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  1. The CU grading is insane. I think they’re trolling or want to ride the hype train. NDSU could very well beat them in Week 1. You have to be a crazy person to schedule them. They’re beaten like 3-4 P5 teams in the past 10 years or so IIRC?
  2. I’ve never understood classification guy. Ok he’s dominated 1A teams. And if he didn’t? lol Nick Marshall played 1A ball. Guess he just got lucky while at Auburn.
  3. Reminds me of KJ and RW so I’ll believe it when I see it.
  4. I’d like to hear an “off the record” reason why CGM quit signing guys. I refuse to believe he’s that incompetent in recruiting. Development and evolving as an offensive coach? Absolutely, but not in recruiting.
  5. Of course they will. They are almost single handily responsible for this mess.
  6. All these corporate sponsorships will be awful. Next they’ll be on the jerseys. I want off this ride.
  7. This video (the VHS tape to be exact) is why I became an Auburn fan. Great times. War Eagle.
  8. I need some National Championship gear. Anyone pick anything up yet?
  9. That’s great to hear. Get those freshman the ball every single game.
  10. Greg Sankey is such an embarrassment. He is one of the architects in destroying college football.
  11. This is awesome! Auburn should be a great golf school. Man, what a way to end a disappointing athletic year. War Eagle!
  12. Looks like we’re all tied up at 2-2-1 at the moment. I’m not able to watch right now.
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