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Coach O's Explanation


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After all these years in/around the SEC, he still doesn't understand that UAT doesn't get called for holding. The only interpretation he will get is that he should shut up and allow the officials to push the tide to victory if you keep it tight.

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Dang it!  I clicked that link (stupid me) and then read some of the comments (even stupider me!).  Life is much more pleasant when you stay away from those frickin' morons that comment on those sites!  I don't even visit al.com for that reason; well that along with their hatred of all things AU.

If ole Ed wants to be an SEC coach, he needs to get used to UAT having most of the calls go their way.

I think that coaches should get 1 review per half for instant replay to review for missed penalties....and put on time limit on how long any review can last.

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12 hours ago, milehighfan said:

I may be wrong but I think the only penalty called against the turds was a false start penalty and I believe it came in the fourth quarter.

6 accepted penalties against BAMA as opposed to 3 against LSU. The false start was a "phantom" call at best.

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Saw that photo tweeted out Sunday morning. Unreal.

Bama fans defend it saying even if he hadn't thrown the TD and they had gone on to miss a FG from there they would have won because LSU didn't score any points.

BUT - that's not the point. The point is, it's chronic. It's not just this one still photo providing evidence to all who care to look objectively. It's repeated, play after play, game after game. It's flagrant disregard for the rules for ONE team. They've already been given a pass to amass the most depth of talent I could ever imagine one college team having; it's really harmful to give them this kind of leeway on the playing field.

I believe our current team could beat Bama's 3 or 4 times out of 10 in a fair fight. With the way we've seen their games get called, however, I honestly don't give us much of a chance. I will hold out hope, though.

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1 hour ago, bryanlooney said:

Saw that photo tweeted out Sunday morning. Unreal.

Bama fans defend it saying even if he hadn't thrown the TD and they had gone on to miss a FG from there they would have won because LSU didn't score any points.

BUT - that's not the point. The point is, it's chronic. It's not just this one still photo providing evidence to all who care to look objectively. It's repeated, play after play, game after game. It's flagrant disregard for the rules for ONE team. They've already been given a pass to amass the most depth of talent I could ever imagine one college team having; it's really harmful to give them this kind of leeway on the playing field.

I believe our current team could beat Bama's 3 or 4 times out of 10 in a fair fight. With the way we've seen their games get called, however, I honestly don't give us much of a chance. I will hold out hope, though.

I think back to 2013 and the Kuandjio false start call.  When the Iron Bowl becomes a de-facto playoff game and is on a national stage, showing too much bammer bias in officiating casts poor light on the SEC for the CFB world to see. More than the usual 2:30 CBS games. 

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Ed O has every reason to go to the SEC about the officiating in that game.  Both teams got away with some no-calls and bad calls from what I saw.

But the bottom line is that LSU's defense took two uat turnovers deep in LSU's territory and their offense couldn't score a single point.  Hell, one of the TO's was on LSU's 35 yard line and netted zero points.

Orgeron had 2 weeks to game plan and prepare for this game and they mustered up less than 50 yrds rushing for 4 qtrs?  Steve Ensminger chose to revert right back to Les Miles antiquated offense.  LSU's defense played lights out for 3 quarters, then they let uat eat up over 12 minutes of clock in the 4th quarter?  WTH?

Officiating was questionable to say the least, but LSU failed to score when given multiple opportunities even though they enjoyed excellent field position in the first half and never even got into the red-zone once.




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Gotta say I dont think there's any conspiracy to help out Bama. There were missed calls in their game, but as we know there were missed calls in our game as well.

Rattling off conspiracy theories about our rivals just makes us look weak.

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I didn't see it because I was in the can, or to be more sophisticated, the lourve, (I'm not sure I spelled that correctly and don't much care I did or not) but one poster Saturday night made the comment Gary Danielson said an apparent holding call against the turds should not have been called because it was insignificant. How many times have you seen a holding penalty or any kind of penalty flag thrown on a play that was away from the ball. With that kind of thinking why even pay these people money most of them don't deserve. You can just turn it over to the players and let them police themselves. But, bottom line, Danielson had no business making a statement like that.

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Early on in that game, I felt like the refs were just letting both teams play ball.  I thought the officiating in our game was anti-Auburn.  



