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So....What Did YOU Do on BYE SATURDAY?


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Hello, AUFamily!  What we mostly know of each other is that we all love Auburn with passion that comes in many forms.  :Sing:

But we really don't know much else about each other except for a few private connections here and there.  Sometimes knowing a little more about each other helps us understand where each is coming from. You also never know whom you can help/be helped by just in knowing a bit here and there.

For example, it really touches my heart to read of Selias' volunteering time at the local food bank, 3rdgen's family legacy, and bigbird's present job, serving under a passionless coach, which makes Auburn's present understandably even less tolerable for him...getting it from all directions.

Keep it short, make it long, or remain "virtually anonymous" if you wish, but please bypass any rainy remarks.  Let's keep at least ONE thread "steroidally sunshiny"--because this is one thread that can afford to be.  It's YOUR story!

What did I do today?  Well, it's raining where I live...so having dealt with nearly 1,000 hyped up K-2's during "RED RIBBON WEEK" (dress up every day, egad, and still manage to teach?), I grabbed hot tea, a blanket, and read through my favorite lead worshiper's (King David's) life in 1st and 2nd Kings.  I then got the November worship set ready and took time to practice the keys.  I'm a pastor's wife who is now serving as interim worship leader of the contemporary nondenominational WellSpring we planted by faith and prayer 11 years ago, and it's helping to take time to refuel in this season of our growth.  We have recently purchased seven acres behind the tower that says "RESURRECTION" straddling two central AL counties and are paying it off with hopes to build after that.

Our kitten, recovering from "that" surgery, happily kept me company, and we'll have a movie night when my husband returns from prepping for tomorrow.  Our "senior-at-Faulkner" daughter's on her way home from work at Lifeway in Montgomery and our son is happily enjoying his Saturday as an AU first-quarter freshman.  He went as Jake from State Farm to an ACF gathering last night.  Life is good...and honestly, less stress-free today.  


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Spent most of it cursing my new window 10 computer trying to move files and deal with the "jewels" on the screen instead of the comfortable little icons on my windows 7.   

Got enough of it sorted out that I could at least get back on this forum. 

And browsed back an forth looking for a competitive ball game....did not take long to abandon the cocktail party...so did not  have much interest elsewhere except watching Louisville go down to Wake Forest. 

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Tora, In all my years on here, even before it was Aufamily, I can truly say that I enjoy your comments very much. I too am a minister, having been active in that capacity for 43 years. I hope that my plain spoken way of expressing myself on here at times, doesn't cause anyone to think that I am not committed to that confession. I try to tell it like it is.

So , that is a little about my life. As far as this day is concerned, I have conducted a service for our dear veterans, at the State Veterans Home. We had about 30 of them in attendance. We sang congregational hymns, played some Bluegrass Gospel music with dobro and guitar, and a young man from our church preached. We had a great time. 

I watched the OSU and PSU game, hoping that PSU would win. There has been absolutely no frustration watching football today. I have actually enjoyed it without being aggravated at incompetence. LOL :flag: Isn't this a great country? Thank God for America and a wonderful day!

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2 minutes ago, musicitytiger said:

Took my son hunting, still trying for his first deer

He will always remember this!  Let us know when he scores!

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10 minutes ago, around4ever said:

Threw up half the night and morning.  Watched it rain this morning.  Been a bum laying on the sofa watching football all day. 

Bless your heart!  I sure do hope you feel better soon.  I think you have the recipe for healing down pat.  Hang in there!

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Wrestled with my 2 year son and 9 month old daughter while my wife taught clinicals at the hospital. We enjoyed word party on Netflix and I baked some cookies . My typical Saturday 

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14 minutes ago, AU64 said:

Spent most of it cursing my new window 10 computer trying to move files and deal with the "jewels" on the screen instead of the comfortable little icons on my windows 7.   

Got enough of it sorted out that I could at least get back on this forum. 

And browsed back an forth looking for a competitive ball game....did not take long to abandon the cocktail party...so did not  have much interest elsewhere except watching Louisville go down to Wake Forest. 

I hate technology change.  Seriously.  Why mess with a good thing...right when we learn it!  WAKE FOREST!!  Wowwwww....

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20 minutes ago, casatiger said:

Watched the 2nd half of the LSU game 13 times. Is that Ok? 

Yeah.  I think we're all dealing with that in our own ways...

