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Bill Clinton / l AG Lynch airport meeting


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David Axelrod tweet - " ...convo in Phoenix didn't touch on probe. But foolish to create such optics."

And yet, they did.


It makes complete sense to view it with suspicion and believe something nefarious was going on.

However it is also entirely possible that it was just a stupid error and nothing of real consequence was discussed.

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David Axelrod tweet - " ...convo in Phoenix didn't touch on probe. But foolish to create such optics."

And yet, they did.


It makes complete sense to view it with suspicion and believe something nefarious was going on.

However it is also entirely possible that it was just a stupid error and nothing of real consequence was discussed.


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David Axelrod tweet - " ...convo in Phoenix didn't touch on probe. But foolish to create such optics."

And yet, they did.


It makes complete sense to view it with suspicion and believe something nefarious was going on.

However it is also entirely possible that it was just a stupid error and nothing of real consequence was discussed.


You know, I've heard the expression my whole life that "I didn't just fall off a turnip truck"...but now I apparently know two people that did.

If one of her prosecutors did the same thing; they would be pilloried and removed from a case and their careers would likely be over. Once Obama endorsed Hillary, all pretenses that this was an "actual" investigation went out the window. This is why we had a special prosecutor law.

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So I was at DOJ today on business and I stopped by the AG office. It's all good. All she wants to do is take everyone's guns away.


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So I was at DOJ today on business and I stopped by the AG office. It's all good. All she wants to do is take everyone's guns away.


I knew it! Now I am glad I have been hoarding ammunition, MRE's, and vacuum-sealed rice.

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David Axelrod tweet - " ...convo in Phoenix didn't touch on probe. But foolish to create such optics."

And yet, they did.


It makes complete sense to view it with suspicion and believe something nefarious was going on.

However it is also entirely possible that it was just a stupid error and nothing of real consequence was discussed.


Extremely unlikely. On the one hand, you have Clinton who has already been impeached and forced to give up his law license. On the other hand you have the active AG. Between those two individuals, how much law schooling do you think there is? No, this wasn't just a dumb "aww shucks" goof up by two very smart and capable people.

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David Axelrod tweet - " ...convo in Phoenix didn't touch on probe. But foolish to create such optics."

And yet, they did.


It makes complete sense to view it with suspicion and believe something nefarious was going on.

However it is also entirely possible that it was just a stupid error and nothing of real consequence was discussed.


You know, I've heard the exp<b></b>ression my whole life that "I didn't just fall off a turnip truck"...but now I apparently know two people that did.

If one of her prosecutors did the same thing; they would be pilloried and removed from a case and their careers would likely be over. Once Obama endorsed Hillary, all pretenses that this was an "actual" investigation went out the window. This is why we had a special prosecutor law.

I lept from the truck cuz I didn't want to hang out with you turnips.

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So I was at DOJ today on business and I stopped by the AG office. It's all good. All she wants to do is take everyone's guns away.


Bill, Bill Clinton, is that you? You going back for more?
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I've notice that the more serious the issue, the quicker the Left are to resort to juvenile remarks, jokes and name calling.

The effort it takes in dealing w/ the true facts of the issue, and the significance of what it really means, escapes them. So the revert back to grade school antics, and hope that shaming, insulting and mocking the adults in the forum, they can " win the day ", as it were.

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Interesting note - I read that the DOJ has filed a motion seeking a 27 month delay in producing correspondence tied to the Clinton Foundation and a public relations firm the Bill helped launch.

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Interesting note - I read that the DOJ has filed a motion seeking a 27 month delay in producing correspondence tied to the Clinton Foundation and a public relations firm the Bill helped launch.


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The disgraced former president who has heart problems just happens to be in Phoenix to play golf in 110 degree weather?

Then he waits for some time at the airport to meet in private with the current AG?

The AG flies in on one jet and meets with Clinton in another jet that she later uses to fly out?.

An AG that has an FBI investigation running that appears to be covering both the activities of Mrs Bill Clinton actions as SoS and the Clinton Foundation that Bill Clinton raises money for and obtains money from.........

It's interesting that the meeting took place one day before the Justice Dept filed a request in court to keep 6000 Clinton Foundation emails held private until Oct 2018.

We have really stupid politicians and bureaucrats or really crooked ones. It's hard to tell the difference......

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The disgraced former president who has heart problems just happens to be in Phoenix to play golf in 110 degree weather?

Then he waits for some time at the airport to meet in private with the current AG?

The AG flies in on one jet and meets with Clinton in another jet that she later uses to fly out?.

An AG that has an FBI investigation running that appears to be covering both the activities of Mrs Bill Clinton actions as SoS and the Clinton Foundation that Bill Clinton raises money for and obtains money from.........

