this season, but seasons to come. Recruits don't typically want to go play at laughing stock U. How has Michigan done since losing to App St.? All these thoughts filled my being, and I just wanted it to stop. Staring utter devastation in the face I knew that losing this game would poison my life...like I wouldn't be able to find joy in the world kind of poison. Having left the Army and now a business owner...how could I face my team? How could I lead them with my heart and pride totally broken?

Then it hit me. Why do I do this to myself every ******* year? Is the high worth the low? Isn't this all about chasing that high? As a guy that knows plenty about addiction....this is what it is. I am addicted to Auburn, and I have been since I moved there in 1985. Thanks a lot Bo Jackson. I've never felt the kind of highs in any other pursuit than I have watching Auburn Football. Unfortunately the lows are just as bad.

So I today I asked myself (not for the first time) why do I do this to myself? I had plans for my day today...those plans are cancelled. My wife is barely speaking to me because I have been far from pleasant. I either need an intervention, or I need to be encouraged that my devotion to this team is worth it. Somebody...anybody...please?

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I'm old and still kicking after watching Auburn play awful far too many times. Cuss and yell all you way during the game. 5 minutes after the game let it go and live for the next game

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