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Is ephebephilia. gaining respect in Hollywood?

DKW 86

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Ten years later, the 'Kids' are definitely not alright

By TODD MCCARTHY, Sun., Jan. 30, 2005, 6:00am PT

PARK CITY, Utah An 11-year-old boy spreads his semen over school lockers and repeats his father's filthy epithets when he blows a shot at tennis; a 16-year-old girl hangs her blood-stained sheet on the clothes line to let her father know she's lost her virginity; a 6- or 7-year-old boy proposes an exchange of bodily fluids in an Internet dialogue that might have given the characters in "Closer" pause; a 15-year-old stud becomes the heartthrob of a community's older women; a 14-year-old girl drugs and binds a man twice her age with the intention of castrating him.


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From the article, about films shown at the Sundance Film Festival:

Whatever the reasons, sex has replaced violence as the new edge this season, at least as far as the independents are concerned. A few examples:

In Noah Baumbach's "The Squid and the Whale," one of the best films in a very mixed-bag dramatic competition this year, a divorced father considers an affair with a student, his older son dithers about whether to bed a "nice" girl or the same, wilder student his father's with, and the 11-ish son reacts to his parents' split by masturbating in the library stacks and marking his territory by smearing the result around school.

In Rebecca Miller's "The Ballad of Jack and Rose," a 16-year-old girl raised alone on an island by her father begins rebelling by abruptly asking a visiting virginal boy to deflower her; when he begs off, she lets that boy's punkish younger brother do the deed, thanking him afterward and then hanging the reddened sheet out to dry for dad's edification.

In Miranda July's deceptively lightweight "Me and You and Everyone We Know," a first-grade-level boy who can barely read manages to type out some simultaneously innocent and outrageous Internet proposals about the possibilities of excrement exchange, while his high school-age brother is the recipient of oral favors from two mid-teen girls who want to know if he can tell the difference between their techniques.

In Melissa Painter's "Steal Me," a 15-year-old boy becomes the Don Juan of a small Montana town, while in Arie Posin's "The Chumscrubber," a high schooler comes on strong to the mother of his girlfriend.

In Mike Binder's "The Upside of Anger," a high school girl flaunts her affair with a much older man in her distraught mother's face.

In Marcos Siega's "Pretty Persuasion," three Beverly Hills high school girls deviously engineer a sexual harassment suit against a teacher by using their sexual wiles.

In Rian Johnson's "Brick," all the high school characters talk and behave like characters out of a Dashiell Hammett novel, with sex entering into the equation just as it would for adults.

On the foreign front, Ziad Doueiri's French picture "Lila Says" centers on a mid-teen girl using sexual power as a significantly older woman might, while Park Chul-soo's new South Korean film "Green Chair" is about the boundary-pushing affair between a 32-year-old woman and a 19-year-old male student, who, under Korean law, is still a minor.

Perhaps most startling is David Slade's "Hard Candy," in which an alarmingly aware 14-year-old girl takes revenge on a man who may or may not have preyed upon underage girls by tying him up and cutting him where it counts. The sexual sophistication of her character, not to mention her wherewithal and cleverness, is way beyond her years.

There may be more examples among the 120-odd features shown at Sundance, but sexual precocity among minors jumped out as the most frequent element found in independent films this year -- more even than such other popular subjects as family dysfunction, political rebellion and ethnic disparities.

Whether this is a sign of something, or merely evidence of young filmmakers' latest notion about a good way to titillate and shock, remains to be seen.

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I'm missing the point here. Are these characters from t.v shows/ movies ? And exactly where is the 'pedophilia' involved ? Underaged kids being vulgar and being sexually active doesn't exactly qualifiy. I believe it has more to do w/ the exploitation of sexually immature children by adults, which is something I really wish wouldn't be even discussed much here at all.

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Maybe the underage aspect of all this sex on film puts a few of us off more than others. I have argued for twelve years or so that Pedophilia will be the next naturalized sin for Hollywood and the Left.

We are no longer allowed to be respectful of immature sexuality. We see film after film after film exploiting it. There is a certain voyeuristic element in some of this. Why do so many films have an under age focus when they are not targeted at an underage audience? Remember these indy films are hardly or at least seldomly seen by anyone but adults. A teenage coming of age schlock movie targeted at a huge teenage Christmas payoff that is one thing. A movie geared for adults at a indy film festival that is based on child sexuality seems inappropriate.

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Not sure what exactly you're point is. Films about young sex have been around for ages. Ever hear of Lolita ? And to be quite frank on the issue, cultural standards have changed some here in the West . Young girls have for centuries been seen as 'desireable' by mature men. Many gilrs of a young age..12-14 ish have been married to older men in days gone by.

Was there a particular movie or several movies that you had in mind ? Again, I think I'm missing the point here. In real life, we have what seems to be an increase in the number of older women bedding younger males. Where was that when I was in H.S. ? ( Only kidding - kinda )

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Not sure what exactly you're point is. Films about  young sex have been around for ages. Ever hear of Lolita ? And to be quite frank on the issue, cultural standards have changed  some here in the West .  Young girls have for centuries been seen as 'desireable' by mature men. Many gilrs of a young age..12-14 ish have been married to older men in days gone by.