It's interesting that the meeting took place one day before the Justice Dept filed a request in court to keep 6000 Clinton Foundation emails held private until Oct 2018.

We have really stupid politicians and bureaucrats or really crooked ones. It's hard to tell the difference......

The jet switch was one I hadn't heard before.

And even David Axelrod confesses that the " optics " look bad. <_<

Really ? Ya think ?

So, it's not just the pending CRIMINAL investigation the FBI is doing on Hillary and her e-mails, and The Clinton Foundation, but then the over 2 YEAR delay on releasing e-mails they were ordered to reveal next MONTH ?

All that, and these highly qualified, experienced legal minds just forgot to have their V8 that morning,and plumb forgot that meeting in such circumstances, on THAT date, might some how look bad ???

One radio host (Yeah, extreme right-wing hate radio that I listen to ) oddly asked if the local radio station had some assets at the airport, because otherwise we'd have never even known about this meeting at all.

How about some folks who work there recognized Bubba Air was waiting around for A.G air to come in, and simply put 2 and 2 together, and called the local network, thinking it an interesting story.

:o WOW ! Really?

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The disgraced former president who has heart problems just happens to be in Phoenix to play golf in 110 degree weather?

Then he waits for some time at the airport to meet in private with the current AG?

The AG flies in on one jet and meets with Clinton in another jet that she later uses to fly out?.

An AG that has an FBI investigation running that appears to be covering both the activities of Mrs Bill Clinton actions as SoS and the Clinton Foundation that Bill Clinton raises money for and obtains money from.........

It's interesting that the meeting took place one day before the Justice Dept filed a request in court to keep 6000 Clinton Foundation emails held private until Oct 2018.

We have really stupid politicians and bureaucrats or really crooked ones. It's hard to tell the difference......

But it's a dry heat. ;D

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But it's a dry heat. ;D

Is that all you have to say about this ?

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So I was at DOJ today on business and I stopped by the AG office. It's all good. All she wants to do is take everyone's guns away.

Which has what to do w/ the FBI CRIMINAL e-mail i investigation ? You know, the one involving Hillary, who is married to Bill ?

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But it's a dry heat. ;D

Is that all you have to say about this ?

I don't know anything about it, yet.

And it's not my fault you don't have a sense of humor.

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But it's a dry heat. ;D

Is that all you have to say about this ?

I don't know anything about it, yet.

And it's not my fault you don't have a sense of humor.


I got a HELL of sense of humor !

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Some of us think HRC did something stupid, but not criminal. That kinda makes it hard to be outraged that a former president had a meeting with a current attorney general that they made no real effort to conceal.

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Some of us think HRC did something stupid, but not criminal. That kinda makes it hard to be outraged that a former president had a meeting with a current attorney general that they made no real effort to conceal.

She sure did go through a lot of trouble to conceal " something stupid ". But then, you DO know the FBI is conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, not a ' Something stupid ' one ?

And how does her lying and cover up make it hard to be outraged when Bill and A.G. Lynch met, unscheduled and some what covertly ?

They aren't that stupid to think that the timing of their happen chance meeting wouldn't be questioned. They are either supremely arrogant or extremely corrupt and arrogant. Which is it ?

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Some of us think HRC did something stupid, but not criminal. That kinda makes it hard to be outraged that a former president had a meeting with a current attorney general that they made no real effort to conceal.

She sure did go through a lot of trouble to conceal " something stupid ". But then, you DO know the FBI is conducting a CRIMINAL investigation, not a ' Something stupid ' one ?

And how does her lying and cover up make it hard to be outraged when Bill and A.G. Lynch met, unscheduled and some what covertly ?

They aren't that stupid to think that the timing of their happen chance meeting wouldn't be questioned. They are either supremely arrogant or extremely corrupt and arrogant. Which is it ?

They just love to see you worked up.

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They just love to see you worked up.

And they know you're too worthless to even care.

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So I was at DOJ today on business and I stopped by the AG office. It's all good. All she wants to do is take everyone's guns away.

Which has what to do w/ the FBI CRIMINAL e-mail i investigation ? You know, the one involving Hillary, who is married to Bill ?

Get your basement tested for radon gas. That stuff is a killer.
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But it's a dry heat. ;D/>

Is that all you have to say about this ?

I don't know anything about it, yet.

And it's not my fault you don't have a sense of humor.


I got a HELL of sense of humor !

good sarcasm!
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So I was at DOJ today on business and I stopped by the AG office. It's all good. All she wants to do is take everyone's guns away.

Which has what to do w/ the FBI CRIMINAL e-mail i investigation ? You know, the one involving Hillary, who is married to Bill ?

Get your basement tested for radon gas. That stuff is a killer.

Your party is completely and utterly corrupt, and all you care about is making jokes. Says a lot about you

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