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It's not necessarily the number of calls but when they are made/not made.  Missing holding and block in the back on the only TD in the game is significant.  Taking a team out/putting team into field goal position is significant (a la 2015 Iron Bowl).  


The AU/Vandy crew missed 2 facemask calls committed on Eli Stove and multiple holing calls by Vandy on Saturday.  And they missed a few on AU when I knew for sure they would throw a flag but didn't.

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39 minutes ago, penguin149 said:

It's not necessarily the number of calls but when they are made/not made.  Missing holding and block in the back on the only TD in the game is significant.  Taking a team out/putting team into field goal position is significant (a la 2015 Iron Bowl).  


The AU/Vandy crew missed 2 facemask calls committed on Eli Stove and multiple holing calls by Vandy on Saturday.  And they missed a few on AU when I knew for sure they would throw a flag but didn't.

Exactly! That "no call" changed the game dramatically. 

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14 hours ago, milehighfan said:

I didn't see it because I was in the can, or to be more sophisticated, the lourve, (I'm not sure I spelled that correctly and don't much care I did or not) but one poster Saturday night made the comment Gary Danielson said an apparent holding call against the turds should not have been called because it was insignificant. How many times have you seen a holding penalty or any kind of penalty flag thrown on a play that was away from the ball. With that kind of thinking why even pay these people money most of them don't deserve. You can just turn it over to the players and let them police themselves. But, bottom line, Danielson had no business making a statement like that.

At least he didn't go on for 3 quarters about how a fumble shouldn't have been overturned...

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11 hours ago, penguin149 said:

It's not necessarily the number of calls but when they are made/not made.  Missing holding and block in the back on the only TD in the game is significant.  Taking a team out/putting team into field goal position is significant (a la 2015 Iron Bowl).  

It was somewhat significant, but more than likely a FG would have been kicked instead of the TD and uat would have gone right back down there and kicked another FG and won 6-0 anyway.

LSU flat out could not score, even when given excellent field position for the entire 1st half AND benefitting from 2 TO's in positive field position with one TO inside LSU's freaking 35 yr line.  LSU failed to use that 2 weeks to prepare a game plan that wasn't pulled out of Les Miles file cabinet.

12 hours ago, penguin149 said:

The AU/Vandy crew missed 2 facemask calls committed on Eli Stove and multiple holing calls by Vandy on Saturday.  And they missed a few on AU when I knew for sure they would throw a flag but didn't.

Very poor officiating in our game, very poor.>:(

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I just watched SEC Insider. On the play where Holsey makes the pick to seal the win the Vandy OL has grabbed a hold of Marlon Davidson's jersey. I wasn't looking for it, it was right there in plain view. If I  can see it why can't the guy who is getting paid for this very purpose see it?

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22 hours ago, penguin149 said:

It's not necessarily the number of calls but when they are made/not made.  Missing holding and block in the back on the only TD in the game is significant.  Taking a team out/putting team into field goal position is significant (a la 2015 Iron Bowl).  


The AU/Vandy crew missed 2 facemask calls committed on Eli Stove and multiple holing calls by Vandy on Saturday.  And they missed a few on AU when I knew for sure they would throw a flag but didn't.

Could not have said it better myself.

You, my friend, get a Like!

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Is there a way for players to "sell" a holding call to the refs? Similar to flopping in the NBA? Might not be the best comparison because flopping is generally when there is no foul there but the player acts like he was fouled. Is there something Lawson or Monty can do to "sell the call" to the refs while they are actually being held, to maybe attract the ref's eyes to his direction?

Assuming that the ref is actually not looking at the holds but his eyes are elsewhere...now if they are in fact actually seeing it go down and not calling it then that is a whole set of issues in itself. 

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1 hour ago, Tiger said:

Is there a way for players to "sell" a holding call to the refs? Similar to flopping in the NBA? Might not be the best comparison because flopping is generally when there is no foul there but the player acts like he was fouled. Is there something Lawson or Monty can do to "sell the call" to the refs while they are actually being held, to maybe attract the ref's eyes to his direction?

Assuming that the ref is actually not looking at the holds but his eyes are elsewhere...now if they are in fact actually seeing it go down and not calling it then that is a whole set of issues in itself. 

The best thing a player can do is to very politely point out to the ref that a specific thing is happening.  That way, the ref is aware to look for it.

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