Was there a particular movie or several movies that you had in mind ? Again, I think I'm missing the point here. In real life, we have what seems to be an increase in the number of older women bedding younger males. Where was that when I was in H.S. ? ( Only kidding - kinda )


:blink: Do you live in Kentucky? :big:

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I think I may understand . More sex has been injected into the mainstream audience

Desperate Housewives, Nip Tuck, MTV music videos,Orange County, Las Vegas, a ton of movies, etc.... to many to name


Am I in the neighborhood of what you are trying to say?

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You're kinda new here and may not be aware that one of the favorite things for many on this board to do is suggest that things such as the legalization of sodomy and such are the slippery slope that are leading to the imminent legalization of pedophilia.

What has happened here, I'm guessing, is that dkw is trying to tie this article, which even the most casual observer can see has absolutely nothing to do with pedophilia and the film industry, into the whole pedophilia will soon be legalized (or gain acceptance) argument.

Children having sex with children is not pedophilia. Sound like most of the characters involved here are of legal consent age anyway. Especially the ones involving intercourse or the suggestion of it.

DKW, what exactly are you afraid of here? Did I hit the nail on the head with the slippery slope thing? or are you more worried about some deranged pedophile seeing one of these movies and getting his jollies?

Well, I'm off to start a thread about mass murder, incest, serial killers, satan worshippers, cannibals, etc. gaining respect in hollywood. I mean they have made films about these things so the conclusion is too obvious.

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You're kinda new here and may not be aware that one of the favorite things for many on this board to do is suggest that things such as the legalization of sodomy and such are the slippery slope that are leading to the imminent legalization of pedophilia.

What has happened here, I'm guessing, is that dkw is trying to tie this article, which even the most casual observer can see has absolutely nothing to do with pedophilia and the film industry, into the whole pedophilia will soon be legalized (or gain acceptance) argument.

Children having sex with children is not pedophilia. Sound like most of the characters involved here are of legal consent age anyway. Especially the ones involving intercourse or the suggestion of it.

DKW, what exactly are you afraid of here? Did I hit the nail on the head with the slippery slope thing? or are you more worried about some deranged pedophile seeing one of these movies and getting his jollies?

Well, I'm off to start a thread about mass murder, incest, serial killers, satan worshippers, cannibals, etc. gaining respect in hollywood. I mean they have made films about these things so the conclusion is too obvious.


Hmm..I suppose I see the whole 'sex is bad for kids' thing, but I'm of the mindset that you call a dog a dog and a duck a duck, and never confuse the two. Not all deviant sexual behavior leads to or is the result of pedophelia.

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Yeah, in a perfect world we would all wait until marriage before doing the wild thing. I personally would not not watch any of the movies listed here. However, I do not choose to draw ridiculous conclusions about the article just because I don't approve of the subject matter.

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What has happened here, I'm guessing, is that dkw is trying to tie this article, which even the most casual observer can see has absolutely nothing to do with pedophilia and the film industry,  :blink: into the whole pedophilia will soon be legalized (or gain acceptance) argument.

Children having sex with children is not pedophilia. Sound like most of the characters involved here are of legal consent age anyway. Especially the ones involving intercourse or the suggestion of it.

Well, I'm off to start a thread about mass murder, incest, serial killers, satan worshippers, cannibals, etc. gaining respect in hollywood. I mean they have made films about these things so the conclusion is too obvious. :blink:


a divorced father considers an affair with a student... and the 11-ish son reacts to his parents' split by masturbating in the library stacks and marking his territory by smearing the result around school.


In Melissa Painter's "Steal Me," a 15-year-old boy becomes the Don Juan of a small Montana town, while in Arie Posin's "The Chumscrubber," a high schooler comes on strong to the mother of his girlfriend.

In Mike Binder's "The Upside of Anger," a high school girl flaunts her affair with a much older man in her distraught mother's face.

Perhaps most startling is David Slade's "Hard Candy," in which an alarmingly aware 14-year-old girl ... The sexual sophistication of her character...is way beyond her years.

There may be more examples among the 120-odd features shown at Sundance, but sexual precocity among minors jumped out as the most frequent element found in independent films this year -- more even than such other popular subjects as family dysfunction, political rebellion and ethnic disparities.

I consider pedophilia to be defined as sex between an adult (>17) and a minor (<17). Some of you seem to define it as only dealing with infants and kids under 12. High school age kids having sex with those in their thirties is just sick IMHO, unless you live in KY. :big: I want to point out, is there not something else to do a movie about? Are we so devoid of ideas that we MUST make movies about sex between teens and adults? The last line listed it as the most popular topic at Sundance with the artsy crowd.

I am amazed that Hollywood refuses to see the reality here about making GOOD films. Passion of Christ made "Worldwide Gross $609,490,164" Link

The Top 20 Movies all time are basically GOOD movies Link So why make movies like this other than to promote an agenda?