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1 minute ago, JDUBB4AU said:

Wrestled with my 2 year son and 9 month old daughter while my wife taught clinicals at the hospital. We enjoyed word party on Netflix and I baked some cookies . My typical Saturday 

They grow up so fast.  These are fun ages.  Kudos to your wife and to you for helping her be free to serve today.  Impressive on the cooking, too.  I am a terrible baker.

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1 minute ago, ToraGirl said:

Bless your heart!  I sure do hope you feel better soon.  I think you have the recipe for healing down pat.  Hang in there!

I feel much better already. Thanks.  

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1 minute ago, ToraGirl said:

I hate technology change.  Seriously.  Why mess with a good thing...right when we learn it!  WAKE FOREST!!  Wowwwww....

WF ran up about 600 yards on Louisville.....wild game with each team scoring a TD in the last minute...  We have a rooting interest in WF that goes way back.....

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5 minutes ago, Farmer Brown said:

Tora, In all my years on here, even before it was Aufamily, I can truly say that I enjoy your comments very much. I too am a minister, having been active in that capacity for 43 years. I hope that my plain spoken way of expressing myself on here at times, doesn't cause anyone to think that I am not committed to that confession. I try to tell it like it is.

So , that is a little about my life. As far as this day is concerned, I have conducted a service for our dear veterans, at the State Veterans Home. We had about 30 of them in attendance. We sang congregational hymns, played some Bluegrass Gospel music with dobro and guitar, and a young man from our church preached. We had a great time. 

I watched the OSU and PSU game, hoping that PSU would win. There has been absolutely no frustration watching football today. I have actually enjoyed it without being aggravated at incompetence. LOL :flag: Isn't this a great country? Thank God for America and a wonderful day!

Incompetence is the key nerve that is striking right now.  We all don't know how to process it sometimes!  I know the veterans were so blessed today.  Love bluegrass...that's where my harmonies developed.  Keep serving in His strength...you continue to make a difference.

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2 minutes ago, Barnacle said:

Made some smoked chili...about to reap the fruit of my labor in about 15 minutes...

Meanwhile, flipping channels between game and babysitting my 2 year old niece :hellyeah:

That is all kinds of impressive.  My only brother lives in Japan, and our two never really had the "uncle" experience...but when we do get together, it's great.  You are making her parents very happy.  Thank you!  

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25 minutes ago, bigbird said:

Worked around the house and have settled in to watch the Astros

Lots of teams to root for in Texas...you have a good one.  Hope they do well tonight.

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1 minute ago, ToraGirl said:

That is all kinds of impressive.  My only brother lives in Japan, and our two never really had the "uncle" experience...but when we do get together, it's great.  You are making her parents very happy.  Thank you!  

Does he post here sometimes?

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3 minutes ago, ToraGirl said:

They grow up so fast.  These are fun ages.  Kudos to your wife and to you for helping her be free to serve today.  Impressive on the cooking, too.  I am a terrible baker.

I’m very comfortable in the kitchen. I have burned a lot of stuff to get to where I am . It’s a passion of mine . My son made it a point to tell me ten times he wanted cookies 

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I oddly enjoy an off week because I don’t have to be nervous about how Auburn will do this week. I enjoy casually watching different games where I pull for a team but have no emotional attachment. It really is ridiculous how much I stress over auburn football.?

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Woke up at ten.  Thought about getting a head start on end of semester projects.  Watched 11 o'clock slate of games...thought about getting a head start on studying for an exam next week...grilled out with buddies and watched the 2:30 games...thought about how unproductive I'm being on what should be a productive Saturday...currently calming my regret with Johnnie Walker and a few friends lol.  War Damn Eagle to those actually making something of the off day!

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Spent this rainy day by going by the church "flea market", making a phone call to my 86 year old dad who still wishes he could make it to Auburn games, checking in on the mother-in-law, and watching football the rest of the afternoon with the hubby. This past week, I also dealt with crazy kindergartners dressing up for Red Ribbon Week and getting my observation during the middle of it. Yay. So, this nice rainy bye week was very much needed. Thanks for asking. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, y'all, and show your appreciation for the blessings you have. War Eagle, friends!!!

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Celebrated my mother-in-law's 76th birthday.  She was diagnosed with stage IV cancer about ten years ago.  Her one simple prayer was that she wanted to see her grandchildren grow up.  Her three year old great-granddaughter led the singing of "Happy Birthday" tonight.  She is an incredible inspiration, sickness doesn't have to be (all) doom and gloom.  God is good, even when we can't see it.

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