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How the far Left sees the WTC victims....


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Colorado U. Prof Ward Churchill equated the victims in the WTC attacks as being lil' Eichmanns. Here is a short bio on Adolf Eichmann.

SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Karl Adolf Eichmann (1906-1962) was head of the Department for Jewish Affairs in the Gestapo from 1941 to 1945 and was chief of operations in the deportation of three million Jews to extermination camps. He joined the Austrian Nazi party in 1932 and later became a member of the SS. In 1934 he served as an SS corporal in the Dachau concentration camp. That same year he joined the SD and attracted the attention of Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich. By 1935 Eichmann was already working in the Jewish section, where he was investigating possible "solutions to the Jewish question." He was even sent to Palestine to discuss the viability of large scale immigration to the Middle East with Arab leaders. British authorities, however, forced him to leave. With the takeover of Austria in March 1938, Eichmann was sent to Vienna to promote Jewish emigration. He set up the Zentralstelle fuer juedische Auswanderung
, which was so successful that similar offices were soon established in Prague and Berlin. In 1939 Eichmann returned to Berlin, where he assumed the directorship of Section IV B4, Jewish affairs and evacuation, in the Reich Security Main Office.  It was Eichmann who organized the Wannsee Conference of January 1942, which focused on issues related to the "final solution of the Jewish question." From this point Eichmann assumed the leading role in the deportation of European Jews to the death camps, as well as in the plunder of their property. At the end of the war, Eichmann was arrested and confined to an American internment camp, but he was able to escape unrecognized. He fled to Argentina and lived under the assumed name of Ricardo Klement for ten years until Israeli Mossad agents abducted him in 1960 to stand trial in Jerusalem. The controversial and highly publicized trial lasted from April 2 to August 14, 1961. Eichmann was sentenced to death and executed in Ramleh Prison on May 31, 1962.  (Text courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives)

What follows are just a few photos of those from the WTC who died on Sept.11, 2001.

000%5C000%5C007%5C85344808.jpg Lorraine D. Antigua

000%5C000%5C007%5C76957861.jpg Luke A. Dudek


Jean A. Andrucki

000%5C000%5C007%5C32923097.jpg Tonyell McDay

000%5C000%5C007%5C68240311.jpg Martin S. Niederer

000%5C000%5C007%5C35217806.jpg Hagay Shefi

000%5C000%5C007%5C76309016.jpg Marlyn C. Garcia

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What, no witty or cute retorts by the liberals ? This might be the 1st time the Libs were rendered speechless.


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What, no witty or cute retorts by the liberals ?  This might be the 1st time the Libs were rendered speechless.



It's at least the third post on the exact same subject in just a few days. Its one lone idiot you'd never even heard of before and you want to say it somehow characterizes the left. It fits your fantasy that everyone who ever disagrees with you hates America. But I haven't heard anyone agree with the guy yet, here or anywhere else. Sorry to disappoint.

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What, no witty or cute retorts by the liberals ?  This might be the 1st time the Libs were rendered speechless.



It's at least the third post on the exact same subject in just a few days. Its one lone idiot you'd never even heard of before and you want to say it somehow characterizes the left. It fits your fantasy that everyone who ever disagrees with you hates America. But I haven't heard anyone agree with the guy yet, here or anywhere else. Sorry to disappoint.


You haven't seen on the news where people are cheering at what he says?

Also why is it not ok for AURaptor to assume the left's position, but it's ok for you to assume that everyone that disagrees with AURaptor, he considers unAmerican?

I know, you'll have a point and reason to your post.

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What, no witty or cute retorts by the liberals ?  This might be the 1st time the Libs were rendered speechless.



It's at least the third post on the exact same subject in just a few days. Its one lone idiot you'd never even heard of before and you want to say it somehow characterizes the left. It fits your fantasy that everyone who ever disagrees with you hates America. But I haven't heard anyone agree with the guy yet, here or anywhere else. Sorry to disappoint.


A simple renouncing of this clown's views and ANY attempt to seperate his views from those the Left are trying to promote as their own would suffice. However, as Auburn85 pointed out, the news has shown noisy supporters for this *fraud do exists, and adding that to the deafening silence here on the board......makes one go 'hmmmm'.

Lets go over something else you said. Anyone who disagrees w/ me hates America. Ward Churchill says those who died in the WTC were like little Eichmanns. I disagree w/ that view point. W.C. clearly hates America. I do not hate America. I began this thread to show the absurdity of W.C.'s claims. It wasn't the exact same subject that has been posted on here 3 times already. But I digress. The point of all is....do you agree w/ W.C., and hate America, or do you agree w/ me ? It's just that simple. Really.

*There is every indication from all the news sources I've seen that this guy is not , as he claims to be, of native indian lineage. While he might not lose his position on the grounds of any free speech issue, his impersonating issues just might come back to do him in.

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There has got to be a movie in this story somewhere. Where is Michael Moore when you neeed him? :D

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What, no witty or cute retorts by the liberals ?  This might be the 1st time the Libs were rendered speechless.



It's at least the third post on the exact same subject in just a few days. Its one lone idiot you'd never even heard of before and you want to say it somehow characterizes the left. It fits your fantasy that everyone who ever disagrees with you hates America. But I haven't heard anyone agree with the guy yet, here or anywhere else. Sorry to disappoint.


A simple renouncing of this clown's views and ANY attempt to seperate his views from those the Left are trying to promote as their own would suffice. ...the deafening silence here on the board......makes one go 'hmmmm'.


Then read this thread:


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What, no witty or cute retorts by the liberals ?  This might be the 1st time the Libs were rendered speechless.