Look, I am dealing with kids everyday that think they need to grow up at age 13-15. I say let them be kids! The idea that watching movies with teens portrayed as nothing but sex objects, and watching an 11 year old masturbate :blink: and you guys dont think this is a problem?

Why dont you go put your old "stained" tape of "Summer of 42" back in the vcr and relive all your childish little fantasies. Or maybe you would like to come work with my Youth Group and see the real damage that schlock like this does to kids.

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Technically, pedophilia is sexual activity between an adult and a pre-pubescent child. Sexual activity with a minor-aged teen and an adult is ephebephilia.

I do agree though that more and more films seem to be overly fascinated with the sexuality of children, pre-teens or young teens. Don't understand what they deal with that is unless they are pushing some kind of agenda. Like they are trying to desensitize the culture to it.

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Technically, pedophilia is sexual activity between an adult and a pre-pubescent child.  Sexual activity with a minor-aged teen and an adult is ephebephilia.

I do agree though that more and more films seem to be overly fascinated with the sexuality of children, pre-teens or young teens.  Don't understand what they deal with that is unless they are pushing some kind of agenda. Like they are trying to desensitize the culture to it.


I guess you missed/ forgot about that PBS story about the kids in fashionable ROCKDALE Co, just east of Atlanta. The show focused mainly on a group of girls, 12- 15 ish yr olds who would, among other things, watch porno movies and then act out the scenes w/ as many boys as they could find. This show aired a few yrs ago, so it seems they're desensitized already.

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Technically, pedophilia is sexual activity between an adult and a pre-pubescent child.  Sexual activity with a minor-aged teen and an adult is ephebephilia.

I do agree though that more and more films seem to be overly fascinated with the sexuality of children, pre-teens or young teens.  Don't understand what they deal with that is unless they are pushing some kind of agenda.  Like they are trying to desensitize the culture to it.


Desensitize? I knew PLENTY of people who were screwing like bunnies well before high school, 25 years ago. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of them :lol: .

Sexually active teens and pre teens have always been around and will always be in today's world. Some people simply have much higher sex drives than others, and some kick in at a very early age. Some are just good lucking and people are always throwing it at them and they can't resist, or whatever.

Hollywood makes a film about a serial killer and no one says boo because it is part of the real world they are portraying. Same deal here but you guys are back beating this dead freaking horse about the coming of legalized pedophilia.

If you want to find a good cause why not look into and discuss the fact that as a society we are CONSTANTLY bombarded with HIGHLY sexual images in an effort to seperate us from our money. This has got to have an extremely negative effect on the sexual and spiritual well being of many young and old people alike. Why do I get the feeling that the first product ever packaged for sale had a girl in a bikini on the front?

How about how company's like walt disney package some of their young music and entertainment acts in very sexual ways. When I was in Atl. there was an article in the paper on one of disney's new all girl bands, can't remember their name. They all looked around 13 or so and were dressed like whores w/ two of the girls in a pose that was highly suggestive of lesbianity.

Desensitize, that is funny. I taught school for one year in 96 and let me tell you, you would be in for a real slap in the face if you did the same. These films at art festivals like this are not out to make big money. They are usually out to tell a story or make a point. In this case it is a very accurate one.

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DKW, sorry I was a bit of an ass in my response to your posts. You deserve more respect than that for the things you do with this board. Your statements shouldn't have bothered me, but they did. Peace out :lol: .

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Gaining respect? Don't think so. One of the most acclaimed films from last year was Mystic River. If you haven't seen it, one of the main characters had had his life ruined from being molested as a child. He never got over it. Years later he catches a middle-aged man with a boy and he kills him in a rage. There was no sympathy or respect for pedophilia in that film.

I guess now it was several years ago, but remember those wild almost-anything-goes boys Aerosmith? Had a hit with "Janie got a gun." A girl kills her molesting father.

I think the conclusion that Hollywood "respects" pedophilia or ephephilia is a real stretch.

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Fortune Magazine Reviews of movies

It seems that the real idiocy here why do people make movies that apparently few want to see? Want to entertain? Make G Rated movies!!!

That's right, kids. One Hollywood maxim is becoming increasingly clear with every passing holiday season. No matter how you slice the movie business—by star vehicles, by budget levels, by sequels or franchises—by far the best return on investment comes from the not-so-glamorous world of G-rated films.
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if hollywood's point is to desensitize us to youth sexual activity they dang well picked the wrong forum. sundance is a film festival. that means most of the films are indie films looking for large distribution. most of them never get that distribution. so if you're trying to impact the masses, an indie film fest is a bad place to start. it'd be like trying to win an election by talking to non-registered voters first and hoping they spread the word.

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I agree to a point. BUt Indies are usually leading edge in trends in movies. Blair Witch Project, etc.

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I agree to a point. BUt Indies are usually leading edge in trends in movies. Blair Witch Project, etc.


What trend did the Blair Witch Project start?

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