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Mike Flynn Offers to Testify in Exchange for Immunity


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Mike Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, has told the Federal Bureau of Investigation and congressional officials investigating the Trump campaign’s potential ties to Russia that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for a grant of immunity from prosecution, according to officials with knowledge of the matter.


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3 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Good for him


Mike's a good guy. 

Who is shopping for an immunity deal.

Why does one do that?

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2 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Trump and his people can't like the sound of that.

Unless they're behind it. 

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29 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Trump and his people can't like the sound of that.

The immunity request is basically requesting a plea deal. Not good for Team Trump. Bad. Really bad...

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37 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

The immunity request is basically requesting a plea deal. Not good for Team Trump. Bad. Really bad...

Or not. 

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3 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Or not. 

Hurr durr 10D chess.

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11 hours ago, AUUSN said:

Who is shopping for an immunity deal.

Why does one do that?

Well according to Flynn himself, asking for immunity means you've done something illegal. 

Words sure are coming back to bite people.

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12 hours ago, Bigbens42 said:

The immunity request is basically requesting a plea deal. Not good for Team Trump. Bad. Really bad...


More importantly, it means he has something to offer that would be more important to prosecutors than whatever he is seeking immunity from.  He appears to be very interested in not being the only one without a chair when the music stops.

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 It's funny to sit here and watch some try to compare this to Hillary's crimes. What exactly is it that he was supposed to have done? No one is really sure, but they damn well know he did something ! :roflol: 

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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

 It's funny to sit here and watch some try to compare this to Hillary's crimes. What exactly is it that he was supposed to have done? No one is really sure, but they damn well know he did something ! :roflol: 

HRC didn't ask for immunity and Obama didn't give it despite the threats of the incoming President. She didn't want it. Flynn does. He knows what he did and fears being locked up.

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And here's Trump in late September: “The reason they get immunity is because they did something wrong. If they didn't do anything wrong, they don't think in terms of immunity. Five people. Folks, I'm telling you: Nobody's seen anything like this in our country's history.”



Let's not forget Spicer.


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2 hours ago, Strychnine said:

More importantly, it means he has something to offer that would be more important to prosecutors than whatever he is seeking immunity from.  He appears to be very interested in not being the only one without a chair when the music stops.

THIS ^^^  The point many people are missing here is that government officials won't give Flynn immunity unless there is a bigger fish to catch.  Flynn is one of the only high-ranking people to be a part of the Trump team from beginning to the White House.  And as the NSA, he only answered to one person: POTUS.  If he has the goods on POTUS, then he will absolutely get immunity.

And to those who think the Republican party won't go along with an investigation, go back and watch Rubio's reaction yesterday when he was told that Russians targeted him during the primary season.  The establishment R's, especially in the Senate, will likely not turn a blind eye to this.

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Perhaps he will sing like bird and it will be music to our ears. At long last we will know what Trump and the Ruskies did to steal the election. Auburn will win the National Championship and all will be right with the world.

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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

 It's funny to sit here and watch some try to compare this to Hillary's crimes. What exactly is it that he was supposed to have done? No one is really sure, but they damn well know he did something ! :roflol: 

What crimes Rapture?

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1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told

A former FBI agent testified that President Donald Trump helped spread fake news by embracing the stories against his opponents.

Senate intelligence committee leaders have received reports that Russia hired at least 1,000 trolls to spread fake news stories to hurt Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton during the presidential election.

“What really concerns me [are reports] there were upwards of 1,000 paid internet trolls working out of a facility in Russia, in effect taking over a series of computers which are then called botnets that can generate news down to specific areas,” said Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He appeared Wednesday with GOP intel chair Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) at a press conference before committee hearings began.

The revelations reflect the results of a Huffington Post investigation this month, which found Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had faced a “tsunami” of misinformation during his presidential campaign.

Warner said in the latest case, the paid trolls apparently focused on swing states in an attempt to influence votes there — Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — where people were “reading during the waning days of the election that “‘Clinton is sick,’ or ‘Clinton is taking money from whoever for some source’ … fake news.”

Warner said it’s crucial that investigators determine if voting results were actually affected. Each of the three states narrowly fell to Trump. 

“An outside foreign adversary effectively sought to hijack the most critical democratic process, the election of a president, and in that process, decided to favor one candidate over another,” Warner said. 

Burr said that he and Warner were committed to getting to the bottom of Russian interference in the election. He accused Russia of blatant attempts to also impact elections in Germany and France. “We feel part of our responsibility is to educate the rest of the world,” he said.

By the end of the first day of hearings Thursday, no one had yet testified about the 1,000 trolls, but the investigation is just beginning.

Former FBI agent Clint Watts, now a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, testified that Russian attempts to influence the election started before the party nominees were chosen. Trump’s GOP presidential rival Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) appeared to be a particular target, he said.

“Through the end of 2015 and the start of 2016, the Russian-influenced system began to push themes and messages seeking to influence the result of the presidential election,” Watts said.

“Russian overt media outlets and covert trolls sought to sideline opponents on both sides of the political spectrum with adverse views towards the Kremlin,” he added. “They were in full swing during both the Republican and Democratic primary season, and may have helped sink the hopes of candidates more hostile to Russian interests long before the field narrowed.”

Watts said more details about the targeting of Rubio would be included in his written report to the committee.

He also testified that Trump helped spread fake news by embracing the stories that served the Russian agenda against his opponents. 

Watts told the committee to “follow the dead bodies” to learn more, referring to several Russians connected to Kremlin fake news who have died in the past few months.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday dismissed allegations of Kremlin interference in the U.S. elections as “fictional, illusory, provocations and lies.”


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