It's at least the third post on the exact same subject in just a few days. Its one lone idiot you'd never even heard of before and you want to say it somehow characterizes the left. It fits your fantasy that everyone who ever disagrees with you hates America. But I haven't heard anyone agree with the guy yet, here or anywhere else. Sorry to disappoint.


A simple renouncing of this clown's views and ANY attempt to seperate his views from those the Left are trying to promote as their own would suffice. ...the deafening silence here on the board......makes one go 'hmmmm'.


Then read this thread:



Yeah, so ?

Ward Churchill ,aka:*Tonto, came out and reiterated his comments and said he won't back down. I decided to post a thread as to the issue of who Eichmann was and compare that to who died in the WTC. I'd guess that most folks who hear the name of 'Eichmann' have to be told he was a NAZI, then probably think.." Oh, yeah. Eichmann. NAZI. Bad guy. Ok...got it" , and then don't think much else. I think it's important to get a bit more specific when such matters arise, so that one can have a better understanding of what exactly it is they're talking about. Thus, this post

* Tonto is a ficticious Indian character from the t.v. show -The Lone Ranger. A t.v. show likely created by a bunch of white guys. Since W.C. has yet to verify that he's an Native Indian, and is likely just another white guy, I'll refer to him from now on as Tonto.

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What, no witty or cute retorts by the liberals ?  This might be the 1st time the Libs were rendered speechless.



It's at least the third post on the exact same subject in just a few days. Its one lone idiot you'd never even heard of before and you want to say it somehow characterizes the left. It fits your fantasy that everyone who ever disagrees with you hates America. But I haven't heard anyone agree with the guy yet, here or anywhere else. Sorry to disappoint.


A simple renouncing of this clown's views and ANY attempt to seperate his views from those the Left are trying to promote as their own would suffice. ...the deafening silence here on the board......makes one go 'hmmmm'.


Then read this thread:



Yeah, so ?

Ward Churchill ,aka:*Tonto, came out and reiterated his comments and said he won't back down. I decided to post a thread as to the issue of who Eichmann was and compare that to who died in the WTC. I'd guess that most folks who hear the name of 'Eichmann' have to be told he was a NAZI, then probably think.." Oh, yeah. Eichmann. NAZI. Bad guy. Ok...got it" , and then don't think much else. I think it's important to get a bit more specific when such matters arise, so that one can have a better understanding of what exactly it is they're talking about. Thus, this post

* Tonto is a ficticious Indian character from the t.v. show -The Lone Ranger. A t.v. show likely created by a bunch of white guys. Since W.C. has yet to verify that he's an Native Indian, and is likely just another white guy, I'll refer to him from now on as Tonto.


If the purpose of your post was educational, fine. I didn't jump in and say "why you posting this again?" You were trying to draw some conclusion from the fact that folks were not responding to your post, the third on the topic, even if it added something. You wondered why someone wouldn't at least renounce it. Piglet and I did, we exchanged some civil replies and you said this to Piglet:

While I think we agree on what this clown is, I'd not have put it quite so eloquently.

Consider the guy renounced.

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Wendy, I'm withholding her last name, who lives in Michigan, wrote me an e-mail Wednesday night, saying:

"O'Reilly, out of all the hate groups in America, you go after Ward Churchill (search) who speaks the truth. Have you read the real history of the USA? Attacks on this country, verbal or violent, are the results of hundreds of years of not minding our manners."

Now as we mentioned Wednesday, about 10 percent of Americans feel the way this woman does, that's 30 million people. The question, how do you handle these folks? In your personal life you should walk away. Don't bother trying to convince Wendy of anything. There's no way anyone is going to change their point of view because it's irrational. Stay away from irrational people. It's always good advice.

But statements from anti-American people should be confronted in the arena of ideas. Anyone thinks the USA is a bad country should be directed to cemeteries all over Europe, all over the Pacific Islands and memorials in South Korea and scores of other countries attesting to the fact that brave Americans died defending people from terrible villains. That's real history.

No country on this planet has freed more human beings than the USA. That's real history. America is not a perfect place, but it is a place that respects human life and freedom.

Let's take Vietnam, for example. Extremists like Jane Fonda (search) and Ward Churchill condemned U.S. action there, but when I visited in 1992, scores of South Vietnamese came up to me saying how much they despised the communist government.

And indeed, almost a million Vietnamese were put into concentration camps after the U.S. left. And two million people were murdered by the communist government in neighboring Cambodia.

America was in Vietnam to prevent the spread of communism, which is a brutal form of government. Right now, the USA is facing another brutal evil, terrorism. And people like Wendy and Churchill are rooting for the terrorists. There's something morally wrong with that position. So again, it must be confronted and condemned by loyal Americans.

One more thing, Craig Silverman in Denver sent us a newspaper article dated January 18, 1987. In that article, The Denver Post says that Ward Churchill taught the Weathermen terrorist group how to make bombs and how to fire weapons, which those people did in the late 1960's.

If that's true, Churchill has even more problems and the FBI should step up its investigation. Hating your country is one thing. Training people to kill Americans is quite something else.

We're a tolerant society here, but some things cannot be tolerated.

And that's The Memo.

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

The United Nations (search) is often ridiculous and here's more proof.

The U.N. has a Human Rights Commission and the countries of Cuba and Zimbabwe are on it. So is Saudi Arabia. Now this may be a bit confusing for those in Castro's political prisons and for those who have their property seized by Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Also, the women of Saudi Arabia who pretty much can't do anything might be a little perplexed by the U.N. Human Rights Commission.

But we're not. We know it's ridiculous.


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